After changing to the ruthless way, the brothers cried and begged for forgiveness chapter 25

Chapter 25: The Junior Sister is a Treasure, Yu Zhao is Just Grass

This novel is translated and hosted on BCatranslation

Three days had passed…

Early in the morning, Fang Cheng Lang, Lan Zi Yu, and Ye Cong Xin made their way to the sect’s main square. As they arrived, a crowd of disciples had already gathered, their faces brightening at the sight of the trio.

Fang Cheng Lang stood with an ease that commanded respect, his gentle smile warming the hearts of those around him. Lan Zi Yu, marked by sharp features and a defiant glint in his eyes, radiated a sense of rebellious freedom. Between them, Ye Cong Xin walked with a grace that seemed almost ethereal. Her skin was like porcelain, and her soft pink lips contrasted with her flowing white dress, giving her an otherworldly aura.

As leaders among their peers, Fang Cheng Lang and Lan Zi Yu projected a powerful confidence and authority. Ye Cong Xin’s gentle demeanor softened their otherwise formidable presence, creating a harmonious balance.

“Greetings, Senior Brother Fang, Senior Brother Lan!”

“Junior Sister Ye, long time no see.”

“Senior Brother Zhang.”

They exchanged pleasantries, falling into easy conversation. The mood was light and friendly, but soon the discussion shifted to Yu Zhao.

“Is it true that Junior Sister Yu Zhao ended her seclusion three days ago? How is she?” a curious disciple inquired.

Fang Cheng Lang’s smile briefly wavered, but he quickly recovered. “Thanks for asking, Junior Brother Zhang. Our Sixth Junior Sister is much better now.”

Zhang Jun seemed satisfied with the answer, but pressed on, “If she’s better, why isn’t Junior Sister Yu Zhao here with you? Isn’t she supposed to participate in the Dragon Roar Valley training?”

This question visibly unsettled Fang Cheng Lang, Lan Zi Yu, and Ye Cong Xin.

Fang Cheng Lang asked, “Where did you hear that?”

Lan Zi Yu and Ye Cong Xin also turned their intense gazes toward Zhang Jun.

Zhang Jun, taken aback by their reactions, explained, “You didn’t know? Senior Sister personally requested it from the sect master. It was approved three nights ago, the same day Junior Sister Yu Zhao ended her seclusion.”

Zhang Jun, as the second disciple of the sect leader and a close colleague of Zhou Jin Yue, spoke with authority.

A silence fell over the trio as they processed this news. Apart from Ye Cong Xin, who had recently visited Yu Zhao at Master Qing Yan’s cave, neither Fang Cheng Lang nor Lan Zi Yu had been in touch with her or knew of her intentions.

Fang Cheng Lang felt a pang of sadness. It seemed Little Sixth had grown distant, opting not to confide in him about such significant matters.

Lan Zi Yu, frustrated and embarrassed, perceived Yu Zhao’s insistence on joining the Dragon Roar Valley training, especially by appealing directly to the main peak, as a poor reflection on their group, Lone Moon Peak.

Ye Cong Xin clenched her fists, struggling to maintain her composure. She had underestimated Yu Zhao’s determination and cunning in securing her goals from the sect leader, completely bypassing Master Qing Yan.

Her resentment towards Yu Zhao deepened, contemplating the potential complications this could introduce.

Sensing the growing tension, Zhang Jun and the others quickly shifted the conversation to lighter topics, trying to restore the earlier easygoing atmosphere, though a palpable strain lingered.

As they continued talking, time moved swiftly, and just before the appointed hour, Yu Zhao, accompanied by Zhou Jin Yue, finally made their entrance into the square.

“Senior Sister Jin Yue is here!”

All eyes turned toward the entrance as two figures emerged side by side, stirring a flurry of exclamations.

“Is that Yu Zhao?!”

“Has Junior Sister Yu Zhao grown up or just become more beautiful? She looks completely transformed!”

“Did you see? Even walking beside Senior Sister Jin Yue, Yu Zhao’s presence wasn’t overshadowed at all. After three years of seclusion, her transformation is truly incredible!”

A murmur of awe swept through the crowd as everyone absorbed the striking change in Yu Zhao.

Historically, Yu Zhao’s reputation in the Five Elements Sect had rivaled that of Zhou Jin Yue, though for vastly different reasons—Yu Zhao for her notoriety, Zhou Jin Yue for her renown.

But today, any previous impressions were shattered. Yu Zhao stood there transformed, exuding an untouchable, regal air that left everyone spellbound.


Absolutely incredible!

Fang Cheng Lang watched, his heart pounding as he took in the sight of the girl who seemed so different from the Little Sixth he remembered. An inexplicable fear gripped him; the person before him was both familiar and alien, challenging his memories of their past closeness.

“Why are you here? Are you determined to oppose Junior Sister? Let me make this clear; neither I nor Senior Brother Fang have the time to protect you. If you get hurt, don’t blame us—it’s your own doing,” Lan Zi Yu snapped, his frustration and disdain clear upon seeing Yu Zhao.

Ye Cong Xin pressed her lips together, ready to add fuel to the fire, but Yu Zhao’s cool response cut through the tension.

“Second Senior Brother, rest assured. This trip doesn’t require your concern. Just focus on protecting Junior Sister; her safety is more important than mine,” Yu Zhao replied with a calm that took Lan Zi Yu off guard.

“Hmph, at least you’re sensible,” Lan Zi Yu retorted, though visibly shaken by her composure.

“How dare you…” Zhou Jin Yue began, her voice trembling with anger, but Yu Zhao gently held her back, shaking her head. Once Zhou Jin Yue had calmed down, Yu Zhao turned to greet Fang Cheng Lang and Ye Cong Xin.

“Senior Brother, Junior Sister.”

Her greeting was perfectly polite, yet there was an air of distance about her that made her seem unapproachable.

Fang Cheng Lang, feeling the weight of the spectators’ eyes on him, wanted to speak but found himself at a loss for words. He managed only a forced smile in return.

Zhou Jin Yue, taking control of the situation, began addressing the assembled disciples, “Fellow disciples, I, Zhou Jin Yue, will lead this Dragon Roar Valley expedition, with Senior Brother Fang Cheng Lang as my deputy. This journey is primarily for training, with capturing the seven-colored stag as a secondary goal. Your safety is our top priority. I will do everything in my power to protect everyone…”

This novel is translated and hosted on BCatranslation

Zhou Jin Yue’s voice, assertive and resilient, not quite matching her gentle demeanor, resonated with authority.

Yu Zhao listened, her eyes misting over. The earnestness in Zhou Jin Yue’s voice and her proven track record of protecting her team, even against the ferocious Crimson Flame Lion, gave Yu Zhao a newfound sense of security.

“…Lastly, I must emphasize that during this mission, you are to follow my commands, act as a team, and not harm your fellow disciples. Any violation will be strictly dealt with according to our sect rules!”

Ye Cong Xin bit her lip, feeling as if the warning was directed specifically at her. Zhou Jin Yue’s stern gaze during the final admonition left no room for doubt.

Zhou Jin Yue and Yu Zhao stood united, ready to face whatever challenges awaited them in the Dragon Roar Valley.


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