After changing to the ruthless way, the brothers cried and begged for forgiveness chapter 50

Chapter 50: The Sect Master, Ji Yuan

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The Master of the Five Elements Sect, known by the title Ji Yuan, was a towering figure with a resolute face. He walked with a stride that could be described as both graceful and commanding, exuding a natural charisma and confidence.

Just looking at him, one might mistake him for a heroic swordsman from a storybook rather than the leader of a sect.

“Greetings, Sect Master,” Ye Cong Xin and Su Ming quickly bowed in respect, their surprise evident. It was rare for Sect Master Ji Yuan to visit Lone Moon Peak in person. Typically, he communicated with Master Qing Yan through messenger cranes. So why was he here today?

As they finished their greetings, they noticed Yu Zhao trailing closely behind the Sect Master. The two disciples clenched their teeth in frustration.

Cunning! She’s gone to fetch backup!

Ji Yuan made himself comfortable in an empty chair, acting as if he were at home. Yu Zhao stepped forward and greeted, “Greetings, Master.”

Master Qing Yan ignored her, instead turning to Ji Yuan to inquire about his visit.

Ji Yuan laughed heartily, “Don’t hold it against me, Master Qing Yan. I didn’t mean to intrude. I happened to run into Yu Zhao, who was tearfully lamenting that she had unintentionally offended her master. She felt so guilty she was contemplating harming herself to atone. Her distress was so intense, it was heartbreaking. I couldn’t bear to see her in such a state, so I offered to come and mediate. Yu Zhao is still young and naïve. I hope you can give her another chance.”

Su Ming shot a furious glare at Yu Zhao. Guilty? Crying? What a lie! She didn’t look remorseful at all. She must have tricked the Sect Master!

Master Qing Yan, who knew Ji Yuan better, suspected there was more to his visit than met the eye. He looked back at Yu Zhao, still bowing, and asked, “Yu Zhao, do you have anything to say?”

“I know my mistake,” Yu Zhao responded.

“What mistake?” Master Qing Yan demanded.

Yu Zhao lifted her head, meeting his gaze without flinching. “If Master says I’ve made a mistake, then I’ve made a mistake.”

Everyone present was shocked by her boldness. Her words sounded less like an apology and more like a challenge. Even Ji Yuan couldn’t help but marvel at her audacity to confront Master Qing Yan so directly.

Master Qing Yan chuckled in disbelief, “You say you don’t know your mistake? Competing for the Starstone with your junior, mocking your senior brother, defying orders—are you saying none of these are true?”

Suddenly, the oppressive aura of her master’s power filled the room. Yu Zhao felt as if a heavy weight had been placed on her shoulders, forcing her to struggle for breath.

“Ugh,” she grunted, her knees nearly buckling. But she refused to give in. She gritted her teeth, determined not to bow. As the pressure mounted, she slowly stood upright, her bones creaking loudly under the strain, a sound everyone could hear.

A glimmer of appreciation flashed in Ji Yuan’s eyes. Su Ming, however, looked confused. This Yu Zhao seemed so unfamiliar, almost alien.

Master Qing Yan, seeing her stubbornness, intensified the pressure. Just as it seemed Yu Zhao would be crushed, Ji Yuan intervened. He flicked his fingers, dispersing the oppressive energy.

Ji Yuan chuckled, “Master Qing Yan, there’s no need to get so worked up. It’s not good for your health.”

Master Qing Yan realized that Ji Yuan was siding with Yu Zhao. Displeased, he understood that family matters should not be aired in public, but Yu Zhao had forced the issue. His disdain for her peaked.

Ji Yuan spoke up again, “Master Qing Yan, perhaps we should hear what Yu Zhao has to say.”

Master Qing Yan didn’t want to, but he had to maintain decorum in front of his disciples. He remained silent, not arguing further.

Yu Zhao seized the opportunity to speak her mind, words she had held back for a long time. “Master, respect is a two-way street. It’s often said that with a kind father, there will be a filial son; with friendly brothers, there will be respectful siblings. If one side always concedes while the other does nothing, there’s no equality, and thus no genuine relationship can be maintained.”

“You say I don’t respect my senior brother, but do you know what he’s done to me?”

“Take Senior Brother Su, for instance. Since I joined the sect, he’s borrowed over seven hundred mid-grade spirit stones from me. He even embezzled my resources under my name and refused to return them, threatening me with violence when I asked for them back.”

“Why should I respect such a person? What reason do I have to respect him?”

Su Ming’s face turned pale, then purple with anger and shame as Yu Zhao exposed his misconduct. He wanted to accuse her of lying, but the facts were undeniable, with witnesses like Zhou Jin Yue who had seen it all.

Ji Yuan was taken aback. He had not expected to hear such shocking revelations; this visit had been more enlightening than he had imagined. Master Qing Yan was equally stunned. He had been so focused on his cultivation that he rarely paid attention to the relationships among his disciples. He had assumed that his talented disciples were well-behaved and didn’t require much oversight, especially with Fang Cheng Lang mentoring them.

He never imagined that Su Ming would misuse his seniority to exploit his junior sister’s resources. Even as someone who avoided mundane matters, he knew that personal disciples received a monthly stipend of ten mid-grade spirit stones. The amount Su Ming had taken was nearly all of Yu Zhao’s savings since she joined the sect.

Master Qing Yan’s gaze at Su Ming was now filled with disappointment. Ye Cong Xin, unaware of the specifics, had suspected that Su Ming was taking spirit stones from Yu Zhao. Otherwise, Su Ming’s lavish spending habits would have been unsustainable. However, she hadn’t expected Yu Zhao to reveal the truth so bluntly.

This novel is translated and hosted on BCatranslation

Was Yu Zhao going to expose her as well?

Ye Cong Xin braced herself, but Yu Zhao’s next words proved her fears justified.

“As for Ye Cong Xin,” Yu Zhao scoffed, dropping the honorifics, “I’ve never done anything to harm her, yet I’ve always been under suspicion and treated as a threat by Master and my senior brothers. That time she challenged me to a duel, she was the one who initiated it. She lost because she wasn’t skilled enough, yet I was punished. Not only did Master strike me, but I was also sent to the Black Prison for reflection.”

Ji Yuan’s frown deepened. He had a straightforward personality, which often clashed with Master Qing Yan’s. This difference had led to infrequent interactions between them. While he had occasionally heard negative rumors about Yu Zhao, he had paid them little mind, focusing instead on managing the large sect.

Hearing Yu Zhao’s suppressed grievances now, he felt a pang of guilt. As the Sect Master, could he have prevented some of her suffering if he had noticed the signs earlier?


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