After changing to the ruthless way, the brothers cried and begged for forgiveness chapter 51

Chapter 51: Voluntary Departure

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“If I understand correctly, Master is upset about the Starstone incident and wants to protect Junior Sister Cong Xin. But does he really know why the other disciples would rather give the Starstone to me, despite her popularity?” Yu Zhao’s voice dripped with sarcasm, her words cutting through the tense atmosphere like a blade. Ye Cong Xin felt her heart sink, fearing that Yu Zhao would expose something deeply embarrassing.

In a rush to prevent any further humiliation, Ye Cong Xin spoke up, her voice shaky, “Senior Sister, I-I know I held everyone back. It’s only fair that you get the Starstone. I don’t have any objections, really.”

Yu Zhao’s expression hardened. “So you admit it was your fault? That you delayed us for two whole days and contributed nothing during the journey. Yet, you still had the nerve to compete with me for the Starstone because you’re incompetent? Ye Cong Xin, don’t you have any self-respect?”

A wave of relief washed over Yu Zhao as she spoke. Normally reserved, she had always restrained herself, feeling suffocated by her own politeness. But now, she felt liberated, free to speak her mind without hesitation. Anyone who dared to cross her now would face her unfiltered wrath.

Ye Cong Xin’s cheeks flushed with embarrassment, but she maintained her composed and gentle demeanor. Tears welled up in her eyes as she silently met Yu Zhao’s gaze, her head bowing slightly in distress. Typically, Su Ming would have stepped in to defend Ye Cong Xin. However, having recently been chastised by Yu Zhao himself, he was too intimidated to intervene. Yu Zhao’s harsh words made him question whether their actions had indeed been unjust.

Throughout the exchange, Master Qing Yan remained motionless, like a statue atop a cloud, seemingly detached from the emotional turmoil below. He appeared aloof, as if above the petty concerns of the world.

Yu Zhao turned her gaze to him, a mocking smile playing on her lips. “Master, you’re the most powerful cultivator I’ve ever met…”

Her sudden pause caused Sect Master Ji Yuan to furrow his brow in confusion. Su Ming and Ye Cong Xin exchanged uneasy glances, feeling the weight of unspoken grievances. Why were they the ones being scolded while the master remained beyond reproach?

Master Qing Yan’s expression remained impassive, yet a flicker of interest passed through his eyes as if sensing there was more to Yu Zhao’s statement.

“…and you’re also the most heartless and hypocritical person I’ve ever known.”

Yu Zhao’s feelings toward Master Qing Yan were complicated. When he had rescued her from dire straits, she had idolized him, seeing him as a godlike figure. His decision to bring her into the Five Elements Sect and accept her as a disciple had filled her with awe and gratitude, viewing him as both a mentor and a father figure.

However, deep gratitude can wear thin over time, eroded by repeated disappointments. The final straw had come when Master Qing Yan’s actions shattered her last vestige of hope. From that moment, Yu Zhao felt truly free.

“Enough!” Master Qing Yan’s voice thundered, cutting through the air like a clap of thunder.

Before Yu Zhao could react, a powerful force swept through the hall. Su Ming and Ye Cong Xin were knocked unconscious by the sheer intensity of it. Yu Zhao managed to stay on her feet, though barely, protected in part by the residual aura of Sect Master Ji Yuan.

Sect Master Ji Yuan struggled to maintain his composure; his chair disintegrated into dust beneath him, forcing him into a strained crouch as he tried to withstand Master Qing Yan’s overwhelming aura. With his cultivation at the early Nascent Soul stage, he was acutely aware of the vast gulf in power between himself and Master Qing Yan, whose formidable presence sent a shiver of dread through him.

“Master, haven’t you always taught us that elders should be patient with the younger generation? Why can’t you forgive a single disrespectful word from me?” Yu Zhao stood, drenched in sweat, her body trembling. Yet, she met Master Qing Yan’s stern gaze with a defiant smile.

A flicker of anger flashed in Master Qing Yan’s eyes before he shook his head slightly, dismissing her outburst as beyond redemption.

“Incurable,” he muttered, as if puzzled by her disproportionate reaction to what he considered a minor issue. To him, Yu Zhao’s mental state had deteriorated to the point of instability, making her unfit to remain in the Five Elements Sect or his tutelage.

Without warning, Master Qing Yan’s daunting presence dissipated, his features resuming their usual stoic calm. Sect Master Ji Yuan, though relieved, remained cautious.

“Yu Zhao’s temperament is unfit and detrimental. From this day forward, she is expelled from my care and is no longer associated with Lone Moon Peak.”

“Qing Yan!” Sect Master Ji Yuan exclaimed, clearly shocked. He had been privy to many of Lone Moon Peak’s secrets, and the sudden schism between master and disciple was startling.

“Master Qing Yan, please reconsider. Yu Zhao—” he began, determined to defend her.

Sect Master Ji Yuan had reasons to believe in Yu Zhao’s potential beyond mere intuition. His belief was grounded in reports from his eldest disciple, who had witnessed Yu Zhao’s bravery in saving Zhou Jin Yue from a formidable fourth-level demon. Her actions demonstrated not only courage but also considerable cunning and skill. Master Qing Yan’s harsh judgment seemed more like a bias than a fair assessment, and the Sect Master had hoped to mend this growing rift.

Before he could continue, Yu Zhao abruptly knelt.

“Thank you, Master Qing Yan, for setting me free!” she declared, her voice firm and resolute.

Sect Master Ji Yuan was stunned, his thoughts in disarray. He had been preparing to argue on her behalf, yet here she was, seemingly embracing her expulsion.

Frantically, he gestured to Yu Zhao, trying to convey the gravity of her situation. Being expelled by a cultivator of Master Qing Yan’s stature was no small matter. It would likely prevent her from being accepted by any other respected master in the entire cultivation world, as few would dare risk Master Qing Yan’s displeasure. Additionally, her peers within the sect and beyond would probably ostracize her, leaving her isolated.

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Yu Zhao would lose her status as a direct disciple, along with the special resources and support that came with it. Her expulsion was not merely a setback; it was potentially catastrophic.

Determined not to let Yu Zhao’s talents go to waste, Sect Master Ji Yuan steeled himself for a confrontation. “Master Qing Yan, these were just words spoken in the heat of the moment. Please, do not hold them against her.”

“This is not spoken in anger,” Yu Zhao countered as she unfastened the storage bag from her waist and placed it before her. Inside were her direct disciple token, the magical artifacts Master Qing Yan had given her, and the jade slip containing the ‘Sea Moon Technique.’ “I return all these today. From now on, I am no longer the sixth disciple of Master Qing Yan, nor am I a member of Lone Moon Peak. I am just an ordinary inner disciple of the Five Elements Sect.”

As he watched her, Sect Master Ji Yuan realized that Yu Zhao had planned this confrontation, possibly even considering him part of her strategy. If it weren’t for her calculated approach, her fragile condition would have made her an easy target for Master Qing Yan’s wrath.

Though he felt outmaneuvered, Sect Master Ji Yuan was not angered but rather relieved. If Yu Zhao was determined to forge her own path, he saw no reason to stand in her way. After all, he had always been on her side, and perhaps this was the freedom she truly sought.


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