After changing to the ruthless way, the brothers cried and begged for forgiveness chapter 41

Chapter 41: Invitation from the Green Wood Sect

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“This is unbearable!” Zhang Jun cried out, overwhelmed by the nauseating stench that permeated the air. The ground beneath them was soaked with a mix of red and yellowish fluids, remnants from their recent battle with the Crimson Flame Lion. The foul odor hung heavy, making it difficult to breathe.

Zhang Jun tried to hold it together but couldn’t. He doubled over, retching violently. His distress triggered a chain reaction among the disciples; one by one, they succumbed to the overwhelming nausea, their stomachs rebelling against the gruesome scene.

Yu Zhao, Mu Ye, and Zhou Jin Yue quickly distanced themselves, turning away in disgust.

“Sister Jin Yue…” Zhang Jun gasped between heaves, looking up at Zhou Jin Yue with pleading eyes. His face was pale, and he looked utterly miserable.

Zhou Jin Yue observed the weakened disciples, shaking her head with a mix of concern and disappointment.

“Junior Sister Yu Zhao, how did you manage that? There’s nothing left of that fourth-tier demon beast,” Zhang Jun asked, his voice filled with awe and curiosity as he regained some composure.

Yu Zhao offered a small smile, her eyes revealing little. “I’m not powerful enough on my own, but I had a water-element treasure crafted by a Nascent Soul cultivator.”

Her words left the group in stunned silence. A treasure crafted by a Nascent Soul cultivator was rare and immensely powerful, typically reserved for critical moments due to their complex creation process and high cost.

The revelation that Yu Zhao possessed such a powerful item, one that had effortlessly countered the fiery power of the Crimson Flame Lion, shocked everyone.

“I always thought Junior Sister Yu Zhao was underappreciated at Lone Moon Peak. Clearly, I was wrong. Master Qing Yan must really value her to entrust her with such a powerful treasure,” one disciple remarked, voicing the thoughts that everyone shared. They had misjudged Yu Zhao, assuming she was less favored by their master and overlooked by her senior brothers. Where had these false rumors originated?

Jealousy flared within Ye Cong Xin as she watched, her eyes reddening with emotion. How could their master show such favoritism? While Yu Zhao received a valuable treasure, she had only been given trivial items. She had believed herself a favorite, but it now seemed she didn’t compare to Yu Zhao in their master’s eyes.

Determined, Ye Cong Xin resolved not to hold back her ambitions anymore. She was going to win Master Qing Yan’s favor for herself!

Among the group, only Lan Zi Yu had doubts about the treasure’s origins. He knew Master Qing Yan well enough to understand that the master was not the type to indulge his disciples by crafting treasures for their protection. Yet, Lan Zi Yu remained silent, his eyes thoughtful as he watched Yu Zhao.

Yu Zhao allowed the others to speculate; she didn’t correct their assumptions. They would never guess that the treasure came not from Master Qing Yan but from her third senior brother, Su Ming. This secret gave her confidence, especially in her decision to protect Zhou Jin Yue. She regretted not asking Su Ming for more items when she had the chance.

“If you’re feeling unwell, stay here and rest. Those who can, help me clean up the battlefield,” Zhou Jin Yue commanded, bringing everyone’s focus back to the task at hand.

Her order was met with groans and reluctance.

“Sister Jin Yue, the Crimson Flame Lion is in pieces. What’s there even to clean up?”

“Its body is shattered; there’s probably nothing worth salvaging.”

“Sister Jin Yue, we should just leave. If we linger any longer, I might end up vomiting everything I ate yesterday.”

Despite their complaints, Zhou Jin Yue’s stern expression made it clear she wouldn’t tolerate any laziness. “I brought you all here to train. If you can’t handle a bit of hardship, how do you expect to thrive in the cultivation world?” She pointed towards Yu Zhao and Mu Ye, who had already started sifting through the debris. “Look at Junior Sisters Yu and Mu; they’re demonstrating true bravery. Aren’t you embarrassed by your own behavior?”

Chastened by her words, the other disciples begrudgingly joined the search through the remains. As they adapted to the unpleasant smells, their initial disgust transformed into excitement when they discovered valuable items, like an intact beast bone among the rubble.

Mu Ye, an adept alchemist, was particularly thrilled as she extracted a dark golden liquid from a piece of dark red flesh. Each drop that filled her jade bottle lightened the flesh’s color. “This is lion heart blood, far more valuable than seven-colored stag blood. I’ll use it to make some blood-boosting pills and share a few with you,” she said, waving the bottle triumphantly at Yu Zhao.

“Thank you,” Yu Zhao replied, genuinely grateful for the gesture.

“There’s no need for thanks. Let’s go find some lion tail next,” Mu Ye suggested, already eager to continue their scavenging.

For Mu Ye, a battlefield littered with monster remains was not a site of horror but a treasure trove, a place to gather rare ingredients for her alchemical creations. She moved with the enthusiasm of a connoisseur in a fine wine cellar, completely absorbed in her task.

An hour later, the group reconvened, tired but exhilarated by their finds. Zhou Jin Yue looked over her peers with a smile of approval, pleased by their progress and the resilience they had shown.

“Good, let’s move out,” Zhou Jin Yue declared, her tone confident as she outlined the next steps. “The Crimson Flame Lion came from the west, so that’s where we’ll head next. If we find nothing in two days, we’ll return to the sect. Any questions?”

Receiving no objections, she led the way forward, her figure cutting through the air like an arrow.

Mu Ye turned to Yu Zhao with a warm smile. “Sister Jin Yue is incredible, isn’t she? Always leading from the front. It’s reassuring to follow her.”

This novel is translated and hosted on BCatranslation

Yu Zhao nodded in agreement, equally impressed by Zhou Jin Yue’s leadership. “She’s the most trustworthy person I know. You never have to worry with her around.”

“You know, you’re quite remarkable yourself,” Mu Ye continued, her admiration clear. “You might not see it, but you’re calmer than the rest. Meeting you and Sister Jin Yue has been the highlight of my journey. You should visit the Green Wood Sect sometime. I’ll make sure you have plenty of pills to take back.”

The invitation sparked a surge of warmth in Yu Zhao. She had heard about the Green Wood Sect’s renowned fire vein, segmented into 108 branches with an alchemy room built over each. These rooms were invaluable for disciples honed in fire control—a critical resource for an aspiring blacksmith like herself.

Facing a decision between hiring a master blacksmith or forging her Illusory Water Sword alone, Yu Zhao knew that accessing the Green Wood Sect’s specialized alchemy rooms could be the solution she needed. While skilled in water manipulation, her mastery over fire, essential for metalwork, was lacking.

Gratefully, Yu Zhao accepted Mu Ye’s invitation, mentally planning her visit to the Green Wood Sect soon.


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