After changing to the ruthless way, the brothers cried and begged for forgiveness chapter 78

Chapter 78: Auction Insights

This novel is translated and hosted only on bcatranslation.

The general seating for the auction in Blackwater City was quickly sold out, not due to a lack of seats but because these were the most numerous. Consequently, a long line formed outside the entrance for general admission.

In contrast, the entrance to the premium seating area, where Yu Zhao and Chen Tiandong were headed, had only a few people in line. After joining the queue, it wasn’t long before the two were guided into the auction hall.

The setup for this auction featured a stage at the center, with seats arranged in a fan-shaped layout around it. The front two rows, designated as VIP seats, were extravagantly arranged with ample space. Following these were the premium and general seating sections, clearly distinct in their setups.

As the hall filled with chatter, the general and premium seats were already occupied by many cultivators, all animatedly discussing the items up for auction that day.

“Why are they here too?” Chen Tiandong muttered under his breath, catching Yu Zhao’s attention as they searched for their seats. Looking up, Yu Zhao spotted three familiar figures in the second row.

Today, Young Master Fan stood out in his lavish attire, clearly dressed to impress. Yu Zhao couldn’t help but sense a smugness in his demeanor, even from behind.

Chen Tiandong chuckled, “It seems most cultivators here for the auction came to Blackwater City specifically for this event.” He then added with surprise, “I just didn’t expect them to be sitting in the VIP section.”

Chen Tiandong, coming from a family of cultivators himself, recognized that despite Young Master Fan’s outwardly grand appearance, his actual family background wasn’t particularly impressive, likely not even as good as Chen’s family. The fact that they splurged on VIP tickets caught him off guard, making him second-guess his initial impression.

Yu Zhao simply smiled, choosing not to mention the events that occurred when buying the tickets. Chen Tiandong, unaware of Yu Zhao’s involvement, didn’t pursue the topic. Since they hadn’t purchased their seats at the same time, they ended up seated in different sections. Once they found their places, they sat separately.

Yu Zhao found herself next to a round-faced young girl with a lively and outgoing nature, who appeared to be in the seventh stage of Qi Refining. As soon as Yu Zhao sat down, the girl eagerly introduced herself.

The girl, named Meng Yue, was a local cultivator from Blackwater City and seemed very knowledgeable about the auction’s procedures.

“Sister Yu Zhao, is this your first time at the Blackwater City auction? It’s my first time too! I’ve heard this auction is bigger than previous ones, and I had to beg my family to let me attend,” Meng Yue said excitedly.

Though Meng Yue was careful not to reveal too much about her family background, her manners and attire suggested she came from a well-off family, more fitting the image of a noble family child than Young Master Fan.

“I also heard that the highlight of this auction is a fourth-grade pill recipe. Many people are here just for that,” she whispered, lowering her voice.

Yu Zhao was slightly surprised. She had only heard of individual fourth-grade pills occasionally appearing at auctions but never a recipe. In the Green Wood Sect, known for its alchemy, a fourth-grade pill recipe was incredibly valuable, rarely disclosed even to disciples outside the Alchemy Hall. She could already imagine the fierce competition that would ensue over it.

“Sister Yu Zhao, you’re not here for the pill recipe, are you?” Meng Yue asked, noticing Yu Zhao’s calm reaction.

Yu Zhao shook her head, and Meng Yue visibly relaxed, exaggerating a sigh of relief. “Phew! Sister Yu Zhao, please don’t compete for that recipe; it’s too dangerous,” she warned, wrinkling her nose as if recalling something unpleasant.

Meng Yue’s mood shifted quickly, and soon she was chatting animatedly about other auction items. Time passed swiftly with her cheerful chatter, and just as the auction was about to start, the hall, which had gradually quieted down, suddenly erupted in excitement.

“The Zhang family! The Zhang family is here!”

“Even the Zhang family head is here! There must be some incredible treasures at this auction!”

“Isn’t that the young master of the Zhang family? Truly impressive!”

The Zhang family, the most influential family in Blackwater City, drew much attention as they arrived at the auction. Leading the group was a lean, sharp-eyed middle-aged man, accompanied by a young man who shared some of his features and exuded a commanding presence. The four members of the Zhang family took their seats in the front row of the VIP section, maintaining a solemn demeanor throughout.

Meng Yue explained, “The Zhang family is the top family in Blackwater City. It’s said their ancestor is just a step away from reaching the Nascent Soul stage.”

This novel is translated and hosted only on bcatranslation.

Yu Zhao had already heard about the Zhang family from others. Besides their rarely-seen ancestor, the Zhang family had two Golden Core cultivators, one of whom was the family head. The young master was also a promising cultivator, likely to advance to the Golden Core stage, which only increased the Zhang family’s influence in the city.

To everyone’s surprise, the Zhang family left the three best seats in the VIP section vacant. This sparked curiosity among the attendees, who speculated about the seats’ occupants.

“Strange, the Wei family, Wang family, and Zhao family are all here. Who’s missing?” Meng Yue pondered, counting the prominent families.

Yu Zhao felt a hunch and soon saw three young men enter the hall through the VIP passage. She recognized two of them instantly. One, a taller man named Tian Han, and the other, a brawny man named Guo Ming En, were both martial disciples of the Green Wood Sect. Yu Zhao remembered them vividly from their last encounter at Dragon Roar Valley, where they had a falling out over protecting Mu Ye. Seeing them again in this setting was quite unexpected.


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