After changing to the ruthless way, the brothers cried and begged for forgiveness chapter 83

Chapter 83: Using One’s Own Methods Against Them

This novel is translated and hosted only on bcatranslation.

Chen Tiandong sat quietly in the corner, just as puzzled as Wang Qian. He had thought that Senior Yu Zhao might be from a powerful family or a prominent sect, but he realized now that he had severely underestimated her.

Three thousand top-grade spirit stones were enough to purchase the entire Chen family estate. They were incredibly lucky to have Senior Yu Zhao choose their caravan. Even decades later, Chen Tiandong would never forget the shock that Yu Zhao brought him.

Meanwhile, Young Master Fan and his two guards were trembling in their corner. They were not fools; it was clear now that Yu Zhao’s identity was extraordinary. They had almost provoked her, and the thought of that terrified them.

“Three thousand top-grade spirit stones! Bidder number 199 has offered three thousand top-grade spirit stones!” The auctioneer, Furong, was so excited she almost lost her voice. This would surely be the most memorable day of her auctioning career.

She repeated Yu Zhao’s bid, her gaze shifting expectantly to Wang Qian. He was the only one who could possibly compete with Yu Zhao.

Wang Qian clenched his teeth, hesitating. His background was indeed impressive—both his parents were Nascent Soul stage cultivators, and he had a supportive ancestor. His talent wasn’t lacking either, which was why he was a notable disciple in the Green Wood Sect’s Alchemy Hall.

Despite his advantages, three thousand top-grade spirit stones were still a substantial amount. However, the fourth-grade pill recipe was crucial for him to excel in the upcoming Alchemy Hall disciple examination. He couldn’t let this opportunity slip away, especially not to his rival, Mu Ye.

After a fierce internal struggle, Wang Qian gritted his teeth and said, “Three thousand and fifty spirit stones.”

It was a significant bid, but the crowd seemed somewhat disappointed. While his bid was higher, it lacked the decisive momentum that Yu Zhao’s bid had carried. Her presence overshadowed him.

All eyes turned to Yu Zhao, wondering if she would raise her bid.

The answer was no.

Wang Qian’s bid was near Yu Zhao’s limit. Even if she wanted to continue, it would be difficult. Her goal had been to make Wang Qian experience the frustration of being outbid, and she had succeeded.

She smiled and mouthed, “I quit.”

Yu Zhao’s sudden withdrawal left everyone stunned, especially Wang Qian. He quickly realized that she had only driven up the price to mess with him. Furious, he shot to his feet, “Yu Zhao! You did this on purpose!”

The crowd’s interest piqued. It was clear that they knew each other, and this promised to be interesting.

Although Yu Zhao and Wang Qian had never met, the fact that Wang Qian could call her name accurately proved he had been deliberately bidding against her.

Yu Zhao’s expression turned cold, “I only treated you the same way you treated me. Why are you angry, fellow cultivator?”

If there was any fault, it was Wang Qian’s for provoking Yu Zhao first. She had only retaliated in kind.

“You… you’re slandering me!” Wang Qian refused to admit he had tried to trick Yu Zhao and ended up being outplayed.

Yu Zhao shrugged nonchalantly, “I could also say I was just bidding normally, with no intention of tricking you.”

“You…!” Wang Qian was speechless, his face turning a deep shade of purple with rage.

Young Master Fan and several others in the crowd enjoyed the spectacle, secretly cheering for Yu Zhao. Many influential families had long disliked Wang Qian’s arrogance, and seeing him publicly humiliated by Yu Zhao was a delight.

“Junior Brother Wang, as men, we should be magnanimous. Why lower yourself to argue with her?” one of Wang Qian’s lackeys chimed in, attempting to defuse the situation.

“Yes, Junior Brother Wang, some people resort to underhanded tactics because they lack strength,” another added, indirectly insulting all the female cultivators present.

Yu Zhao chuckled, “Ah, it’s you two. Truly outstanding men who, even when fleeing, leave their junior sisters behind.”

“That’s a lie!”

“You’re slandering us!”

Tian Han and Guo Ming En jumped up, their eyes blazing with fury. They desperately wanted to silence Yu Zhao.

Despite their anger, the disdain in the crowd’s eyes was evident. Even though they might act similarly in a life-or-death situation, it didn’t stop them from morally condemning Tian Han and Guo Ming En now.

Even Wang Qian frowned slightly.

Sensing the escalating tension, the auction organizers quickly intervened to calm Wang Qian and his companions. After much effort, they managed to restore order, allowing the auction to continue smoothly.

“Senior Sister Yu Zhao! Senior Sister Yu Zhao! You were amazing! Those three were no match for you! Hmph, let them look down on women; they deserve it…” Meng Yue chattered excitedly as she followed Yu Zhao, who was heading to claim her auction items with two vouchers in hand.

“Miss Yu, please come this way,” the auction staff said respectfully. Thanks to Wang Qian, everyone at the auction now knew Yu Zhao’s name.

Yu Zhao was led into a private room by the auction staff, where Yu Zheng Mao was waiting with a bright smile at the door.

“Miss Yu, we meet again,” Yu Zheng Mao greeted her warmly, feeling fortunate he had not charged Yu Zhao for the spirit stones earlier. She had indeed brought him good fortune.

“Manager Yu,” Yu Zhao replied with a polite smile.

Yu Zheng Mao led Yu Zhao and Meng Yue into the private room, where he instructed the staff to bring in Yu Zhao’s auction items.

“Miss Yu Zhao, here are the Purple Vase and the True Water. Please inspect them,” he said, presenting the items.

Yu Zhao scanned the items with her divine sense. Finding no issues, she retrieved spirit stones from her storage ring. The sparkling stones piled up on the table, radiating an enticing aura.

Meng Yue stared, barely able to contain her excitement. She pinched her thigh to maintain her composure.

This novel is translated and hosted only on bcatranslation.

Yu Zheng Mao quickly waved his hands, “Miss Yu, you’ve misunderstood. I am not here to collect spirit stones from you. Due to the impact you’ve had on the auction, the Blackwater City Auction House has decided to gift you these two items as a token of our gratitude.”

Meng Yue almost drooled at the thought of nearly two hundred top-grade spirit stones’ worth of items being given away for free.

Yu Zhao was taken aback. After a moment’s hesitation, she shook her head, “I can’t accept such a generous gift without having earned it.”

An advanced seat ticket worth ten middle-grade spirit stones was one thing, as it cost the auction house almost nothing. But these two items, both in price and significance, were different. Moreover, Yu Zhao didn’t want to be too entangled with the Blackwater City Auction House.

Sometimes, the most expensive things are those that come for free.


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