After changing to the ruthless way, the brothers cried and begged for forgiveness chapter 23

Chapter 23: Senior Sister Jin Yue’s Might

This novel is translated and hosted on BCatranslation

Ye Cong Xin’s ambitions were crystal clear to Yu Zhao. Having experienced a previous life, she could see through almost everything. Her master, Master Qing Yan, regarded her with a look that bore nothing but pity.

Master Qing Yan was about to speak further when he noticed Yu Zhao still kneeling. His tone chilled as he spoke, “For the upcoming training in Dragon Roar Valley, your junior sister will take your place. As for your change in cultivation technique, we will not discuss it further.”

Master Qing Yan’s sharp gaze revealed his disappointment. Yu Zhao had abandoned his Sea Moon Technique for a different art, an act he viewed as a disgrace. However, changing her technique was actually a prudent move for Yu Zhao, though he wouldn’t admit it. Instead, he used this as a pretext to deny her request.

Yu Zhao understood that between herself and Ye Cong Xin, Master Qing Yan would always favor Cong Xin without a second thought. She had hoped to challenge this preference just once. Now, with her answer clear, she left without delay.

Exiting Master Qing Yan’s quarters, she swiftly descended the mountain and made her way to the main peak. After three years of seclusion, life in the Five Elements Sect seemed unchanged. The old rumors about Yu Zhao had faded, replaced by other gossip, allowing her to reach the main peak unnoticed.

“Senior Sister Jin Yue.”

Zhou Jin Yue was busy preparing for the upcoming training. At the sound of Yu Zhao’s voice, she looked up, her face lighting up with joy. “Sister Yu Zhao!”

Reuniting with Zhou Jin Yue brought Yu Zhao a comforting sense of normalcy. As she approached, Jin Yue quickly closed the distance, grabbed her arm, and examined her closely.

“What were you thinking, provoking Quan Ye? He’s nothing but a hot-headed fool. When I first heard the rumors that your dantian was destroyed and you’d never cultivate again, I nearly stormed off to confront Fang Cheng Lang with my sword!”

Yu Zhao was touched by the genuine concern in Jin Yue’s eyes. “Senior Sister Jin Yue, those were just rumors.”

Jin Yue rolled her eyes. “I knew they were! If Quan Ye had really done that, he wouldn’t be quietly reflecting at the Cliff of Reflection. I would’ve persuaded my master to kick him out of the sect long ago.”

She then scrutinized Yu Zhao, her eyes brightening. “Mid-stage Foundation Establishment! Impressive. It looks like rebuilding your foundation hasn’t set you back at all. I can finally relax.”

Despite the long separation, Jin Yue chatted non-stop, shifting from scolding Lone Moon Peak to sharing her recent adventures. As she spoke, she suddenly paused, her expression turning contemplative. “Sister Yu Zhao, something about you seems different since you came out of seclusion.”

Pondering, Jin Yue realized Yu Zhao had been unusually quiet, mostly listening instead of speaking. This wasn’t like her at all. Had the prolonged seclusion affected her, or was it something to do with her new cultivation technique? Jin Yue’s brows knitted in concern.

Sensing her friend’s confusion, Yu Zhao couldn’t help but find it amusing yet exasperating. Having already disclosed her practice of the Illusory Tide Technique to Master Qing Yan, she saw no reason to keep it from Jin Yue. She explained the whole situation.

Her previous life’s experiences had matured her significantly. This deepened understanding of emotions made practicing the Illusory Tide Technique more intuitive. With preparation and a Revitalization Pill from Master Qing Yan, her seclusion had been more productive than anticipated.

In the first year, she had mastered the initial level of the Illusory Tide Technique and achieved Foundation Establishment. Over the next two years, she advanced from early to mid-stage Foundation Establishment and even mastered a unique magical tool. If not for the looming deadline, Yu Zhao would have preferred to extend her retreat by another two years to solidify her foundation.

Thankfully, three years had proved sufficient.

“The Illusory Tide Technique? I’ve never heard of it. Which senior developed it?” Though Zhou Jin Yue was not a water spirit root cultivator herself, she was well-versed in the famous techniques of the cultivation world. Yet, the Illusory Tide Technique was completely new to her.

“It’s a technique passed down by someone named the Bright Moon Hermit, a senior female cultivator with a water spirit root,” Yu Zhao explained. “Unfortunately, the version of the Illusory Tide Technique I possess is incomplete.”

Zhou Jin Yue’s eyes widened in realization. “An incomplete technique? That explains why it’s not well-known.” She then paused, clearly puzzled. “But why would you give up the well-established Sea Moon Technique for an obscure, unfinished method? Aren’t you risking your future prospects?”

Yu Zhao could almost read the worry etched on Zhou Jin Yue’s face and decided to steer the conversation towards more immediate concerns. “Senior Sister Jin Yue, I want to participate in the Dragon Roar Valley training session happening in three days.”

Zhou Jin Yue’s expression clouded with concern. “Sister Yu Zhao, it’s not that I don’t support you, but the Sect Master and the elders have already finalized the participants. If you want to join, you’ll need approval from Master Qing Yan.”

Yu Zhao’s reply was swift. “I asked him. He refused.”

Zhou Jin Yue shook her head sympathetically. “Then I’m not sure what I can do to help…”

“Master did agree to let Junior Sister Cong Xin go,” Yu Zhao added, noticing a shift in Zhou Jin Yue’s demeanor as she continued, “I was the first to ask.”

Zhou Jin Yue’s eyes narrowed, her resolve hardening. “I’ll find a way.” Her sense of justice was piqued by the unfairness Yu Zhao endured at Lone Moon Peak.

As the sect’s senior disciple and elder sister to all, Zhou Jin Yue felt a deep responsibility to advocate for Yu Zhao. Despite both Yu Zhao and Ye Cong Xin being at the mid-stage of Foundation Establishment, the sect favored the more sociable Ye Cong Xin. However, Zhou Jin Yue knew that in a demanding environment like Dragon Roar Valley, Ye Cong Xin’s frail constitution would make her a liability, not an asset. She could lift spirits, sure, but she would also require constant protection.

The thought alone gave Zhou Jin Yue a headache. Knowing Ye Cong Xin was Master Qing Yan’s preference—and unlikely to be excluded—she figured that insisting on Yu Zhao’s inclusion couldn’t possibly make the situation any worse.

This novel is translated and hosted on BCatranslation

Last time, she had openly criticized Fang Cheng Lang. It was a moment of truth to see if he had improved at all. If the sect continued to overlook Yu Zhao’s potential, Zhou Jin Yue was more than ready to take matters into her own hands. They might not recognize Yu Zhao’s true value, but she did.

“Sister Yu Zhao, be ready. In three days, at the hour of noon, meet at the sect square.”

Yu Zhao was momentarily stunned, marveling at how Zhou Jin Yue had resolved the issue without her even needing to resort to her backup plan. Senior Sister Jin Yue’s ability to wield her influence was indeed impressive!


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