After changing to the ruthless way, the brothers cried and begged for forgiveness chapter 80

Chapter 80: The Purple Teapot

This novel is translated and hosted only on bcatranslation.

The auction house in Blackwater City had meticulously prepared for this event, ensuring everything ran smoothly. While the items following the Breakthrough Pill didn’t reach the same astronomical prices, each one garnered significant attention, fueling a highly competitive atmosphere.

“Next, we have a fascinating magical artifact,” announced Furong, the auctioneer. “Rather than just describing it, let me give you a demonstration. Trust me, you’ll want to see this.”

Her words piqued the audience’s curiosity. Furong smiled charmingly as the next item, the eighty-eighth of the night, was brought onto the stage. It was a small, purple teapot made of clay, with a long spout and delicate handle, resembling a common teapot used for brewing tea.

Some attendees felt disappointed, while others were intrigued. Yu Zhao furrowed her brows, sensing a familiar magical aura emanating from the teapot. Could this be related to the Illusory Tide Technique?

As these thoughts swirled in her mind, Furong gently cradled the purple teapot in her hands, showing it to the audience. “Now, I’ll infuse some spiritual energy into the teapot. Don’t blink, or you might miss something extraordinary.”

As she spoke, Furong channeled her energy into the teapot. A faint glow surrounded it, and a wisp of smoke began to emanate from the spout. The smoke gradually thickened and transformed into the image of a woman in her thirties.

The woman wore a crimson palace dress, with delicate eyebrows and captivating phoenix eyes. Her red lips added a striking allure, and her gaze radiated a chilling aura that made the audience shiver.

Everyone held their breath, unnerved by her intense stare. The woman’s eyes narrowed as she spoke coldly, “Those who block my path shall perish.”

Despite being only four words, her voice carried a menacing undertone that left lower-level cultivators sweating and trembling.

Furong’s gentle voice broke the tense atmosphere. “Apologies if I startled anyone,” she said as the woman dissolved back into smoke, returning to the purple teapot.

A murmur of astonishment spread through the room. “That illusion was so real! I thought a powerful cultivator was standing right in front of me!” one person exclaimed.

“Is this artifact just meant to scare people?” another wondered aloud.

Meng Yue, excited, turned to Yu Zhao. “Sister Yu Zhao, do you think the woman we saw was based on a real person? If she was, she must have been a powerful figure!”

Yu Zhao pondered for a moment before nodding. “I think she did exist,” she said, her eyes reflecting deep thoughts.

Though she had never seen the creator of the Illusory Tide Technique, the moment she laid eyes on the woman, Yu Zhao had a strong intuition that this red-clad woman was none other than the legendary Bright Mooon Hermit, known for her enlightenment through extreme actions.

The purple teapot might very well be an artifact personally crafted by Bright Mooon Hermit. A determined glint flashed in Yu Zhao’s eyes as she resolved to acquire it.

“Ladies and gentlemen,” Furong resumed, “this artifact can create illusions based on the spiritual energy infused into it. It’s an excellent tool for confusing enemies and ensuring your safety. The starting bid is two top-grade spirit stones, with no limit on the increments. Bidding starts now.”

Many cultivators who were initially interested quickly lost their enthusiasm at the steep starting price. Though the teapot was intricately crafted and could potentially be useful, its practical applications seemed limited. They would rather absorb the spirit stones’ energy than exchange them for this artifact.

Inwardly, they scoffed, wondering who would be foolish enough to buy such a thing.

“Ten top-grade spirit stones,” Yu Zhao declared, raising her bidding card without hesitation. She was determined to get the teapot, regardless of others’ opinions.

The crowd was stunned, turning to look at Yu Zhao. Seeing her youthful appearance yet sensing her late Foundation Establishment cultivation, many felt a mix of envy and admiration.

Furong was momentarily taken aback but then smiled. “Bid of ten top-grade spirit stones from bidder 119.”

The few remaining potential bidders shook their heads and backed down. Eventually, Yu Zhao secured the teapot for ten top-grade spirit stones.

She accepted the auction house’s voucher with a satisfied smile. Had it not been for the upcoming lot she was waiting for, she would have immediately retrieved the teapot to examine it more closely.

While Yu Zhao was content with her purchase, three members of the Green Wood Sect sitting in the VIP section shifted their focus to her. Tian Han was the first to recognize Yu Zhao. The events in Dragon Roar Valley were still fresh in his memory. If it hadn’t been for Yu Zhao’s insistence on rescuing someone, Mu Ye wouldn’t have gone to help, causing a rift between them.

Tian Han blamed Yu Zhao for the fallout, his expression darkening. Wang Qian and Guo Ming En, noticing his reaction, exchanged puzzled glances.

Tian Han silently signaled to Guo Ming En, who turned to see Yu Zhao and immediately frowned.

“Why are you two keeping secrets from me? What’s going on?” Wang Qian asked, annoyed.

Tian Han and Guo Ming En, eager to gain Wang Qian’s favor, hesitated but then began to recount the events of Dragon Roar Valley, embellishing details to cast Yu Zhao in a negative light. They emphasized the close relationship between Mu Ye and Yu Zhao, knowing Wang Qian disliked Mu Ye.

Wang Qian was initially surprised to learn that Yu Zhao was a disciple of the Five Elements Sect, a sect known for its unrivaled status in the cultivation world. The Green Wood Sect, despite its prestige, paled in comparison. Wang Qian’s pride in being a disciple of the Green Wood Sect’s Alchemy Hall felt insignificant next to the Five Elements Sect’s reputation.

This novel is translated and hosted only on bcatranslation.

However, he clung to the hope that Yu Zhao might be just an inner disciple, which would put them on more equal footing. “Which master does she follow?” he asked.

Wang Qian waited for an answer, but Tian Han and Guo Ming En hesitated. Finally, Tian Han whispered, “She’s a disciple of Master Qing Yan.”

Wang Qian froze, his mind reeling. Master Qing Yan was the most respected cultivator in the world. Realizing that Yu Zhao was under his tutelage, it was no wonder Tian Han and Guo Ming En, despite their grievances, dared not confront her directly.

Wang Qian felt conflicted. He wanted to drop the matter, but seeing the hopeful looks in Tian Han and Guo Ming En’s eyes, he knew they expected him to take action. He swallowed hard, feeling trapped between his reluctance to provoke such a powerful disciple and the expectations of his peers.


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