After changing to the ruthless way, the brothers cried and begged for forgiveness chapter 42

Chapter 42: Failing to Save

This novel is translated and hosted on BCatranslation



Wu Shao Zhen lay sprawled on the ground, his body aching from what felt like a brutal beating. The pain was so intense that if he couldn’t hear his own labored breathing, he might have thought he was already dead.

He winced, cursing his greed. Not long ago, he’d stumbled upon a hidden realm where he discovered several young Crimson Flame Lion cubs. Their essence was a rare and valuable treasure, sought after by even the most powerful cultivators. Overcome by temptation, he had used his Gu insects to consume three of the cubs, committing a grave offense.

Unbeknownst to him, the cubs’ parent, a powerful fourth-grade Crimson Flame Lion, resided in the realm. The demon beast instantly sensed the loss of its young and chased after Wu Shao Zhen with unrelenting fury. He barely escaped back out to the Dragon Roar Valley, with the beast toying with him the entire way. In a desperate bid for survival, he used his remaining Gu insects to create a decoy, narrowly avoiding death.

Now, Wu Shao Zhen lay critically injured, nearly all of his Gu insects destroyed. He was defenseless, and despair settled in as he remembered the slaughter of his family. None had betrayed him even in their final moments. As the last heir of the Wu family, he couldn’t let his lineage end here.

“Help… someone, please help me… I don’t want to die…” he murmured, his voice weak. He knew the chances of rescue were slim, but the instinctual plea for help couldn’t be suppressed.

“Senior Brother, I think there’s someone over there?” a young girl’s voice suddenly pierced through his haze of pain, a faint spark of hope.

With great effort, Wu Shao Zhen forced his eyes open. A blurry figure in a soft yellow robe came into view, and he felt a flicker of hope. But just as he tried to speak, darkness overcame him once more.

Meanwhile, Yu Zhao sharpened her senses, recognizing the voice. Could it really be Wu Shao Zhen?

“Senior Brother, Senior Sister Jin Yue, he looks so pitiful. Let’s help him,” Ye Cong Xin urged, concern lacing her voice as she looked at the wounded man.

Lan Zi Yu and Zhou Jin Yue exchanged wary glances. They had been tracking the Crimson Flame Lion and hadn’t expected to find anyone else in the area. Only Ye Cong Xin’s sharp senses had led them to Wu Shao Zhen, now lying injured and vulnerable.

The trio hesitated. The man was severely wounded, clearly involved with the Crimson Flame Lion. Was it wise to intervene?

Ye Cong Xin’s anxiety grew as Wu Shao Zhen’s breathing grew fainter. Her system had marked him as a person of great fortune, someone potentially as significant as her senior brothers. Helping him could bring substantial benefits.

“Senior Brother, he’s still a human being! Our sect, the Five Elements Sect, stands for righteousness. How can we ignore someone in need?” she pleaded, her voice earnest.

Lan Zi Yu hesitated. Their teachings emphasized compassion, but the risks were undeniable. He looked to Zhou Jin Yue for her opinion.

Zhou Jin Yue seemed ready to agree when Yu Zhao spoke up.

“Senior Sister Jin Yue, we cannot save this man,” Yu Zhao said firmly, her voice leaving no room for doubt.

Ye Cong Xin felt a surge of frustration. Why was Yu Zhao always so contrary?

“Junior Sister Yu Zhao, why do you say that?” Zhou Jin Yue asked, curious and respectful.

Yu Zhao pointed to faint stains on the ground. “Those are the remnants of Gu insects. This man is likely a Gu Master. Gu insects fed with spiritual medicine leave black marks, while those fed with flesh and blood leave red stains.”

The group looked closely, noticing the reddish residue. The implication was clear.

“These insects were nourished with blood and flesh. Such practices are common among corrupt Gu Masters. If we save him, he could cause more harm. It’s better if we don’t intervene,” Yu Zhao explained.

Her reasoning resonated with the others. They were cultivators of noble arts and despised those who practiced dark, forbidden techniques.

This novel is translated and hosted on BCatranslation

“He deserves this…” Ye Cong Xin whispered, tears in her eyes, still feeling pity for the man.

But Lan Zi Yu and the others remained unmoved. Lan Zi Yu gently comforted her, “Little Junior Sister, he’s not a good person. You shouldn’t blame yourself. He brought this upon himself.”

Conflicted, Ye Cong Xin knew she couldn’t openly defy her seniors. Yet, the potential loss of a significant opportunity gnawed at her.

Unnoticed by the others, she began to form a plan, unaware that Yu Zhao was observing her closely.

Yu Zhao had recognized Wu Shao Zhen immediately and understood Ye Cong Xin’s motives. Beneath her innocent facade, Ye Cong Xin was a calculated opportunist, always aligning herself with those who could elevate her status.

How many talented individuals had faded into obscurity, while Ye Cong Xin continued to rise? Her so-called kindness was nothing more than a strategic play, a mask hiding her true ambitions.


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