After changing to the ruthless way, the brothers cried and begged for forgiveness chapter 61

Chapter 61: The Fair and Just Senior Sister

This novel is translated and hosted on BCatranslation

“Yu Zhao!” Lan Zi Yu shouted, his voice quivering with anger, and his eyes flashed red. “Fine! Fine! You won’t come back, will you? Then don’t ever think of coming back again! Senior Brother, let’s go!”

He tried to pull Fang Cheng Lang away, but Fang Cheng Lang dodged his grip, remaining steadfast. His eyes were filled with sadness as he looked at Yu Zhao. “Little Six, come home with your Senior Brother.”

“Senior Brother, didn’t you hear her? She said she’s not Little Six anymore! She’s not coming back! Why are we still here? Let’s go!” Lan Zi Yu’s voice was a mixture of frustration and desperation.

Despite Lan Zi Yu’s outburst, Fang Cheng Lang stood like a stone statue, unyielding.

“My decision is made; please leave,” Yu Zhao said firmly, her back turned to them, her voice carrying an air of finality.

Fang Cheng Lang’s face fell, his eyes glistening with unshed tears. He reached out, but an invisible barrier repelled his hand with a soft buzz. He staggered back, unable to breach the force field. Without a backward glance, Yu Zhao walked away, her figure growing smaller with each step.

Fang Cheng Lang remained frozen, a single tear tracing down his cheek. A heavy sense of foreboding settled in his chest, the fear that this was truly the last time he would see her.

“Senior Brother, you…” Lan Zi Yu’s anger dissipated, replaced by shock at seeing Fang Cheng Lang’s tears. In all the years he had known his Senior Brother, he had never seen him cry. The sight stirred something deep within Lan Zi Yu, a painful tightening in his chest and a stinging in his eyes.

“What are you two doing?” A sharp, authoritative voice cut through the tense atmosphere.

The brothers turned to see Zhou Jin Yue descending the mountain path, her expression a mix of anger and disappointment.

“Senior Sister Jin Yue,” Fang Cheng Lang and Lan Zi Yu greeted her in subdued tones.

Zhou Jin Yue sneered at them, her arms crossed. “Why aren’t you two at Lone Moon Peak where you belong?”

“We came to bring Little Six home,” Fang Cheng Lang explained, his voice heavy with regret.

Lan Zi Yu clenched his fists, remaining silent.

Zhou Jin Yue’s eyes narrowed. “Now you regret it? What did I tell you before? I warned you to treat Yu Zhao better. You assured me you knew what you were doing, that Lone Moon Peak never mistreated her. And now she’s been cast out. What do you have to say for yourselves?”

She had rushed over the moment she heard Fang Cheng Lang and Lan Zi Yu had arrived in the inner courtyard. The sight of them still lingering after Yu Zhao’s expulsion made her blood boil. Zhou Jin Yue had never been one to tolerate injustice, especially when it came to her junior sisters.

Fang Cheng Lang bowed his head in shame. Zhou Jin Yue had warned him repeatedly, but he had been too arrogant, too dismissive of Little Six’s struggles. Now, it was too late to undo the damage, and the weight of his guilt was crushing.

Lan Zi Yu, however, bristled with indignation. He resented Zhou Jin Yue’s interference, but he held his tongue, knowing her seniority and the fact that she had once saved their lives demanded respect.

Seeing his defiant stance, Zhou Jin Yue’s gaze hardened. “Lan Zi Yu, you really think you’re blameless, don’t you? You believe you’ve done nothing wrong? Seventy percent of the rumors about Yu Zhao came from you! So, tell me, what heinous crimes did she commit to deserve such slander? I’m free now, so let’s hear it. I’ll judge fairly.”

Zhou Jin Yue was renowned for her knowledge of the Five Elements Sect’s internal affairs. She had initially dismissed the squabbles between Yu Zhao and Junior Sister Cong Xin as petty misunderstandings. However, Lan Zi Yu’s relentless gossip had painted Yu Zhao as a villain, warping the sect’s perception of her.

“Yu Zhao is selfish, always trying to monopolize the sect’s resources. She even hurt Junior Sister Cong Xin! That’s unforgivable,” Lan Zi Yu declared, his voice brimming with self-righteousness. He had convinced himself that his actions were justified, unable to see the harm they had caused.

“Oh? And what exactly did Yu Zhao do to bully Cong Xin? Did you see it yourself?” Zhou Jin Yue challenged, her tone icy.

“She spoke ill of Junior Sister behind her back and… and…” Lan Zi Yu stammered, struggling to recall concrete instances. His accusations had been fueled more by hearsay and personal bias than by actual events.

This novel is translated and hosted on BCatranslation

“Right! During a sparring match, she ‘accidentally’ injured Junior Sister Cong Xin! I saw it myself!” Lan Zi Yu grasped at the memory, clinging to it as justification.

“And that’s all?” Zhou Jin Yue raised an eyebrow, unimpressed.

Fang Cheng Lang’s face darkened, the weight of the situation sinking in.

Lan Zi Yu’s frustration boiled over. “Isn’t that enough? Senior Sister Jin Yue, I know you favor Yu Zhao, but you shouldn’t be biased. As the senior sister of the Five Elements Sect, you should be fair and just.”

Zhou Jin Yue nearly laughed at his audacity. “Exactly because I am the senior sister, I must stand against injustice. Sparring injuries happen all the time. Take your fifth junior brother, Quan Ye, for example. He sparred with Yu Zhao often, and as a physical cultivator, his attacks were never gentle. I’m sure Yu Zhao got hurt too. Did you ever accuse Quan Ye? He’s been far rougher.”

Lan Zi Yu was stunned into silence, unable to refute her words. The truth of his bias and the unfair treatment of Yu Zhao were laid bare, and he could no longer hide behind his flimsy justifications. The gravity of their actions, and the unjust exile of Yu Zhao, hung in the air, a silent rebuke.


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One thought on “After changing to the ruthless way, the brothers cried and begged for forgiveness chapter 61

  1. And the funnier part is that the violent one is known throughout the sect as someone who can’t hold back and in Lone Moon Peak, Yu Zhao is the only person he could spar with.

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