After changing to the ruthless way, the brothers cried and begged for forgiveness chapter 79

Chapter 79: Wang Qian of the Green Wood Sect

This novel is translated and hosted only on bcatranslation.

Of the three people present, two were from the Green Wood Sect, making the identity of the third person evident.

Yu Zhao was initially surprised to see them, but upon reflection, it seemed perfectly logical. The Green Wood Sect specialized in alchemy, so it made sense that they wouldn’t miss the auctioning of a fourth-grade pill recipe. The local families of Blackwater City must have been informed by the auction house, and upon seeing the three from the Green Wood Sect, they immediately rose to pay their respects, leaving the rest of the attendees dumbfounded.

Young Master Fan, seated in the second row’s corner, turned red with envy. He thought sitting in the VIP section would bring him the attention he craved, but those around him ignored him as if he were invisible. Worse yet, they lavished attention on the three young people of similar age, leaving the prideful Fan simmering with resentment. However, he dared not cause a scene at the auction, stewing silently instead.

As the three from the Green Wood Sect took their seats, the auction officially began. A gentle-looking female cultivator walked onto the stage. Her appearance wasn’t particularly striking, but she exuded a natural charm that made it hard to look away.

“Thank you, esteemed guests, for attending the Blackwater City auction. I am your auctioneer, Furong. We have a total of 188 items up for auction today, each carefully selected by our house. We guarantee their authenticity and quality, ensuring that every purchase will be worth your while…”

Her voice was as gentle and soothing as flowing water, captivating everyone’s attention without needing to raise her volume. In the large auction hall, only her voice could be heard. Yu Zhao’s eyes lit up with interest. She hadn’t expected illusion magic to be used in such a way. Strictly speaking, Furong’s technique was a form of charm magic, or rather, charm magic was a subset of illusion magic, both manipulating the senses to influence the mind. In the past, Yu Zhao used fragrances to distract attention and then wove illusions through spells, but Furong’s technique of using her voice was a new and enlightening approach.

“The first item today is a third-grade pill, the Breakthrough Pill. It aids Foundation Establishment cultivators in breaking through to the Golden Core stage, with a success rate of up to 70%…”

As Furong introduced the first item, a Breakthrough Pill consigned by the Chen family, the audience grew visibly excited, shifting restlessly in their seats.

“What? A Breakthrough Pill? They’re really going all out this time!”

“A pill guaranteed to elevate one to the Golden Core stage! The auction house is pulling out all the stops!”

“Damn it! With so many people vying for it, I won’t stand a chance!”

The Breakthrough Pill was renowned among Foundation Establishment cultivators, a coveted pill that could make dreams of advancement a reality. The crowd’s eyes blazed with eagerness, each person imagining the moment they could consume the pill and ascend to the Golden Core stage. They conveniently ignored the 30% failure rate.

Young Master Fan was particularly agitated, his breath quickening. “A Breakthrough Pill! It’s a Breakthrough Pill!”

His two guards shared his excitement, but as their enthusiasm waned, they remembered the significantly lighter state of Young Master Fan’s purse and felt a pang of anxiety. The amount of money they had was unlikely to be enough to purchase the pill.

“The starting bid for the Breakthrough Pill is 100 middle-grade spirit stones, with a minimum increment of 10 middle-grade spirit stones,” Furong announced, signaling the start of the bidding.

A hundred middle-grade spirit stones, equivalent to a single high-grade spirit stone, was a price Young Master Fan could barely manage. However, he knew that this was only the starting price and had no confidence that he could win the bid. His fears were confirmed as soon as Furong finished explaining the rules, as a flurry of bid paddles went up.

“Bidder 143, two hundred middle-grade spirit stones!”

“Bidder 210, two hundred and sixty middle-grade spirit stones!”

“Bidder 47, three hundred middle-grade spirit stones!”

The bids climbed rapidly, soon surpassing what Young Master Fan could afford. His expression darkened. If only he hadn’t spent so much on VIP tickets, he might have had a fighting chance. He clenched his fists in frustration, his eyes full of resentment.

The only person grinning was Chen Tiandong. The more fierce the bidding, the more excited he became. Just as Yu Zhao had speculated, the Chen family had been struggling in recent years. With no talented younger generation, the family’s future looked bleak once the patriarch passed away. The Chen patriarch had decided to sell the Breakthrough Pill and use the proceeds to fund a batch of cultivation-enhancing pills, hoping to make a desperate bid for the Nascent Soul stage. It was a risky gamble, but the only one he saw fit.

Unaware of the patriarch’s plans, Chen Tiandong was simply pleased to see the pill fetching a high price. Eventually, the Breakthrough Pill was sold for 1,300 middle-grade spirit stones to the Wei family in the VIP section. The Wei family was overjoyed, while Guo Ming En sneered, “Hmph, getting so excited over a mere third-grade pill?”

Tian Han, seeing a chance to ingratiate himself, quickly agreed, “Senior Brother Guo, for those from small families like theirs, their vision is limited. They can’t compare to the likes of Junior Brother Wang Qian, who casually handles third-grade pills.”

This novel is translated and hosted only on bcatranslation.

Guo Ming En, recognizing the flattery, smiled and nodded, further elevating Wang Qian, who sat between them, making him feel quite pleased. “You flatter me, Senior Brothers. While I can produce second-grade pills with ease, third-grade pills do take some effort,” Wang Qian said, feigning humility but with a proud look on his face.

Guo Ming En and Tian Han exchanged glances, noting Wang Qian’s arrogance. It was no wonder he was constantly outshone by Mu Ye in the pill hall. Despite their dislike for Wang Qian, they had been alienated by Mu Ye and her faction, forcing them to curry favor with Wang Qian for tasks and resources. Sometimes, sacrifices had to be made for the sake of resources.

Their conversation, though not loud, was not concealed either, and the Zhang family members sitting nearby heard everything. The young master of the Zhang family couldn’t hide his envy. Even obtaining a second-grade pill required the approval of his family head and elders, unlike the Green Wood Sect, where pills were as common as candy.

The Zhang family and others were shocked by the Green Wood Sect’s wealth, though they found it understandable given the sect’s prominent position in the cultivation world. However, the display of wealth left them feeling discontent, disrupting the previously peaceful atmosphere. The excitement over the Breakthrough Pill had set the stage for the rest of the auction, which proceeded smoothly thereafter.


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