After changing to the ruthless way, the brothers cried and begged for forgiveness chapter 84

Chapter 84: A Fork in the Road

This novel is translated and hosted only on bcatranslation.

Yu Zheng Mao attempted to convince Yu Zhao a few more times, but it was clear from her determined expression that she had made up her mind. Despite his disappointment, he couldn’t help but admire her resolve.

With a sigh, he pulled out a small golden seal. “It’s my fault for not considering everything,” he said, offering it to her. “This is a VIP token from our Blackwater City Auction House. It entitles you to VIP services and discounts. Please, take it, Miss Yu Zhao.”

Having anticipated two possible outcomes, Yu Zheng Mao was prepared for this fallback plan. Since his initial attempt failed, he resorted to the second option.

This time, Yu Zhao didn’t hesitate and accepted the token graciously.

Taking advantage of this gesture, Yu Zheng Mao only charged her eighty percent of the usual fee, leaving everyone satisfied with the arrangement.

“If you’re not in a hurry, why not stay and enjoy some tea in a private room before you leave?” Yu Zheng Mao suggested, his tone tinged with concern.

Yu Zhao understood his subtle warning; he was hinting that someone might be planning to cause trouble for her. Remaining calm, she smiled. “Thank you for your kindness, Mr. Zheng Mao, but I have matters to attend to and can’t stay much longer.”

She wasn’t worried about the three people from the Green Wood Sect. If they had any sense, they wouldn’t have tried to provoke her at the auction, stirring unnecessary conflict. Now that everyone at the auction was aware of their dispute, if anything happened to her, suspicion would naturally fall on them.

As for any other potential threats, as long as they weren’t Nascent Soul cultivators, she was confident in her ability to handle them.

“Haha, I must have been overthinking things. Allow me to escort you out, Miss Yu Zhao,” Yu Zheng Mao offered, visibly relieved by her confident demeanor.

During this exchange, Meng Yue stood quietly to the side, unable to get a word in edgewise. She didn’t mind, though; instead, she felt excited to have witnessed so much, eager to share these stories later.

“Are you leaving, Sister Yu Zhao?” Meng Yue asked, her voice tinged with reluctance.

Perhaps it was her admiration for Yu Zhao’s strength, but after just one meeting, Meng Yue felt a strong attachment to her.

Yu Zhao smiled gently, patting Meng Yue’s head. “Yes, I have to go.”

“Could you tell me where you live? When I’m strong enough to explore the world like you, I’ll come find you,” Meng Yue asked nervously, playing with her fingers, afraid she might be a bother.

After a moment’s thought, Yu Zhao nodded. She felt a connection with Meng Yue; the girl was pure-hearted and posed no threat. “I’m a disciple of the Five Elements Sect. If you ever go on adventures, you can come to our sect to find me. I can’t guarantee I’ll be there, but you can send a letter ahead.”

Meng Yue’s eyes sparkled with excitement. “Really? The Five Elements Sect? That’s amazing! I’ll definitely visit! Please, don’t forget about me, Sister Yu Zhao!”

“I won’t. I’ll be waiting at the Five Elements Sect,” Yu Zhao promised.

With that reassurance, Meng Yue left, glancing back several times, clearly reluctant to part ways.

Yu Zhao didn’t leave immediately; instead, she returned to the inn where she was staying.

Inside the room, Chen Tiandong was animatedly recounting the events of the auction to his clan members. As they listened, their expressions turned from frowns at the mention of someone maliciously raising the bid against Yu Zhao, to cheers when they heard how she turned the tables, causing the bidder to lose nearly a thousand top-grade spirit stones. It was as if they had been there themselves, reveling in her victory.

Knock, knock.

As the Chen family was still engrossed in the story, a knock sounded at the door. Chen Tiandong frowned, then quickly smiled, guessing who it might be. He hurried to open the door.

As expected, it was Yu Zhao.

“Miss Yu Zhao, you’re back,” he greeted her warmly.

The Chen family members, hearing her name, quickly stood up to greet her, their voices overlapping in a chaotic chorus. Concerned about disturbing other guests, Chen Tiandong hurriedly ushered everyone back into the room, inviting Yu Zhao inside.

“No need for the formalities. I’ve come to say goodbye,” Yu Zhao said, feeling it would be rude to leave without a word after spending time with them.

Chen Tiandong felt a pang of anxiety. “Miss Yu Zhao, are you leaving now?”

“Yes,” she confirmed.

After a brief hesitation, he gathered his courage. “May I ask where you’re heading next? If it’s along our route, our Chen family caravan can escort you further.”

Though he offered, his face flushed with embarrassment. They owed their survival in Blackwater City to Yu Zhao; it was her presence that had protected them. She didn’t need their protection; they had merely benefited from her strength.

“I’m heading to South Sea City,” Yu Zhao replied. Her next destination was near Water Cloud Palace.

Chen Tiandong’s face showed a hint of disappointment. South Sea City was in the extreme south, the opposite direction from the Chen family’s home.

“Miss Yu Zhao, since we can’t accompany you, we wish you a safe journey and hope all your wishes come true. If you ever pass by Qishan City, please visit our Chen family. We would be honored to host you,” Chen Tiandong said, bowing deeply.

Yu Zhao smiled and nodded, accepting his sincerity. She bid farewell to the Chen caravan group, who insisted on seeing her off all the way to the inn’s entrance. If not for Yu Zhao’s insistence, they might have escorted her all the way out of the city.

Once she finally managed to break away from the enthusiastic Chen family, Yu Zhao sighed in relief. Outside the city gates, she checked the sun’s position and headed south.

After walking for less than half an hour, she encountered three familiar faces on the road.

The three from the Green Wood Sect, including Young Master Fan, froze at the sight of Yu Zhao casually walking towards them. They were caught off guard, unsure whether to flee or stay put.

Fortunately for them, Yu Zhao showed no interest in engaging. She walked past them without a word, leaving a cold breeze in her wake.

It wasn’t until she was out of sight that Young Master Fan finally snapped out of his stupor. “She’s gone, right? She’s really gone?” he asked his guard frantically.

The guard, visibly relieved to have avoided a confrontation, nodded. “Yes, sir, she’s gone, far away.”

Young Master Fan exhaled deeply, feeling the cold sweat on his back. His clothes were drenched. He shivered, coming to the stark realization of how dangerous the outside world could be.

This novel is translated and hosted only on bcatranslation.

He wanted to go home!

Meanwhile, in another inn in Blackwater City…


Wang Qian slammed his hand on the table, smashing it to pieces, sending cups and teapot fragments scattering across the floor.

“This is outrageous! Absolutely outrageous!” he fumed, glaring at the fourth-grade pill formula in his storage space with no joy, only anger and resentment.

Tian Han and Guo Ming En, seated nearby, looked down at their tea-stained robes and shoes, choosing to stay silent.

“Sir, do you need your room cleaned?” a waiter cautiously asked from the door, having heard the commotion.

“Get out!” Wang Qian shouted, sending the waiter scurrying away.


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