After changing to the ruthless way, the brothers cried and begged for forgiveness chapter 18

Chapter 18: She Broke Her Promise

This novel is translated and hosted on BCatranslation

“Please take care, Lady,” Manager Liu called out respectfully, watching the young girl vanish into the distance. A sigh of admiration escaped his lips.

The Five Elements Sect was renowned for nurturing exceptional disciples. Lady Zhou and Lady Yu were impressive in their own right, but Sir Su Ming seemed overshadowed by comparison. Manager Liu pondered if Su Ming knew about the mysterious black crystal stone’s secret. After a moment of contemplation, he decided it was best to keep his thoughts to himself. He had profited well from this deal; discretion, he realized, often led to a longer, trouble-free career.

Inside her cave dwelling, Yu Zhao sat cross-legged, eyes closed in deep concentration. Time seemed to stretch endlessly before she finally inhaled sharply and opened her eyes with fierce determination.

Everything was set. She just needed to wait for the perfect moment to begin her foundational restructuring. Yu Zhao uncapped a bottle of rootless liquid and drank deeply. The mild spiritual fluid transformed into powerful energy, surging through her body. She focused intently, her breathing steady and controlled.

As if responding to an invisible call, blue specks in the air swirled towards her, merging silently into her form. The spiritual power within her surged, and she found herself completely absorbed in deep cultivation.

Lone Moon Peak was alive with activity.

Cui Jue, fresh from a seclusion spent refining pills, and Quan Ye, just back from external training, arrived almost simultaneously.

Sensing the right moment, Ye Cong Xin decided to host a small gathering in the serene bamboo forest halfway up the peak, where clear streams murmured softly. She arranged tables and chairs, setting them with wine and spiritual fruits.

Su Ming, always eager for social gatherings, was the first to arrive. His eyes brightened at the sight, and he complimented Ye Cong Xin on her meticulous setup.

“Today feels different from our usual gatherings. This setup adds a special touch,” he remarked.

Fang Cheng Lang arrived next. He had intended to help set up but found everything perfectly in place thanks to Ye Cong Xin. A mix of relief and mild guilt washed over him.

“Senior Brother, please take a seat. Today, I’m in charge,” Ye Cong Xin said with a cheerful smile, guiding Fang Cheng Lang to a chair.

He couldn’t help but smile as he sat down, warmly welcomed by her hospitality.

Soon, another figure entered the bamboo-shrouded area.

“Fourth Senior Brother has arrived!”

Ye Cong Xin’s smile widened, her eyes twinkling.

Cui Jue parted the bamboo leaves, his gaze settling on her radiant smile. His normally stoic expression softened.

“Junior Sister,” he greeted her, his presence carrying a hint of herbal freshness from his pill refining.

“Fourth Senior Brother, it’s been too long,” Ye Cong Xin responded, her cheeks flushing as she admired the impressive Cui Jue.

He handed her a dark jade bottle. “A gift for you.”

Her heart fluttered; it was the very pill she had longed for.

With a gentle bite of her lip, she accepted it. “Thank you, Fourth Senior Brother.”

Cui Jue nodded slightly, then turned to greet the others.

“Senior Brother, Third Senior Brother.”

Fang Cheng Lang looked over at Cui Jue, noting his refreshed appearance. “Was your retreat successful?” he asked with a light-hearted smile.

Cui Jue simply nodded.

The conversation ebbed; Fang Cheng Lang wasn’t surprised. Cui Jue was naturally reserved, becoming more conversational only around their youngest sister.

Reflecting on this, Fang Cheng Lang’s gaze swept over the seating arrangement—four on the left, three on the right, seven seats in total for the disciples of Lone Moon Peak. He sighed softly, dismissing any brief suspicions.

“Our Junior Sister is considerate. She wouldn’t leave out our youngest sister.”

Confident in her inclusiveness, Fang Cheng Lang had no doubt about their youngest sister’s presence.

“Senior Brother! Haha! Here I am!” A robust voice broke the tranquility. A towering figure with broad shoulders and an untamed air strode towards them— it was Quan Ye.

Fang Cheng Lang’s brow twitched; Quan Ye looked even more rugged than before.

“Fifth Brother, you’re finally back…”

Su Ming started to speak, but Fang Cheng Lang cut him off sharply, “Enough!”

Unbothered, Quan Ye approached Ye Cong Xin, presenting her with a bundle of crudely tied, dirt-clad spiritual herbs. “A gift from your Fifth Senior Brother!”

Ye Cong Xin’s smile grew as she accepted them. “Thank you!”

These herbs, collected from the perilous Thorny Secret Realm by Quan Ye, were renowned for their potency.

Quan Ye settled down, scanning the gathering. “Just waiting on Second Senior Brother and Sixth Junior Sister. Where are they?”

Su Ming began, irritation tinting his voice, “Second Senior Brother is usual, but the other one… Hmph.”

His sarcasm didn’t escape even the typically oblivious Quan Ye.

“Did you have a falling-out with Sixth Junior Sister?” Quan Ye asked, his curiosity piqued.

“It’s more than just a falling-out. She completely disregards me,” Su Ming complained, biting into a spiritual fruit.

Fang Cheng Lang shot him a glare, signaling him to keep quiet. This gathering was meant to mend rifts, not widen them.

This novel is translated and hosted on BCatranslation

As they exchanged looks, the final member, Lan Zi Yu, strolled in.

“Everyone’s here,” he declared nonchalantly, taking his seat across from Fang Cheng Lang. “Let’s get this started.”

But Ye Cong Xin interjected softly, “We can’t begin yet. Sixth Senior Sister isn’t here.”

The group’s reactions varied—surprise from Cui Jue and Quan Ye, frowns from Lan Zi Yu and Su Ming, and a troubled look from Fang Cheng Lang.

Yu Zhao, who had always seen Lone Moon Peak as her true home, had never missed a family gathering before.

This time, she had broken her promise.


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