After changing to the ruthless way, the brothers cried and begged for forgiveness chapter 19

Chapter 19: One Punch Shattered Everything

This novel is translated and hosted on BCatranslation

In her previous life, Yu Zhao had suffered injuries that drastically hampered her ability to cultivate. She could only retain half of the spiritual energy she absorbed during meditation; the rest simply dissipated, leaving her feeling powerless and deeply frustrated.

Now, with her injuries still reversible, Yu Zhao experienced the exhilarating success of her cultivation efforts. As she meditated, savoring this newfound efficiency, a loud disturbance shattered the tranquility. Annoyance flickered in Yu Zhao’s eyes as she opened them.

Her spiritual senses quickly identified the figures of Fang Cheng Lang, Ye Cong Xin, and others gathered outside her door. The commotion was caused by Quan Ye, who was banging on her door with growing urgency.

A smirk formed on Yu Zhao’s lips. It was ironic how these people, who had once shunned her, were now so keen to seek her out now that she preferred solitude.

She allowed Quan Ye’s knocking to become frantic before she finally decided to open the door.

Caught by surprise, Quan Ye nearly fell into her. “Little Six, you’re too slow! I could have accidentally hit you if I wasn’t careful. You knew we had a gathering today, yet here you are, late and making everyone wait. It’s so troublesome!”

He didn’t wait for her response and turned to leave. However, a few steps away, he noticed Yu Zhao hadn’t moved. He turned back, his voice loud and commanding. “What are you still doing standing there? Move!”

Ye Cong Xin watched from a distance, concern etching her features. “What should we do? Fifth Senior Brother and Sixth Junior Sister seem to be at odds. Should we intervene?”

“Don’t bother,” Su Ming quickly advised, shaking his head. “They’ve always been like this; it’s best not to meddle.”

Fang Cheng Lang appeared uneasy and was about to step in, but Lan Zi Yu held him back. “Let’s see what happens.”

Both Lan Zi Yu and Su Ming thought Yu Zhao had become too arrogant lately and believed it was time for Quan Ye to put her in her place. Reluctantly, Fang Cheng Lang stayed back, his anxiety increasing.

Quan Ye, who had the demeanor of a future leader but still showed traces of youthful immaturity, towered over Yu Zhao. She had to look up to meet his eyes. In that moment, Yu Zhao felt an unexpected calm replace the fear that had once consumed her. She found the courage to speak up.

“Are you afraid of hitting me?” she asked quietly, her tone even.

Quan Ye paused, taken aback by her question. Anger quickly flared in his eyes as he understood the implication. “Yu Zhao!”

Yu Zhao almost chuckled, observing the guilt that flickered behind his anger. It was clear he knew his past actions were excessive, yet he had persisted, and now he couldn’t face the shame of those actions, especially not from her—the very person he had wronged.

“Did I say something wrong? Or are you planning to hit me again?” Yu Zhao stepped closer, her smile taunting. “You don’t dare defy Master’s orders and can’t challenge the senior brothers, so you vent on the weakest at Lone Moon Peak. Quan Ye, you’re nothing but a hypocrite.”

It wasn’t until after her expulsion from the Five Elements Sect that Yu Zhao understood why Quan Ye had targeted her for his aggression. Within the sect, Quan Ye typically chose sparring partners who matched his cultivation level. His rough approach often led to complaints from the elders, prompting Master Qing Yan to restrict his activities at Lone Moon Peak.

Additionally, Quan Ye needed to release his excess energy daily, leading him to spar with fellow disciples at Lone Moon Peak. Of these, Fourth Senior Brother Cui Jue was often secluded in his alchemy, and Third Senior Brother Su Ming frequently traveled, leaving only Senior Brother Fang Cheng Lang, Second Senior Brother Lan Zi Yu, and Sixth Junior Sister Yu Zhao available.

Senior Brothers Fang Cheng Lang and Lan Zi Yu, both formidable Golden Core cultivators, did not provide the challenge Quan Ye craved. Thus, his attention inevitably turned to Yu Zhao, whose weaker cultivation and mild demeanor made her an easy target for his frustrations.

Yu Zhao’s recent accusations struck a nerve, exposing a reality Quan Ye was desperate to ignore. Overwhelmed by anger and his habit of venting through violence, he lashed out without thinking.


His hand cut through the air, aimed directly at Yu Zhao.

With quick reflexes, Yu Zhao raised a water shield in front of her, bracing herself.


The shield burst under Quan Ye’s strike, water droplets scattering as his palm continued, striking Yu Zhao’s arm. She staggered back, shock coloring her face.

“Quan Ye! Stop!”

“Yu Zhao!”

“Fifth Senior Brother!”

The others were too stunned to react in time as Quan Ye, blinded by rage, threw another punch.

Yu Zhao swiftly summoned a column of water beneath her, lifting herself into the air to evade the attack. But before she could escape, a shadow struck directly at her core.

Time seemed to freeze.

Fear painted the faces of the onlookers as a faint, ominous cracking sound echoed through the air.

Quan Ye’s face paled as he stared at Yu Zhao, her complexion now ghostly white. A terrible realization hit him. This couldn’t be happening…

This novel is translated and hosted on BCatranslation


Blood sprayed from Yu Zhao’s mouth, splattering Quan Ye’s face. He stood frozen, unable to wipe it away.

Horrified, he watched as Yu Zhao plummeted from the sky, her spiritual aura in chaos, her energy rapidly fading.

“Little Six!”

Fang Cheng Lang rushed forward, catching Yu Zhao as she fell. His fingers pressed to her wrist, feeling her pulse, his spiritual senses probing her core. The shattered spiritual foundation sent shivers down his spine.

“Quan Ye!”

“Senior Brother, what happened to Little Six?”

Su Ming and Lan Zi Yu gathered around, their faces etched with worry.

From a distance, Ye Cong Xin watched, tears welling up, her finger twitching in distress.

Fang Cheng Lang’s eyes blazed with fury as he looked up at Quan Ye. “Quan Ye! You’ve gone too far! Little Six’s foundation—it’s destroyed! You shattered it with just one punch!”


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