After changing to the ruthless way, the brothers cried and begged for forgiveness chapter 71

Chapter 71: Encountering the Nightmare Again

This novel is translated and hosted on BCatranslation.

“Junior Brother Fang,” Zhou Jin Yue said, forcing a polite smile, “I truly don’t know where Junior Sister Yu Zhao has gone.”

Fang Cheng Lang’s expression darkened momentarily, but he managed a nod. “Sorry to bother you, Senior Sister Jin Yue.”

To her surprise, Fang Cheng Lang didn’t push further for answers. He simply turned and walked away, leaving Zhou Jin Yue puzzled as she watched him depart.

Returning to Lone Moon Peak, Fang Cheng Lang felt an unfamiliar emptiness. Three days ago, Master Qing Yan had finally permitted him unrestricted access to the cave dwelling, sparking his thoughts of visiting Yu Zhao. However, upon arriving at her quarters in the inner courtyard, he found it completely vacant.

He had questioned several inner disciples about her whereabouts, but no one had any information. His last resort was to ask Zhou Jin Yue, but she too had no answers. Now, standing in the training grounds of Lone Moon Peak, the place felt cold and desolate, lacking the warmth it once held.

That night, Fang Cheng Lang was plagued by another nightmare.

In the dream, he found himself in a dark, empty space filled with haunting images. The figure in the images resembled him but seemed different—cold, unrecognizable. He was still the renowned Swordsman of the Five Elements Sect, but his treatment of Little Six was harsh, bordering on cruel.

When Little Six asked him for a lantern, he denied her without hesitation. When she brought him a carefully prepared meal, he threw it to the ground without a glance. When she sought his guidance in swordsmanship, he struck her wrist, leaving her unable to wield a sword for a long time.

In the dream, he watched himself repeatedly reject Little Six’s kindness, each time breaking her heart a little more. Desperate, he shouted, “That’s not me! That’s not me!”

But no one could hear him.

He felt trapped in a mire of despair, sinking deeper with each moment. First, it was his fingertips, then his arms, until his entire body trembled uncontrollably.

“Senior Brother,” a voice cut through his despair.

Fang Cheng Lang slowly looked up.

Cui Jue stood before him, eyes filled with concern.

Fang Cheng Lang tried to muster a smile but failed. His voice was hoarse as he greeted, “Ah Jue.”

Fang Cheng Lang preferred using nicknames, believing it made them feel more like family.

“Senior Brother, let’s go find Yu Zhao,” Cui Jue suggested, his tone firm.

A flicker of hope sparked in Fang Cheng Lang’s eyes but quickly dimmed. He shook his head bitterly, “Little Six doesn’t want to see us.”

“If she doesn’t want to see us, does that mean we should avoid her forever? We’ll never earn her forgiveness that way,” Cui Jue replied, determined. He couldn’t stand seeing his senior brother so despondent. Cui Jue believed that if they showed enough sincerity, Yu Zhao would eventually come around.

“It’s just a matter of whether our sincerity can move her,” Cui Jue added.

Fang Cheng Lang’s expression turned solemn. “Yu Zhao has chosen the Emotional Detachment Path,” he said quietly.

Cui Jue’s eyes widened in disbelief. “Emotional Detachment Path? Impossible!”

Yu Zhao was known for her sensitivity and deep emotions. How could she choose such a path? He stared at Fang Cheng Lang, disbelief clear on his face. “Senior Brother, you must be joking.”

Fang Cheng Lang knew Cui Jue would struggle to believe it. Having secluded himself for years to refine pills, Cui Jue hadn’t interacted with Yu Zhao recently and was unaware of the drastic changes in her. Four years ago, Fang Cheng Lang himself would have thought it impossible.

But it was true.

Cui Jue’s silence deepened Fang Cheng Lang’s own sense of foreboding. “Was it three years ago?” Cui Jue asked hesitantly.

Fang Cheng Lang nodded.

Cui Jue’s previous confidence shattered. He was clever but had stubbornly refused to believe that Yu Zhao would sever their bonds. Now, faced with the truth, he had to accept that she had made up her mind.

The two stood in a heavy silence, lost in their thoughts.

After a long pause, Cui Jue’s confusion cleared, replaced by determination. “Senior Brother, no matter what, I want to see Yu Zhao,” he declared. He needed to understand why she had made such a decision and if she thought he was an unworthy brother.

Fang Cheng Lang, influenced by Cui Jue’s resolve, felt his own determination waver. He couldn’t bear the thought of being estranged from Little Six forever.

With Cui Jue’s intelligence and calm demeanor, perhaps they could find a way to mend their relationship with her.

Fang Cheng Lang nodded firmly. “Alright, I’ll go with you.”

They briefly discussed their plan, deciding to set out the next morning. Cui Jue knew the journey could take at least six months, possibly longer if they encountered any obstacles. He decided to prepare medicine for their junior sister in advance.

Cui Jue selected various pills from his collection, enough to last two years, and delivered them to Ye Cong Xin’s cave.

Ye Cong Xin, surprised by his visit, was about to make an excuse to avoid discussing Yu Zhao. However, Cui Jue informed her that he would be leaving for an extended training trip.

Ye Cong Xin felt a pang of panic. Of all the people on Lone Moon Peak, Cui Jue liked her the most. She had tied her first task’s goal to winning Cui Jue’s favor. If Cui Jue left, her plan would fail.

Watching Cui Jue closely, Ye Cong Xin adopted a worried expression. “Fourth Senior Brother, you’ve just finished seclusion and now you’re leaving again? I’ll miss you so much.”

Then, with a pleading tone, she suggested, “Why don’t you take me with you for training?”

Cui Jue frowned. “Junior Sister, your health has only just started to improve. It wouldn’t be wise to overexert yourself.”

“It’s fine,” Ye Cong Xin insisted, holding onto Cui Jue’s sleeve and speaking sweetly. “With you there, I won’t suffer.”

Seeing her persistence, Cui Jue revealed the true purpose of their journey. “Actually, Junior Sister, Senior Brother and I plan to find Yu Zhao. She’s no longer in the sect, and we want to check on her.”

Ye Cong Xin’s smile disappeared. She had assumed Cui Jue had given up on Yu Zhao, given his recent silence. But it seemed his heart still longed for her. If that was the case, she couldn’t let him succeed.

“Fourth Senior Brother, please take me with you. I want to help find Sixth Senior Sister too. Or… do you blame me as well?” Ye Cong Xin’s eyes reddened, tears threatening to fall.

This novel is translated and hosted on BCatranslation.

Cui Jue hesitated for a long moment before finally agreeing.

His feelings for Ye Cong Xin were more of pity than affection. When he first met her, she had been small and frail, much like Yu Zhao when she first joined. Over time, under their care, Yu Zhao had grown healthier, and Ye Cong Xin’s presence reminded him of those earlier days. He often paid extra attention to her out of nostalgia.

In truth, he felt it was unfair to Ye Cong Xin, as he only cared for her because of his memories of Yu Zhao. To ease his guilt, he had always provided her with medicines to strengthen her body.

As he watched Ye Cong Xin smile brightly at his agreement, Cui Jue felt a pang of confusion. Ye Cong Xin’s health had improved due to his constant care, yet he realized it had been a long time since he had prepared any medicine for Yu Zhao.


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