After changing to the ruthless way, the brothers cried and begged for forgiveness chapter 16

Chapter 16: Spoiled by Yu Zhao

This novel is translated and hosted on BCatranslation

Lan Zi Yu’s expression darkened completely. For days, he had been holed up in his cave, stubbornly waiting for Yu Zhao to come to him, admit her mistakes, and apologize. But instead of the person he was expecting, Su Ming arrived with bad news.

Yu Zhao had hand-stitched a little bird pouch, a task during which she had pricked her fingers with the needle countless times, shedding many tears. Lan Zi Yu had secretly witnessed all of this and felt distressed.

Now, Yu Zhao had reclaimed the pouch from Su Ming, its fabric stained with her own blood.

A chill ran through Lan Zi Yu. It seemed Yu Zhao was truly serious this time. She was genuinely angry.

Meanwhile, Su Ming was still seething. “She’s borrowed spirit stones from me so many times before. What’s the big deal with borrowing just one more time? Especially since I had a legitimate need for them!”

Reflecting on the morning’s events, Su Ming brimmed with resentment. As he was about to continue his rant about being taken advantage of, he noticed a tall figure approaching swiftly.

Both he and Lan Zi Yu stood up to greet him. “Senior Brother.”

Their respect for Fang Cheng Lang was immense, despite their issues with other disciples.

Fang Cheng Lang’s expression was icy as he surveyed them both. Without a word, he sat down in the empty seat next to them, causing Lan Zi Yu and Su Ming to exchange puzzled glances.

Su Ming cautiously ventured, “Senior Brother, who upset you?” He hadn’t stirred up trouble recently, or so he thought.

Fang Cheng Lang fixed them with a stern look. “I heard you were discussing Little Six?”

Without hesitation, Su Ming launched into his grievances. “Senior Brother, you really need to intervene with Yu Zhao! She’s become unbearable! Can you believe she dragged Zhou Jin Yue to the Hundred Treasures Pavilion to ask me for spirit stones, right in front of everyone?”

So absorbed was Su Ming in his complaints that he failed to notice the anger building in Fang Cheng Lang. Lan Zi Yu, sensing the tension, remained silent, unable to speak with Senior Brother right there.

Suddenly, Fang Cheng Lang slammed his palm down on the stone table with such force that it trembled.

Su Ming jumped, then blustered, pretending to be conciliatory. “Senior Brother, don’t let it get to you. Yu Zhao just doesn’t understand. Maybe if you punish her a few times, she’ll learn her lesson. Maybe a few days in the Black Prison will teach her.”

Lan Zi Yu had enough. “Sshh!”

Su Ming glared back defiantly. “I’m not wrong! After all, she gave away your Purple Bamboo Flute! Some brotherly love that is!”

Lan Zi Yu scoffed. If Su Ming was courting disaster, it was his own fault.

Seeing Lan Zi Yu hold his tongue, Su Ming tried to press his advantage. But Fang Cheng Lang cut him off sharply, “Su Ming! You dare to criticize others? Reflect on your own actions first!”

“I—I haven’t done anything wrong…” Su Ming faltered, still trying to defend himself.

“Nothing?!” Fang Cheng Lang’s face darkened with fury. “Then explain why you’ve borrowed countless spirit stones from Yu Zhao over the years!”

Su Ming gritted his teeth. “Yes, I borrowed some! But I’ve always paid them back! How dare she complain about me? She’s the one who deserves to be punished!”

Su Ming was about to storm out when Fang Cheng Lang grabbed him. “A few? You call six hundred and ninety-eight spirit stones a few? That’s what Little Six saved over seven years, and you squandered it all! What more do you want?!”

The revelation shocked Fang Cheng Lang. He knew Su Ming had borrowed spirit stones from Yu Zhao before but had assumed the amounts were trivial.

When Zhou Jin Yue informed him of the actual total today, he was both shocked and enraged. No wonder Little Six hadn’t used her spirit stones to restore her spiritual power or buy clothes and accessories. Su Ming had exploited her generosity, bleeding her dry like a leech.

“Six hundred and ninety-eight spirit stones?!” Lan Zi Yu was equally stunned. He had thought Yu Zhao was overreacting, not realizing Su Ming had concealed such a crucial fact.

If Su Ming had asked to borrow spirit stones from him, Lan Zi Yu would have refused, knowing they’d never be returned. Yu Zhao must have lent them without any expectation of repayment. But today, she had demanded them back, even at the cost of their friendship.

All signs pointed to Yu Zhao’s resolve, and Lan Zi Yu’s face turned ashen.

“I didn’t say I wouldn’t repay her. I paid everything back today.” Su Ming’s voice was low, his eyes avoiding Senior Brother’s fierce gaze.

Fang Cheng Lang shook his head in disappointment. Su Ming had been spoiled by Little Six, not valuing the nearly seven hundred spirit stones—a sum that could incite a bloody conflict in the cultivation world.

Fang Cheng Lang thought of Quan Ye, another troublemaker who was still out training. Why were the disciples of Lone Moon Peak so problematic?

“Senior Brother, Second Brother, Third Brother!”

At the sound of a familiar voice, Su Ming’s eyes brightened as he turned with a wide smile. “Junior Sister!”

Fang Cheng Lang and Lan Zi Yu’s stern expressions softened at the sight of Ye Cong Xin approaching with a cheerful smile.

“What are you discussing? I want to hear too,” she chirped, sitting down and resting her chin in her hands, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.

Fang Cheng Lang managed a gentle smile. “Nothing much, Junior Sister. Aren’t you supposed to be training with the Master?”

Ye Cong Xin stuck out her tongue playfully. “Senior Brother, even practitioners need a break now and then. You have to balance training with rest.”

Su Ming envied her. “It must be nice getting personal guidance from the Master every day. You’re the lucky one.”

This novel is translated and hosted on BCatranslation

The senior brothers relied on Fang Cheng Lang for training, only consulting the Master for unresolved issues. To them, Fang Cheng Lang was akin to a second Master.

“Don’t envy me, Third Brother. The Master trains me personally because I’m weak. I envy you for having Senior Brother’s help anytime. He’s the kindest.”

As they chatted, the tension eased, but Fang Cheng Lang’s mind lingered on Yu Zhao. Her change in behavior worried him. She was no longer the passive figure who endured everything silently. She was fighting back, and he wasn’t sure whether that change was for better or worse.

For now, he would keep a closer watch on her. The dynamics within Lone Moon Peak were shifting, and he needed to ensure that it didn’t lead to further conflicts.


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