After changing to the ruthless way, the brothers cried and begged for forgiveness chapter 75

Chapter 75: Arriving at Blackwater City

This novel is translated and hosted on BCatranslation.

“Senior Yu, we’ll reach Blackwater City in about an hour,” announced Chen Tiandong, who was sitting at the front of the carriage with a broad smile.

Yu Zhao nodded thoughtfully, estimating that they were indeed close. “Senior Yu, do you have a place to stay in Blackwater City? There’s a big auction happening in seven days, and many cultivators are arriving early. I’m afraid the inns might be fully booked,” Chen Tiandong continued, a hint of concern in his voice.

Yu Zhao was caught off guard. She hadn’t planned for accommodations. Noticing her hesitation, Chen Tiandong quickly offered, “Our Chen family has already reserved rooms, and we happen to have an extra one. If you don’t mind, you’re welcome to stay with us.”

Yu Zhao chuckled softly, appreciating the thoughtfulness. Given the high demand for rooms due to the auction, the prices were likely inflated. It seemed the Chen family had foresight, booking an extra room just in case.

“Thank you,” she replied sincerely.

Chen Tiandong smiled gratefully. “No need to thank me. We owe our lives to you, Senior Yu. A room is the least we can offer,” he said, his tone respectful.

Yu Zhao had not only saved their lives but had also refrained from taking their valuable breakthrough pills, showcasing her noble character. For the Chen family, having such a benefactor was a tremendous blessing.

An hour later, the convoy arrived at the gates of Blackwater City, where everyone dismounted. Chen Tiandong instructed six guards to take the horses to a designated area outside the city, while the rest queued up for entry.

As they stood in line, Yu Zhao observed the bustling gate, feeling relieved to be with the Chen family. The city entrance was crowded, yet the process moved swiftly. In the time it took to burn a stick of incense, they had passed through the gate and entered Blackwater City.

The city had the typical layout of a cultivation city, but it was particularly lively, likely due to the upcoming auction. Chen Tiandong, familiar with the area, led them expertly through the crowded streets. After navigating three streets and several turns, they arrived at a four-story inn.

“Please, Senior Yu,” Chen Tiandong gestured enthusiastically for Yu Zhao to enter first.

Yu Zhao smiled and stepped inside, followed by Chen Tiandong. As they approached the counter, the innkeeper looked troubled. “I’m sorry, but all our rooms are taken,” he explained, eyeing a group of three men standing nearby.

The leader of the group, an unremarkable man dressed in gaudy clothes, appeared to be wealthy but lacked the aura of a seasoned cultivator. His two companions, likely bodyguards, looked at Yu Zhao and her group with disdain.

Chen Tiandong, sensing the situation, spoke with authority. “We have a reservation.”

The innkeeper hesitated, glancing nervously at the gaudy man who cleared his throat. One of his attendants stepped forward, saying, “Our master likes the room you’ve reserved. Name your price.”

Chen Tiandong didn’t bother acknowledging them, focusing instead on the innkeeper. “Innkeeper, please check us in. My brothers are tired and need to rest.”

The three men scowled at being ignored. “Hey! Do you know who our master is? How dare you ignore us! You’ll regret this!” one of the bodyguards barked.

“Hand over the room, and our master will forget this happened. Otherwise… hmph!” the other sneered, trying to intimidate them.

Yu Zhao watched the exchange with mild amusement. The bodyguards didn’t even match Chen Tiandong’s cultivation level, yet they were attempting to bully them. She deduced they were likely from a minor family, flaunting their meager wealth.

“We’re not giving up the room. What are you going to do about it? If you’re looking for a fight, the Chen family is ready,” Chen Tiandong replied coldly, clapping his hands.

At his signal, the Chen family members, who had been waiting outside, entered the inn. Their presence filled the room with a palpable tension. Each one looked capable and formidable, their eyes cold and unyielding.

The trio, who had been so confident moments before, suddenly looked vulnerable, like prey surrounded by predators.

“Misunderstanding! It’s all a misunderstanding,” the gaudy man stammered, his face paling as he realized their mistake. He bowed repeatedly, sweat dripping from his forehead.

“A misunderstanding?” Chen Tiandong’s smile was icy. “You think a misunderstanding excuses everything?”

The Chen family members glared, some cracking their knuckles menacingly. The gaudy man looked like he was on the verge of tears.

“I’ll pay! I’ll pay for the room!” he blurted out, desperate to avoid further confrontation.

Chen Tiandong laughed heartily, clapping the man on the shoulder. “Now you’re talking!” he said, easing the tension.

The man sighed in relief, visibly deflating. The innkeeper quickly arranged for the Chen family to check in, personally escorting them upstairs. At Chen Tiandong’s insistence, Yu Zhao was given the best available room.

After a short rest, Yu Zhao decided to visit the auction venue to familiarize herself with the process. She knew that participating in the auction required a deposit and that seating was divided into tiers with varying levels of service. All transactions had to be settled immediately, or the auction house would enforce payment by other means.

Though Yu Zhao had rarely attended auctions, she had heard enough from Su Ming, a regular attendee, to know what to expect. Su Ming often boasted about his experiences, providing her with a useful overview.

This novel is translated and hosted on BCatranslation.

The auction house was located in a bustling market district. Following the flow of people, Yu Zhao soon arrived at the venue. Outside, a commotion caught her attention.

“What? Sold out already? How can that be?” someone shouted angrily.

“I’ve traveled for a month to get here! And now you’re telling me there are no tickets left? What kind of auction is this?” another voice chimed in, frustration clear in their tone.

“I don’t care! If you’re hosting a large auction, you should have enough tickets! Find me a ticket!” demanded a third, equally irate.

Yu Zhao observed the scene calmly, noting the chaos as cultivators clamored for entry. She could already sense that this auction was going to be more intense than she had anticipated.


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