After changing to the ruthless way, the brothers cried and begged for forgiveness chapter 59

Chapter 59: The Shifting Affection

This novel is translated and hosted on BCatranslation

Lan Zi Yu’s refusal was so abrupt that it left Ye Cong Xin speechless for a moment.

“Junior Sister, I really need it urgently!” he pleaded, trying to mask his desperation.

Lan Zi Yu helped her sit upright and then crouched down to look her in the eye, his brows knit in concern. After a moment, his expression softened, and his tone lightened. “How about this, Junior Sister? If you can’t find it, I’ll help you look! Is it in your cave dwelling or your storage space?”

His gaze was so intense that it seemed like he might burst into Ye Cong Xin’s cave and search the place himself.

A shiver ran down her spine. It was clear that Lan Zi Yu wouldn’t leave without what he came for.

Feigning weakness, she closed her eyes and massaged her temples. “Second Senior Brother, I’m not feeling well. Please, let me rest for a moment.”

“Alright, but please hurry,” Lan Zi Yu replied, barely hiding his impatience. His heart simmered with frustration.

How had he never noticed that Junior Sister was so troublesome? She couldn’t even remember where she kept her own things. And the Purple Cloud Bamboo Flute wasn’t hers; she was just holding onto it. If she had actually lost it, what would Little Six think of him?

These thoughts churned in his mind, heightening his anxiety.

Ye Cong Xin could almost feel his intense gaze burning through her closed eyelids. Annoyed, she decided to make him wait a bit longer, enjoying the rare chance to irritate him.

Finally, when Lan Zi Yu seemed on the verge of snapping, she lazily pulled out the Purple Cloud Bamboo Flute.

“Second Senior Brother, I found—”

Before she could finish, Lan Zi Yu snatched the flute from her hands. He ran his thumb over its surface and then laughed loudly, relief washing over him. “Found it! Found it! Little Six, I’m coming!”

Clutching the flute like a lifeline, he dashed out, leaving Ye Cong Xin fuming. She nearly ground her teeth to dust in frustration.

“System, check Lan Zi Yu’s affection level,” she ordered internally.

[Ding, Lan Zi Yu’s current affection level: 60 points.]

“What?!” Ye Cong Xin accidentally knocked over a wine jug on the table, her face paling in shock.

Yesterday, his affection level had been at 70 points. How had it dropped by 10 points so quickly? Was it because she made him wait a little longer? Regret gnawed at her.

Ever since she and Yu Zhao had clashed over the Starstone in the Dragon Roar Valley secret realm, Lan Zi Yu’s affection for her had already fallen from 80 to 70 points. She had yet to think of a way to restore it, and now it had dropped another 10 points. Was he out of his mind?!

Ye Cong Xin was furious. Lan Zi Yu was so fickle and harsh, ready to turn on her at the slightest displeasure. She had always tried to please him, never daring to speak out of turn. She had thought her suffering was about to end, but now it seemed all her efforts were in vain.

The intensity of her emotions triggered an old ailment, bringing a familiar suffocating sensation. She clenched her fists, digging her nails into her palms as she tried to steady her breathing.

“System, check the affection levels of the others on Lone Moon Peak,” she demanded, trying to reassure herself that there were still other targets to pursue.

[Ding, Fang Cheng Lang’s current affection level: 70 points.]
[Ding, Cui Jue’s current affection level: 70 points.]
[Ding, Quan Ye’s current affection level: 65 points.]
[Ding, Master Qing Yan’s current affection level: 50 points.]

Relieved to see no drastic changes, Ye Cong Xin was about to relax when she realized there was a name missing from the list.

“System, why didn’t you report Su Ming’s affection level?” she asked, a sense of foreboding creeping in.

[Ding, Su Ming’s affection level is currently fluctuating and cannot be determined.]

Gritting her teeth, Ye Cong Xin demanded, “What’s the lowest value?”

[Ding, Su Ming’s affection level lowest value: 20 points.]

Ye Cong Xin nearly collapsed, steadying herself against the stone table. Twenty points? It had been that low only when she first met Su Ming and the others.

They say a woman’s heart is like a needle in the sea, but Ye Cong Xin thought men were just as unpredictable. She couldn’t fathom why Su Ming’s affection for her was so volatile.

If his affection level remained at 20 points, it would be as good as declaring that this target was a lost cause, wasting all the time and effort she had invested in him.

“Why? Why?!”

Ye Cong Xin swept everything off the stone table and collapsed onto it, sobbing uncontrollably.

“Senior Brother Fang! Senior Brother Lan!”

“Hello, Senior Brother Fang! Hello, Senior Brother Lan!”

“Greetings, Senior Brothers!”

As Fang Cheng Lang and Lan Zi Yu walked past with stern expressions, the disciples of the Five Elements Sect hurriedly saluted and then quickly stepped aside, not daring to engage them in conversation.

The news of Yu Zhao being expelled from Master Qing Yan’s tutelage had spread like wildfire, making Lone Moon Peak the center of attention. Although the disciples were unsure of Fang Cheng Lang and Lan Zi Yu’s opinions on the matter, the dark expressions on their faces suggested their moods were far from pleasant. Naturally, no one wanted to risk drawing their ire.

Once the two had passed, the disciples reconvened and began whispering amongst themselves.

“Senior Brother Fang and Senior Brother Lan look really angry. But why? Now that the rotten apple Yu Zhao is gone, Lone Moon Peak should be better off.”

“But I heard from some senior sisters who went out on a mission that Yu Zhao isn’t as bad as the rumors say. She even saved the eldest senior sister.”

“I hadn’t heard that. But it looks like Senior Brother Fang and Senior Brother Lan are heading toward the inner court. Are they going to see Yu Zhao?”

“Who knows? Should we follow them?”

“Let’s go!”

The disciples exchanged looks, curiosity getting the better of them. They furtively followed Fang Cheng Lang and Lan Zi Yu, picking up more followers along the way.

This novel is translated and hosted on BCatranslation

Over at the inner court, Xiu Luo was practicing martial arts in the courtyard. Her spiritual roots consisted of fire, wood, and earth, with earth being the dominant element, giving her superior strength and defense. Thus, she chose techniques that maximized her strengths, and martial arts was one of them.

Despite her delicate and petite frame, every movement she made generated a series of explosive sounds in the air.


Just as she was warming up, Xiu Luo sensed something and stopped, squinting as she looked into the distance. The inner court was flat, with no tall buildings obstructing the view. As a devoted follower of Master Qing Yan, she immediately recognized the two figures approaching.

She muttered to herself, “What are they doing here?”


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