After changing to the ruthless way, the brothers cried and begged for forgiveness chapter 31

Chapter 31: The Unlucky Seven

This novel is translated and hosted on BCatranslation

With a sharp crack, the sound of a slap sliced through the quiet of the grassy field, instantly silencing everyone present.

Zhang Jun shook his hand, which tingled slightly from the impact, his expression one of disdain. “Thick-skinned bastard.”

It took a moment for the man on the receiving end of the slap to realize what had happened. He had tried to strike Zhang Jun but ended up being struck himself. Anger and shame warred on his face, soon overtaken by a palpable fear.

In the cutthroat world of cultivation, only the clever and strong prevail. Zhang Jun’s sudden slap was a clear demonstration of their disparity in power—a lesser cultivator could have lost his head in such an encounter.

Someone had to defuse the escalating tension.

“Kui Zi, apologize to the seniors!” commanded one of Kui Zi’s companions, his voice sharp and his demeanor slightly effeminate.

Rubbing his reddening cheek, Kui Zi quickly complied, his voice low and remorseful. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have underestimated you. I deserve what I got.”

Zhang Jun rolled his eyes. While Kui Zi’s apology seemed genuine, letting them off without further consequence left Zhang feeling somewhat unsatisfied. Nevertheless, he dismissed them with a wave. “Get lost. Don’t let me see you again.”

“Yes, yes,” Kui Zi replied, bowing deeply. He and his group retreated hastily, their heads bowed in respect.

With the troublemakers gone, Zhang Jun turned back to his own group, Zhou Jin Yue and Yu Zhao, who had been observing silently.

Once the others were out of earshot, Zhou Jin Yue clapped Zhang Jun on the shoulder. “Well done.”

As disciples of the Five Elements Sect, they were taught never to bully the weak but to stand strong against aggression. The conflict had been resolved without unnecessary cruelty; they had maintained their honor.

Zhang Jun responded with a wide grin.

Zhou Jin Yue then addressed Yu Zhao, her tone serious but encouraging. “Junior Sister Yu Zhao, remember this: do not hesitate in similar situations. These types only respect strength. Show weakness, and they’ll exploit it relentlessly.”

Having witnessed her share of bullying during missions, Zhou Jin Yue knew the dangers of appearing too gentle. Yu Zhao, who was supposedly still new to missions outside their sect, nodded in understanding, her expression grave.

“Senior Sister Jin Yue, I understand.” Yu Zhao’s thoughts, however, were darker than her serene exterior suggested. She considered Zhou Jin Yue and Zhang Jun’s response too lenient. The men they had encountered exuded malice, likely guilty of numerous atrocities. In Yu Zhao’s eyes, such villains deserved merciless justice.

Oblivious to her junior sister’s severe judgment, Zhou Jin Yue used their sect’s unique communication technique to ensure the safety of their scattered fellow disciples. Once reassured, she led Yu Zhao and Zhang Jun onward in their quest to find the elusive Seven-Colored Stag.

Meanwhile, Kui Zi and his defeated companions regrouped, nursing their wounds both physical and prideful.

Kui Zi, spitting out a mouthful of blood, cursed under his breath. “Those three must be from a major sect. Young but formidable. Just our rotten luck to cross paths with them.”

The others agreed, their voices bitter. In the ruthless hierarchy of cultivators, they were near the bottom, unaffiliated with any powerful sect or influential family. Their only chance at survival was to stick together, however meager that might be.

The man with the delicate features snorted disdainfully. “News about the Seven-Colored Stag is everywhere in the cultivation world. Even the big sects are getting involved, leaving us scrapping for leftovers.” Anger flashed across his face as he scanned his companions. “With so many sect disciples likely scattered around Dragon Roar Valley, if we come across any by themselves, we should—” He drew his finger across his throat in a grim gesture.

His fellow outcasts nodded, their eyes alight with a fierce resolve. The man smirked ominously. To avoid another clash with the trio of young sect disciples they had met earlier, the seven decided to take a different route.

However, destiny seemed to have a different plan for them. Shortly after diverging from their path, they stumbled upon three more young cultivators. The situation eerily mirrored their previous encounter, and the seven stood there, dumbstruck.

“Second Senior Brother,” whispered Ye Cong Xin, stepping behind Lan Zi Yu and clutching his robe.

“Don’t be afraid, Junior Sister,” Lan Zi Yu reassured her, his voice calm. As he released his Golden Core energy, a heavy pressure descended upon the group of seven, nearly driving them to their knees.

A Golden Core cultivator? So young and already so powerful? Another disciple from a prestigious sect, no doubt. Just our luck!

“Seniors, we mean no harm. We’ll just leave,” the seven hastily bowed, their posture deeply submissive as they started retreating. Overwhelmed by nervousness, one of them tripped and fell, his comrades barely pausing as he scrambled back to his feet to catch up. Within moments, they vanished from Ye Cong Xin’s view.

Her heart pounded with a mix of thrill and pride as she watched them flee, their humiliation stoking her vanity. She couldn’t help but fantasize about possessing Lan Zi Yu’s formidable abilities. How grand her life would be! Being merely an associate to power paled in comparison to wielding it herself. She needed to win Lan Zi Yu’s favor to ascend in power.

“Second Senior Brother, you’re amazing,” she said, gazing up at Lan Zi Yu with eyes brimming with admiration.

Lan Zi Yu, a touch embarrassed but clearly pleased, replied, “They were just low-level rogue cultivators. Hardly worth our time.”

Yet, Ye Cong Xin continued to heap praise on him, making Lan Zi Yu’s smile grow wider with each compliment.

Fang Cheng Lang, watching the exchange, felt a mix of exhaustion and helplessness wash over him. Despite Lan Zi Yu’s experience, he often let his guard down around Ye Cong Xin.

They had come to Dragon Roar Valley to search for the elusive Seven-Colored Stag, but at this rate, they might scare it off with their noise. Moreover, the valley was fraught with dangers, from unknown beasts to hostile cultivators. Any lapse in alertness could lead to disaster.

As their group’s vice-leader and a senior member, Fang Cheng Lang felt the weight of responsibility heavily. “We need to be cautious. There are many dangers in this valley, not just the beasts but other cultivators as well,” he reminded them, lowering his voice.

This novel is translated and hosted on BCatranslation

Ye Cong Xin quickly covered her mouth, whispering back, “Yes, Senior Brother.”

Lan Zi Yu, however, shrugged off the caution. “Senior Brother, with our abilities, we can handle anything in this valley. You worry too much.”

Fang Cheng Lang looked at him, incredulous at his casual dismissal.

Lan Zi Yu frowned slightly, “Have you forgotten what Master Qing Yan said before we left? Our primary mission is to ensure Junior Sister’s safety. As long as she returns to the sect unharmed, we’ve succeeded. The stag is secondary; let others worry about it.”

Fang Cheng Lang sighed, knowing he was unlikely to sway Lan Zi Yu’s focus. He could only hope their journey remained uneventful and that they could all safely return to their sect without encountering serious trouble.


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