After changing to the ruthless way, the brothers cried and begged for forgiveness chapter 82

Chapter 82: Reciprocity

This novel is translated and hosted only on bcatranslation.

“One thousand one hundred spirit stones!”

“I’ll bid one thousand two hundred!”

“Stop fighting! I bid one thousand three hundred!”

The competition for the fourth-grade pill recipe was far fiercer than anyone had expected. Voices from the VIP seats rose louder and louder as the bidding intensified. Only a few families remained calm, not rushing to place their bids.

Zhang, the young master of the Zhang family, listened anxiously as the bids increased by at least a hundred high-grade spirit stones each time. He turned to his father, visibly worried.

“Father, should we…?”

“Wait a little longer,” his father responded in a low voice, glancing subtly at Wang Qian, their main competitor. The elder Zhang’s face was heavy with concern. He thought about the spirit stones in his storage pouch; they had even sold off some assets to gather enough for this auction. If they failed to secure the pill recipe, those sacrifices would be in vain, and the Zhang family would suffer significant losses.

As the bidding reached one thousand six hundred and fifty high-grade spirit stones, even the wealthiest families began to feel the pressure. Zhang, Wang, and Wei families all joined the fray, unable to sit idle any longer.

Amidst the escalating tension, Wang Qian stood up with a confident smirk and raised his paddle. “One thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight.”

The room fell silent. The other families were stunned, unable to compete with such a high bid. Every increase from this point required careful consideration, but Wang Qian had nonchalantly raised the bid by nearly two hundred spirit stones in one go. His wealth and audacity left others feeling helpless. The young master Zhang clenched his fists nervously. The current bid was nearly all the Zhang family could muster, risking everything they had.

The young master wished for success but also hoped someone else would outbid them, avoiding the dire financial strain that winning would bring. As these conflicting emotions tore at him, Wang Qian’s voice cut through the tension.

“Two thousand spirit stones.”

The Zhang family patriarch leaned back, defeated, with a bitter smile. They couldn’t compete. It was over.

“Who is that person? How can they casually offer two thousand spirit stones?” someone exclaimed in disbelief.

“Unbelievable! I’ve worked my whole life and can’t earn ten spirit stones. These people casually bid two thousand. It’s so unfair!” another complained.

“With two thousand spirit stones, I could reach the Nascent Soul stage. Why spend it on a pill recipe?” a third grumbled.

Blackwater City, a bustling hub of cultivation, was home to many skilled cultivators. Yet, even they were shocked by the extravagant bidding, feeling resentment over the disparity in wealth.

Meng Yue, wrinkling her nose in confusion, whispered to Yu Zhao, “Sister Yu Zhao, is a fourth-grade pill recipe really worth that many spirit stones?”

“The value depends on who possesses it,” Yu Zhao explained calmly. “For a family, it’s not worth much. But in the hands of an alchemist, two thousand spirit stones is a reasonable price. They could refine a batch of Purifying Spirit Pills and sell them for hundreds of spirit stones, recouping the cost in no time.”

Meng Yue nodded, half-understanding. She was about to ask more when Yu Zhao suddenly raised her paddle.

“Two thousand two hundred spirit stones!”

Meng Yue’s eyes widened. “Sister Yu Zhao!” Chen Tiandong gasped, and the room erupted in shock.

Even the seasoned auctioneer, Furong, was taken aback. “B-Bidder number 119 offers two thousand two hundred spirit stones!” Her voice trembled. The bid had surpassed her career’s record, even rivaling the total sales of a small auction.

Wang Qian glared at Yu Zhao, seething. She was doing this on purpose, he realized, retaliating for his earlier aggressive bidding.

“Tian Han, Guo Ming En, see how arrogant the Five Elements Sect members are! They don’t take us from Greenwood Gate seriously at all!” Wang Qian’s companions egged him on, sensing an opportunity to deepen the rift between Yu Zhao and Wang Qian.

“She deliberately opposes us, looking down on us!” they continued.

Wang Qian, increasingly convinced by their words, fumed with anger.

“Two thousand two hundred spirit stones, once.”

“Two thousand two hundred spirit stones, twice.”

“Two thousand two hundred spirit stones, thr—”

“Two thousand five hundred! I bid two thousand five hundred!” Furong and the auction staff were ecstatic. This bid far exceeded their wildest expectations.

However, their excitement was premature.

“Two thousand six hundred,” Yu Zhao countered without hesitation.

“Two thousand eight hundred! This is my final offer!” Wang Qian declared, glaring at Yu Zhao with a fierce expression.

This novel is translated and hosted only on bcatranslation.

Yu Zhao chuckled. Did they think they could intimidate her into backing down?

With a smile, she raised her paddle once more. “Three thousand.”

Wang Qian’s eyes widened in disbelief. She hadn’t flinched but instead upped the bid by another two hundred spirit stones. Did she really want the Purifying Spirit Pill recipe, or was this a game to her?

He was utterly confused, caught between suspicion and the dawning realization of Yu Zhao’s true intent.


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