After changing to the ruthless way, the brothers cried and begged for forgiveness chapter 13

Chapter 13: Extraordinary Insight

This novel is translated and hosted on BCatranslation

Su Ming faced a serious accusation—one he knew was completely baseless.

Both he and Yu Zhao knew the truth, but sadly, no one else believed Su Ming’s side of the story.

Zhou Jin Yue stood firm, arms crossed, her icy glare making it clear she had made up her mind. Nothing he said would change it.

Frustrated to his core, Su Ming felt like his words were useless. Desperate, he considered swearing an oath to prove his innocence.

But the key to resolving this misunderstanding rested with Yu Zhao. Looking at her with a mix of desperation and hope, Su Ming implored, “Yu Zhao, please tell them! Have I ever laid a hand on you?”

Su Ming, for all his faults, wasn’t the type to resort to violence, especially not against a fellow disciple like Yu Zhao. He was nothing like their Fifth Brother, who often thought with his fists. Su Ming at least tried to use his head.

All eyes in the room shifted to Yu Zhao.

Yet, she remained silent, opening her palm and nodding slightly towards it before giving Su Ming a mischievous look.

She would clear up the misunderstanding—but only if Su Ming returned what he owed her. If he chose not to, he could continue to bear the weight of this baseless accusation.

This wasn’t just about the current situation. Yu Zhao’s harsh stance stemmed from her past life experiences. Back then, as her relationship with their fellow disciple Ye Cong Xin soured, her other senior brothers turned on her too. What started as indifference eventually spiraled into outright hatred and violence.

Su Ming had once broken three of her ribs under the guise of “teaching” her a lesson. So, Yu Zhao felt justified in turning the tables on him now.

Realizing that Yu Zhao was using the situation to her advantage, Su Ming’s emotions were a whirlwind of anger and disbelief. However, he knew that if he didn’t appease Yu Zhao today, Zhou Jin Yue, the favored disciple likely to be the next sect leader, wouldn’t let the issue slide. Alienating her would only make his life harder, even with the protection of their Master Qing Yan.

With a heavy heart, Su Ming suppressed his pride and said, “Senior Sister Jin Yue, may I have a moment alone with Yu Zhao?”

Zhou Jin Yue looked skeptical, her frown deepening. She turned to Yu Zhao, silently seeking her consent.

Yu Zhao agreed promptly, “Sure.”

She had anticipated this conversation; indeed, she had orchestrated the scenario to bring Su Ming to this point.

Upon her agreement, Su Ming called out, “Old Liu!”

The manager quickly approached with an eager-to-please smile. “Yes, Sir Su Ming?”

“Please keep Senior Sister Jin Yue company. I need to speak privately with my junior sister,” Su Ming said, his voice sharp with irritation as he stressed the words ‘junior sister.’

Ignoring his thinly veiled threat, Yu Zhao exchanged a brief word with Zhou Jin Yue and then followed Su Ming up the stairs.

Curious cultivators loitered on the staircase, their presence a clear sign of their interest in the drama unfolding. However, they were also cautious, not wanting to provoke Su Ming’s ire.

“Move! Clear the way!” Su Ming snapped, his patience worn thin. He shooed away the onlookers and stormed into a secluded room on the second floor, his expression stormy.

Yu Zhao entered right behind him.

As soon as the door closed, Su Ming burst out, “Yu Zhao, what have I done to deserve this? Why are you making me suffer like this?”

His frustration was palpable, mixed with genuine confusion.

Yu Zhao had always agreed with their eldest senior brother that cultivators should prioritize their training, not depending on spiritual stones or potions too heavily. She typically didn’t fuss over material things.

Whenever Su Ming had needed to borrow spiritual stones, she had never turned him away empty-handed.

But today, Yu Zhao seemed different, almost unrecognizable. She not only refused his request but also demanded repayment at the Treasure Pavilion.

Could this really be the same junior sister he knew, who was usually timid and unassertive?

The more he observed her, the more suspicious he grew, and a wild thought struck him: Could Yu Zhao be under the influence of a miserly spirit?

Yu Zhao’s reply to his bewildered accusations was terse: “Pay up!”

And she meant it—with interest, all at once.

Su Ming’s frustration bubbled over as he was cornered by his past decisions. After a tense pause, his face flushed with exasperation, he blurted out, “I don’t have any money.”

Indeed, Su Ming was penniless. Despite his royal origins, such wealth meant little in the realm of cultivation. The gold of the mortal world was mere scrap here.

Yu Zhao pressed on, undeterred, “Then start by returning the ten mid-grade spiritual stones you took from the Merit Hall today.”

“No way,” Su Ming snapped back instantly. “Those stones are for a gift for Junior Sister Cong Xin. They’re allocated already and can’t be touched.”

Yu Zhao nearly burst into laughter, though more from anger than amusement. Using her spiritual stones to buy a gift for Ye Cong Xin? Su Ming’s generosity with others’ resources was bold, to say the least.

Fortunately, Yu Zhao was prepared for this. Her eyes narrowed at the storage ring on Su Ming’s finger, “If you don’t have money, then items will do for repayment.”

Her real target was not the spiritual stones he borrowed but the items within that storage ring.

Armed with the knowledge from her past life, Yu Zhao was determined to make the most of this second chance.

Taken aback, Su Ming hesitated. The contents of his storage ring were not just treasures; they were gifts from his sect and master, or rare items he had painstakingly collected over the years. Each held sentimental value and represented a significant effort.

“Yu Xiao Zhao…” Su Ming’s voice trailed off as he attempted one last plea.

Yu Zhao tapped the table impatiently, her gaze hardening. “Third Senior Brother, Senior Sister Jin Yue is still waiting downstairs.” Her tone implied he should hurry up.

Su Ming’s face shifted between pale and red, a visual testament to his internal struggle. Seeing Yu Zhao’s clear impatience and readiness to depart, he finally conceded. With a heavy heart, he laid out half of his treasured items before her, his voice resigned, “Choose one.”

“One?” Yu Zhao’s smile was cold and calculating. “Third Senior Brother, tell me, which of these items is worth six hundred and ninety-eight mid-grade spiritual stones?”

Su Ming faltered, unable to respond.

With Su Ming silenced, Yu Zhao began to inspect the items he had presented. Su Ming had always had a keen eye for valuable finds. Each item he had chosen possessed unique properties that made them standout pieces.

A particularly vibrant feather caught Yu Zhao’s eye. Su Ming had acquired it at a steep price due to its resistance to both water and fire, and its flawless condition.

Even as a mere decorative piece, it seemed worth its cost.

Yet, Yu Zhao knew this feather had a significant history.

In her previous life, Su Ming had used this very feather to win favor with the White Peacock Clan from Spirit Mountain, which had helped secure the peacock plumes needed by Ye Cong Xin for her artifact crafting.

This novel is translated and hosted on BCatranslation

Additionally, Yu Zhao spotted a palm-sized, dark tortoiseshell tucked away in the corner. Crafted by a divination grandmaster a thousand years ago, this item was no mere trinket.

As she recognized several other famous artifacts from her past life among the treasures laid out, Yu Zhao kept her expression neutral, though inside, her mind was racing.

She was beginning to appreciate Su Ming’s exceptional talent and luck anew. Known as one of the top treasure hunters in the Five Elements Market, Su Ming had a knack for sifting through mountains of mundane to find true gems, adding them to his impressive collection.

No wonder Ye Cong Xin always seemed to have an endless supply of magical artifacts and was dubbed the “Treasure Beauty.” The efforts of Su Ming, largely unseen, played a significant role in her fame.


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