After changing to the ruthless way, the brothers cried and begged for forgiveness chapter 92

Chapter 92: South Sea City

This novel is translated and hosted only on bcatranslation.

There’s an old saying: “In the heat of the moment, we often miss the truth, while an observer sees things clearly.”

Fang Cheng Lang had never realized that he treated Yu Zhao and Ye Cong Xin differently. To him, they were both his junior sisters. Yu Zhao had joined the sect earlier, making him feel a closer bond with her. It wasn’t until Yu Zhao angrily cut ties with them and asked to leave the sect that he began to notice the difference. Even then, he sometimes thought Yu Zhao was overreacting and didn’t fully grasp the extent of his actions.

It took countless sleepless nights and haunting nightmares for him to finally see the truth.

Wrong is wrong. Even without bad intentions, the pain Yu Zhao felt was real and undeniable.

As Fang Cheng Lang became more aware of his actions, guilt consumed him. Others couldn’t understand his torment and blamed him, just as they had blamed Yu Zhao.

For Yu Zhao’s sake, and for fairness, Fang Cheng Lang couldn’t stay silent.

“I’ve always called her that,” Lan Zi Yu stammered, caught off guard by Fang Cheng Lang’s sudden questioning. He tried to justify himself.

“Does ‘always’ make it right?” Fang Cheng Lang pressed, his voice sharp and unyielding.

Lan Zi Yu had no answer. Embarrassed and defensive, he retorted coldly, “Why didn’t you say anything before, Senior Brother? It seems you agreed with me.”

He wanted to make Fang Cheng Lang feel as uncomfortable as he did.

Fang Cheng Lang’s heart ached, but he kept his face calm. “You’re right. That’s why I’m here, to atone for my mistakes. Have you thought about why you’re here?”

Lan Zi Yu fell silent, unable to respond.

Cui Jue and Su Ming lowered their eyes, avoiding Fang Cheng Lang’s gaze. They all had different reasons, but they shared a common goal: they wanted to bring Yu Zhao back to Lone Moon Peak.

The group felt incomplete without her.

But the word “atonement” felt heavy and uncomfortable. They struggled to accept it.

“Senior Brother, Second Senior Brother, please stop arguing for my sake. I’m willing to stay!” Ye Cong Xin’s voice wavered with emotion, her eyes filling with tears, her nose red from crying. She looked at them pitifully.

Lan Zi Yu scoffed and looked away, eager to escape the tense situation.

Fang Cheng Lang remained indifferent, neither agreeing nor disagreeing.

Su Ming lowered his head in frustration, his mind clouded with confusion. Would they ever return to the times when they sat by the stream, drinking and enjoying each other’s company as fellow juniors and seniors?

The Southern Sea was known for its sea monsters and mysterious islands. Each year, countless cultivators traveled there to hunt the monsters for their demon cores or explore the islands in search of treasures.

Being close to the sea, South Sea City was a bustling hub, often called the “First City of the Southern Region.”

Yu Zhao had heard that the ruins of the Water Cloud Palace were somewhere near South Sea City, though she had only a vague idea of their location. Lacking detailed information, she decided to head to South Sea City to gather more clues.

Perhaps the assassins from the Dark Pavilion were intimidated, or they couldn’t track her, but Yu Zhao encountered no ambushes on her journey. However, she did encounter several cultivators with ill intentions. After failing to gauge her cultivation level, they wisely chose not to confront her.

Ignoring them, Yu Zhao continued her journey to South Sea City.

As Yu Zhao approached the city, she noticed that the walls were decorated with shells, fish scales, and bones, giving the city a distinct and exotic look. The air was filled with a faint scent of the sea, adding to the coastal charm.

She followed the steady stream of cultivators entering the city, taking in the lively streets filled with the bustling energy of a seaside town. Suddenly, a clear, confident voice called out to her from the crowd.

“Senior, do you need a guide? Very cheap, only five low-grade spirit stones per day.”

Looking down, Yu Zhao saw a round-faced girl with a slight tan, nervously clutching her clothing. Despite her anxiety, the girl spoke with a clear confidence that caught Yu Zhao’s attention.

“Are you a local cultivator?” Yu Zhao asked, noticing a faint spiritual energy emanating from the girl, who appeared to be at the second level of the Qi Refining stage.

The girl blushed slightly, a subtle pink tinting her cheeks. She gathered her courage and nodded. “Yes, Senior. My name is Little Red.”

Yu Zhao raised an eyebrow at the simplicity of the name and glanced at the girl’s attire. “Little Red? This is my first time in South Sea City, and I could use a guide. You’ll do.”

“Thank you, Senior! Thank you!” Little Red bowed repeatedly, her voice filled with gratitude.

With a gentle application of spiritual energy, Yu Zhao lifted Little Red back to her feet. “Lead the way and tell me about South Sea City.”

“Of course, Senior,” Little Red replied eagerly, her eyes shining with excitement.

As they strolled through the city, Little Red enthusiastically explained the local customs and unique features of South Sea City. Being a coastal city, it boasted shops selling a wide range of items, from basic cultivation tools like talismans and magical items to various parts of sea beasts. One particular sight caught Yu Zhao’s attention: an enormous, grotesque sea beast displayed prominently, towering over the street like a two-story building.

The creature resembled a fish but had sharp beaks and teeth, with strange lumps protruding from its head and chin. It was so hideous that Yu Zhao thought it could give children nightmares just from a single glance.

Noticing Yu Zhao’s curiosity, Little Red quickly explained, “Senior, this sea beast is called the Meatball Sea Monster. Despite its looks, it’s as strong as a mid-stage Foundation Establishment cultivator in the sea and can easily capsize a ship. Its meat is incredibly tender and is said to have beautifying properties if eaten regularly.”

Yu Zhao winced, finding it hard to reconcile the creature’s appearance with its supposed benefits. She quickly averted her eyes, unable to look at it any longer.

Little Red, noticing Yu Zhao’s reaction, tried to stifle a giggle but quickly composed herself, adopting a serious expression.

Pretending not to notice the girl’s amusement, Yu Zhao continued down the street.

They soon arrived in front of an impressive five-story building. A deep blue banner hung from a flagpole outside, bearing an image of a mermaid with a fish tail and a human body, but no words.

Yu Zhao stopped and asked, “What’s that place?”

Little Red’s face lit up with pride. “Senior, that’s the most famous building in South Sea City, the Siren Pavilion. All the treasures inside are from the South Sea.”

This novel is translated and hosted only on bcatranslation.

Intrigued, Yu Zhao made her way toward the Siren Pavilion.

Little Red followed closely, her steps light with excitement. She felt proud of the Siren Pavilion, though she had only been inside once and had left quickly, feeling out of place in her dusty clothes. This time felt different; accompanying a senior cultivator gave her newfound confidence.

As Yu Zhao stepped into the Siren Pavilion, a cool breeze greeted her. It felt like sea air but was free of any fishy smell, instead carrying a refreshing scent that invigorated her senses.

The interior was beautifully decorated in shades of blue and white. The walls were inlaid with countless shining pearls, casting a soft, enchanting glow throughout the space. The atmosphere was unique and captivating, perfectly complementing the treasures displayed within.

Yu Zhao walked further into the pavilion, taking in the elegance and the aura of wealth. Little Red followed closely, her eyes wide with wonder and excitement. This was a rare opportunity for her, and she intended to make the most of it.


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