After changing to the ruthless way, the brothers cried and begged for forgiveness chapter 48

Chapter 48: Elder Gu’s Gift

This novel is translated and hosted on BCatranslation

The Treasure Library, a serene and secluded part of the Five Elements Sect, stood far from the lively hustle at the mountain gate. Here, tranquility reigned, untouched by the busyness outside.

“Elder Gu,” a voice called out, breaking the stillness.

Elder Gu, engrossed in an ancient tome, sat at the library’s entrance. It took him a moment to tear his gaze away from the text. When he finally looked up, a warm smile softened his weathered features.

“Ah, little Yu Zhao. Back from your training?” he greeted with a grandfatherly affection.

“Yes, I am,” Yu Zhao replied, bowing slightly. Though her encounters with Elder Gu were few, she respected him deeply, standing tall and poised before him.

Elder Gu stroked his beard, clearly pleased. “Did you learn anything new during your training?”

Yu Zhao nodded. “I gained some experience and found two materials for crafting my life-bound artifact.”

Elder Gu’s eyes sparkled with interest. “And which materials are those?”

“Starstone and Geng Metal,” Yu Zhao answered honestly, feeling no need to conceal anything from him, as he had brought her the Illusory Sea Technique.

Elder Gu chuckled warmly. “Well done, well done. I had a little surprise for you, but it seems you’ve brought me a pleasant surprise first!”

Yu Zhao looked puzzled.

With a flick of his finger, Elder Gu sent a silver light towards her.

Instinctively, Yu Zhao caught the object. She opened her hand to find a silver bamboo bracelet. Confused, she looked back at Elder Gu.

“Use your divine sense,” he encouraged.

Following his advice, Yu Zhao extended her divine sense into the bracelet. To her astonishment, she discovered it was a storage bracelet with ten times the capacity of her current storage bag. Though mostly empty, it contained several items that piqued her interest.

Upon closer inspection, Yu Zhao realized that these items were precisely the materials needed to craft her life-bound artifact according to the Illusory Sea Technique. Among them was another piece of Starstone. She now needed only three more materials to complete her artifact.

Yu Zhao’s expression turned serious. She withdrew her divine sense and tried to hand the bracelet back to Elder Gu, saying, “Elder Gu, these items are too valuable. I can’t accept them without earning them.”

Elder Gu, with his hands tucked into his sleeves, glanced at her with amusement. “Are you worried this old man has ulterior motives?”

Caught off guard, Yu Zhao smiled sheepishly. “I’m just overwhelmed.”

Elder Gu snorted. “You silly girl. Do you think I’d bother with just anyone in the Five Elements Sect? Let me tell you, out of all the disciples, only you and the Sect Master’s eldest disciple are worth mentioning. The rest aren’t even worth the breath.”

Yu Zhao couldn’t help but smile at being compared to her senior sister, Jin Yue.

“What are you so pleased about?” Elder Gu snapped, his tone sharp. Yu Zhao’s pride deflated instantly.

“You were so lost before, but at least you’ve come to your senses these past two years. Otherwise, this old man wouldn’t have wasted his time on you,” Elder Gu lectured, his voice a blend of scolding and care. Yu Zhao could only nod, acknowledging her past mistakes, which now felt like a lifetime’s worth of shame.

Seeing her repentant expression, Elder Gu softened slightly. “Yu Zhao,” he called, his voice carrying a weight of authority.

“Yes, Elder Gu,” she responded, straightening up.

“The Illusory Sea Technique has been in the Treasure Library for over a thousand years, but few have reached even the first level. Yet, after mastering the challenging Sea Moon Technique, you’ve quickly cultivated the Illusory Sea Technique. This proves your extraordinary talent,” Elder Gu remarked, his gaze seeming to pierce through time, seeing beyond Yu Zhao.

“You’ve started later than others your age, but now that you’ve sincerely repented, I want to help you. I want to see how far you can go,” Elder Gu’s words held deep meaning, leaving Yu Zhao to ponder them.

After a moment of thought, Yu Zhao looked up, determination in her eyes. “Elder Gu, what would you have me do?”

“Let go of distractions, focus on your cultivation, and strive for greatness!” he declared.

“Yes!” Yu Zhao’s response was fervent, her gaze meeting Elder Gu’s with equal passion. His wishes resonated with her own desires.

“This bracelet and its contents are the most I can offer to aid you,” Elder Gu said, seeming to grow tired after their conversation. He waved her off, picking up his book again.

Yu Zhao clutched the storage bracelet tightly, then bowed deeply. “Thank you, Elder Gu. Your guidance will always be remembered.”

As she stepped out into the bright sunlight, the rays warmly enveloped her. Elder Gu remained in the shadowed doorway, his aged face obscured by the dim light. Watching her merge with the sun’s radiance, he murmured to himself, “Go on, step boldly forward. Your time is yet to come.”

This novel is translated and hosted on BCatranslation

Yu Zhao’s visit to the Treasure Library had been intended merely to check on Elder Gu, but she left with an unexpected gift. The cool weight of the bracelet on her wrist left her feeling a mix of gratitude and obligation. She always repaid kindness tenfold, and the thought of Elder Gu’s generosity made her restless. She needed to find a way to repay him.

As she pondered this, Su Ming appeared suddenly, blocking her path with a mischievous grin.

“Yu Zhao, you’re in trouble now. You caused a mess while you were out. You’d better think about how to appease our master,” Su Ming taunted, clearly enjoying her predicament.

Yu Zhao glanced at him briefly before attempting to walk past.

“Hey! I’m talking to you!” Su Ming grabbed her arm, stopping her. “You think you can just ignore me? Our master is furious. If you try to argue back like last time, you might end up in the Black Prison!”

Seeing Yu Zhao tremble and her expression turn pitiful, Su Ming felt a strange thrill. “Senior Brother, surely you can help me, right? Please?” Yu Zhao’s voice was soft and sweet, making Su Ming’s heart skip a beat.

Wow, who knew Yu Zhao could be this adorable when pleading? he thought, his annoyance melting into reluctant amusement.


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