After changing to the ruthless way, the brothers cried and begged for forgiveness chapter 33

Chapter 33: Illusions

This novel is translated and hosted on BCatranslation

A thunderous roar reverberated through the forest, causing dry leaves to swirl into the air, driven by a powerful gust from the beast’s lungs.

Emerging from the depths of the forest was a monstrous creature cloaked in black scales. Its eyes blazed with a savage light, and its bloody maw gaped open, dripping foul saliva that left a slimy trail on the leaf-strewn ground.

Seemingly paralyzed by the beast’s sudden appearance, Yu Zhao stood rooted to the spot.

Hiding nearby, Zhang Jun felt his scalp prickle with fear. His hand tightened around the hilt of his sword, itching to dash forward, but Zhou Jin Yue restrained him with a firm grip.

“Senior Sister, Junior Sister Yu Zhao is in danger!” Zhang Jun cried out, his voice thick with urgency.

Their sect had assigned them to Dragon Roar Valley for real-world training. Zhou Jin Yue and Zhang Jun, both seasoned disciples, understood the importance of confronting danger firsthand. They had decided Yu Zhao should face the beast alone while they stood by, ready to intervene if necessary.

But now, as Yu Zhao seemed frozen in fear, Zhang Jun’s resolve wavered. The beast was massive; a single swipe could grievously injure her. He couldn’t bear to watch her be harmed.

“Trust in Junior Sister Yu Zhao. She knows what she’s doing. Don’t interfere,” Zhou Jin Yue whispered.

In moments of shock or calm, reactions vary. Yu Zhao’s eyes, however, were alert, and her demeanor serene, betraying no hint of panic. Clearly, she had a strategy.

Zhang Jun studied her more closely and, reassured, wiped the sweat from his brow.

While they spoke, the beast charged, leaping towards Yu Zhao, its huge body momentarily eclipsing the sun.

“Ah—” Zhang Jun gasped, glancing at Zhou Jin Yue. “Senior Sister, you’re hurting my arm.”

Zhou Jin Yue released him, murmuring an apology, but her gaze remained fixed on the unfolding scene. Zhang Jun readied his sword, just in case.

What happened next was astonishing.

Instead of attacking Yu Zhao, the beast vaulted over her and began a violent skirmish with the towering trees behind her. The air was filled with the sounds of splintering wood and the beast’s furious roars as bark and scales flew in all directions.

Through it all, Yu Zhao stood unscathed, her eyes cool and detached, watching the chaos.

Suddenly, with a great crash, the beast fell, its body riddled with deep gashes, blood pooling around it. A bizarre smile twisted its lips.

“It… it killed itself?” Zhang Jun was dumbfounded. Had the creature gone insane?

Zhou Jin Yue approached Yu Zhao, her eyes alight with curiosity. “Junior Sister Yu Zhao, how did you manage that?”

Compared to their own brutal encounters, Yu Zhao’s method seemed effortless and clean. It was unlike anything Zhou Jin Yue had seen before.

Yu Zhao revealed a golden, lotus-shaped incense burner in her palm. “Illusions, supported by a special concoction.”

She explained that she practiced the Illusory Tide Technique developed by the Bright Moon Hermit. It focused on using illusions to manipulate perceptions by exploiting vulnerabilities.

Yu Zhao was still refining her skill, thus she used tools like this incense burner, which contained a calming agent, to aid her illusions. This incense was potent enough to affect even simple-minded beasts or wary cultivators subtly.

Zhou Jin Yue’s eyes widened. “Illusions! That’s ingenious!”

Yu Zhao had evolved significantly, both in appearance and capability. Zhou Jin Yue realized how much potential had been overlooked by their peers at Lone Moon Peak.

“Junior Sister Yu Zhao, could you demonstrate an illusion on me?” Zhang Jun asked, his eagerness tinged with nervousness.

Yu Zhao nodded and snapped her fingers. Zhang Jun waited with bated breath.

Seconds ticked by.

His initial smile faded. “Junior Sister Yu Zhao, I don’t feel anything.”

“Patience, Senior,” Yu Zhao replied calmly.

More time passed, and Zhang Jun’s confusion grew. “Why isn’t it working?”

Yu Zhao remained silent, her gaze steady.

Frustrated, Zhang Jun raised his voice. “Junior Sister Yu Zhao, why won’t you answer me?”

This novel is translated and hosted on BCatranslation

Zhou Jin Yue watched, astonished, as Zhang Jun argued with thin air.

Despite their difference in cultivation stages—Zhang Jun at the early Golden Core and Yu Zhao at the middle Foundation Establishment—Yu Zhao’s illusion had ensnared him without his awareness.

“It’s not that simple,” Yu Zhao finally spoke, her voice soft yet clear. “Zhang Shi Xiong didn’t notice because he trusts us, and I meant no harm. A stranger at his level would sense the illusion almost instantly.”

The effectiveness of illusions depended on the target’s mental fortitude and their susceptibility to distractions.

Just then, rustling noises approached from deeper within the forest, causing Zhang Jun to snap out of the illusion. Looking around bewildered, he saw no sign of Yu Zhao, only meeting Zhou Jin Yue’s amused look.

“Are you three from the Five Elements Sect?” a voice called out from the shadows of the trees.


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