After changing to the ruthless way, the brothers cried and begged for forgiveness chapter 29

Chapter 29: The Divination Shell

This novel is translated and hosted on BCatranslation

Yu Zhao had experienced countless lives on the battlefield. As a Nascent Soul cultivator in the previous life, she had faced foes in over a thousand clashes, both great and small. So, the thought of another training exercise in Dragon Roar Valley didn’t intimidate her. However, her heart pounded for a different reason: the opportunity for revenge against Wu Shao Zhen, who lay grievously wounded and vulnerable within the valley’s confines. If not for her disciplined practice of the Illusory Tide Technique, which helped her manage her emotions, Yu Zhao might have been unable to contain her excitement.

Beside her, Zhou Jin Yue seemed lost in thought, her gaze fixed on the distant sky. She sighed deeply, pulling Yu Zhao from her own turbulent thoughts.

“Senior Sister Jin Yue, you seem troubled. What’s on your mind?” Yu Zhao asked, observing Zhou Jin Yue’s somber expression.

Shaking her head, Zhou Jin Yue tried to dismiss her unease. “It’s nothing, really.”

As they neared Dragon Roar Valley, a sense of foreboding gripped her, intensifying with each step. She knew, as the team leader, that voicing these baseless fears would undermine her authority and spread unnecessary alarm. Despite her efforts to stay composed, her apprehensions were evident.

Seeing this, Yu Zhao pondered for a moment, then her eyes lit up with sudden inspiration. “I have an idea.”

While Zhou Jin Yue wrestled with her worries about the next day, she felt something unexpectedly cool and solid drop into her hand. Glancing down, she discovered a black, glossy turtle shell, its surface rugged yet naturally polished. Out of curiosity, she shook it, and it emitted a series of clear, resonant tones.

“Divination?” Zhou Jin Yue raised her eyebrows in surprise. She wasn’t aware of anyone from Lone Moon Peak who practiced this art. While the Five Elements Sect was vast and included various mystical practices, divination was often regarded as a minor skill, seldom pursued in earnest.

“Senior Sister Jin Yue, think of your question but keep it to yourself. Shake the shell, pause, then shake it again. Do this six times,” Yu Zhao instructed with a confident tone.

With a nod, Zhou Jin Yue closed her eyes and gently rattled the shell. Inside, the small objects clinked together in a rhythmic dance. This unusual activity drew the attention of Zhang Jun and a few other disciples nearby, prompting them to gather around in curiosity. Yu Zhao gestured for silence, and Zhang Jun quickly hushed the group.

After the sixth shake, Zhou Jin Yue opened her eyes and handed the shell back to Yu Zhao, looking puzzled. “What now?”

Yu Zhao placed her hand softly on the shell, her expression turning introspective as she connected with the energy within. Moments later, clarity returned to her face, and she met the eager looks from her fellow disciples with a reassuring smile.

“Senior Sister Jin Yue, your concerns are about the journey ahead,” Yu Zhao began, capturing everyone’s attention. “There might be challenges, but fear not. I see a path through the obstacles where all of us emerge safe and sound.”

As Yu Zhao concluded her assurances, a sudden, sharp cracking sound interrupted the silence. Zhou Jin Yue glanced down and saw the turtle shell in Yu Zhao’s hand, now marred with charred, smoky lines that hadn’t been there moments ago. The glossy sheen had turned dull and lifeless. Realization dawned on Zhou Jin Yue—this wasn’t merely a divination session; Yu Zhao’s artifact had a finite number of uses, and each one came at a cost.

“Junior Sister Yu Zhao, I was only a bit anxious; you didn’t have to use your precious artifact for me,” Zhou Jin Yue expressed, her voice tinged with guilt and appreciation. She understood the mystique and danger surrounding divination—those who tampered with the threads of fate often faced dire repercussions, and few dared to delve deeply into such arts.

Yet Yu Zhao seemed unbothered by the sacrifice. “The Divination Shell,” as the artifact was known, was an ancient relic crafted by a legendary diviner. It held the essence of the diviner’s intent, allowing any cultivator to perform divination thrice. After the third use, the intent would vanish, and the artifact would crumble into nothingness.

In her previous life, Yu Zhao knew the shell appeared decades later under different circumstances. Su Ming had stumbled upon it hidden among miscellaneous items in his storage, unaware of its capabilities until much later. Its dormant state resembled a mere ornament, devoid of spiritual energy, which had allowed Yu Zhao to acquire it in exchange for twelve other treasures from Su Ming—treasures whose potential had remained obscured due to unknown activation processes. Su Ming’s fortune in gathering such items, despite his ignorance of their true worth, was nothing short of miraculous.

The shell eventually became the center of a massive upheaval within the cultivation circles, coveted by many for its power. The chaos had become so severe that disciples of the Five Elements Sect were fearful of leaving their grounds alone, prompting Master Qing Yan to step in and restore order. To the world, the Divination Shell was a priceless treasure; to Yu Zhao, it was a tool—a means to an end.

This time, her decision to use the shell was driven by a desire to alleviate Zhou Jin Yue’s fears and ensure the group’s safety based on the sect’s turbulent history. The words she had relayed were not invented—they were the genuine insights from the Divination Shell, though subtly rephrased.

This novel is translated and hosted on BCatranslation

“Senior Sister Jin Yue, to me, our lives are far more valuable than any artifact,” Yu Zhao stated earnestly. “Don’t regret using it. If something were to happen to us, the artifact would simply become another’s treasure.”

Tears welled up in Zhou Jin Yue’s eyes as she grasped Yu Zhao’s hand, her heart swelling with the urge to declare a lifelong bond.

Meanwhile, Zhang Jun, who had been quietly observing, felt a twinge of confusion and exclusion. Yu Zhao had spoken only of her and Zhou Jin Yue, seemingly disregarding him and the other disciples. Was their worth so negligible in her eyes? He understood her prioritizing Zhou Jin Yue, but what about the other senior brothers? Had she overlooked them as well?

The revelation stung, yet Zhang Jun couldn’t help but ponder the complex layers of loyalty and sacrifice within their sect, wondering where he and the others truly stood in Yu Zhao’s estimation.


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