After changing to the ruthless way, the brothers cried and begged for forgiveness chapter 21

Chapter 21: Three Years of Seclusion

This novel is translated and hosted on BCatranslation

Yu Zhao had reached her limit with the insincerity of those at Lone Moon Peak, especially Cui Jue. Shutting out the world, she focused inward, replaying the events leading to her recent injury, searching for any errors in her hurried plan. Fortunately, her execution had been flawless.

Originally, Yu Zhao had resolved to spend three years in seclusion to solidify her spiritual foundation. This plan had only one condition for interruption: if her Senior Sister Jin Yue faced a life-threatening tribulation, Yu Zhao would break her seclusion early to assist her, regardless of her own progress.

However, Quan Ye’s relentless antagonism gave Yu Zhao a new resolve. She would use his own schemes against him, turning the tables to exact revenge for the years of torment he inflicted upon her. Master Qing Yan, already displeased with Quan Ye’s defiant ways, would now have a valid reason to punish him severely.

With this dual purpose—recovery and retribution—Yu Zhao planned her actions meticulously. It was an opportunity to hit two birds with one stone.

As Yu Zhao anticipated, the situation unfolded according to her design. Upon discovering Quan Ye’s error, Master Qing Yan was livid. He sentenced Quan Ye to ten lashes and five years of confinement at the Reflecting Cliff, a dreaded place within the Five Elements Sect devoid of spiritual energy, where fierce winds and relentless lightning strikes made every day a torment. This location, while torturous for most, served as a brutal training ground for a physical cultivator like Quan Ye, making the punishment particularly apt.

Master Qing Yan also sought to make amends for the incident, rewarding Yu Zhao with a fourth-grade Rejuvenation Pill to aid in her recovery and the rebuilding of her foundation. In addition, Senior Brother Fang Cheng Lang and others, including Junior Sister Cong Xin, offered various nourishing elixirs and spirit stones to support her.

Happily accepting these gifts, Yu Zhao sealed herself into her cave, commencing her prolonged period of seclusion.

Three years passed quickly just like that.

“Senior Brother.” The soft, clear voice caught Fang Cheng Lang off-guard, lifting his spirits.

Turning, he saw Ye Cong Xin approaching with the buoyant energy of a young deer, a flash of disappointment briefly crossing his face before he masked it with a welcoming smile.

“Junior Sister,” he greeted, his tone warm.

Ye Cong Xin, oblivious to the subtle shift in his demeanor, tugged at his sleeve. “Senior Brother, can you take me with you to Dragon Roar Valley in three days? I promise I won’t be any trouble or slow you down.”

Fang Cheng Lang’s frown deepened. The rumors circulating among the cultivators hinted at a rare sighting in Dragon Roar Valley—a third-rank, immature, seven-colored stag, a male with prized velvet antlers still soft and unossified. Such a beast was not only rare but immensely valuable, its antler velvet coveted for alchemy, and its sinew and bones prized for crafting powerful weapons.

The prospect had lured many cultivators to the valley. Although the wealthy and influential Five Elements Sect had little need for a single stag, they saw the venture as a chance to offer their disciples valuable experience and to demonstrate their strength and resources.

As the most prominent sect in the cultivation world, the Five Elements Sect was obligated to showcase its strength. Regular demonstrations of power were necessary to maintain its influential position.

Zhou Jin Yue, the sect leader’s eldest disciple, was appointed as the leader of the upcoming Dragon Roar Valley expedition. His deputy, Fang Cheng Lang, would also play a crucial role in the venture.

The expedition team was meticulously selected by the sect leader and the elders. It comprised twenty individuals, most of whom had reached the Golden Core stage of cultivation. Among these selected was Lan Zi Yu from Lone Moon Peak, alongside Fang Cheng Lang.

However, Fang Cheng Lang was concerned about Ye Cong Xin, whose cultivation level was considerably lower than that of her peers. Her frail health since childhood had also left her with scant combat experience. Taking her along would mean that Fang Cheng Lang would have to divert a significant portion of his attention to ensure her safety, potentially compromising his ability to lead effectively.

After pondering the situation, Fang Cheng Lang decided it was best to decline her request.

“Junior Sister, as the vice leader of this expedition, I have responsibilities to all the disciples, so…”

“Senior Brother, I can take care of myself! And Second Senior Brother will be there too. You don’t have to worry about me,” Ye Cong Xin interjected before he could finish.

“But…” Fang Cheng Lang hesitated.

Ye Cong Xin had never ventured beyond the Five Elements Sect since her arrival at Lone Moon Peak. Knowing the dangers of the long journey ahead, he couldn’t suppress his concerns.

Ye Cong Xin continued, her voice soft but persistent, “Senior Brother, I really want to go. I’ve never been outside the sect. Doesn’t it make you sad to see me confined here all the time?”

As she spoke, her voice became thick with emotion, and tears welled up in her eyes. “I… I really want to see the world beyond here. I don’t want to die knowing only this small piece of earth. Please, Senior Brother.”

Her tearful plea softened Fang Cheng Lang’s resolve.

“If Master agrees, I’ll take you with us,” he relented.

“Thank you, Senior Brother! I’ll go ask Master right now. He will surely agree!” Ye Cong Xin wiped her tears, bowed swiftly, and rushed off toward Master Qing Yan’s peak.

Once she was out of Fang Cheng Lang’s sight, the hopeful glint in her eyes clouded over with darkness.

Even though Fang Cheng Lang had consented, the joy she should have felt was absent. Since Yu Zhao’s accident three years earlier, she had noticed a shift in Fang Cheng Lang’s demeanor towards her. He remained kind, but there was now a palpable distance between them—a barrier she felt deeply.

This unsettling change sparked a crisis within her. Fang Cheng Lang was not only the most promising among her senior brothers but also the most accessible. Being close to him was vital for siphoning his luck to enhance her own cultivation.

The expedition presented a perfect opportunity to rekindle their bond. If she could get Fang Cheng Lang to lower his guard, her cultivation prospects would brighten significantly.

Resolved, Ye Cong Xin quickened her pace to Master Qing Yan’s cave. Breathless, she paused at the entrance to gather herself.

This novel is translated and hosted on BCatranslation

Suddenly, a voice from within—the last she expected to hear—reached her ears.

“Master, I request permission to join the expedition to Dragon Roar Valley.”

It was Yu Zhao!

Out of her seclusion and speaking now!

Why now? And why Dragon Roar Valley?

Was this mere coincidence, or had Yu Zhao planned it?

As these questions churned in her mind, a tightness gripped her chest, squeezing the air from her lungs. She clutched at her heart, stifling a cry of pain.


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