After changing to the ruthless way, the brothers cried and begged for forgiveness chapter 30

Chapter 30: The Mutated Tiger Fang Herb

This novel is translated and hosted on BCatranslation

Yu Zhao and Zhou Jin Yue walked side by side through the lush landscape, their conversation filled with laughter and ease. Their heads were close together, soft chuckles creating a stark contrast to the more reserved demeanor of their companions.

From a distance, Fang Cheng Lang watched them, feeling a knot of jealousy tighten in his chest. It was as if invisible thorns were pricking his heart. “Little Six doesn’t need me anymore…” he murmured, bitterness seeping into his tone.

Nearby, Lan Zi Yu was talking to Ye Cong Xin but couldn’t help but notice the dark clouds forming over Fang Cheng Lang’s expression. His gaze followed to rest on Yu Zhao and Zhou Jin Yue. A mix of embarrassment and annoyance stirred within him, stemming from various grievances: Quan Ye had injured Yu Zhao, Su Ming had neglected a debt, and Yu Zhao had given away a treasured purple bamboo flute. From Lan Zi Yu’s perspective, he had done nothing to deserve Yu Zhao’s cold shoulder. To him, the fault lay squarely with Yu Zhao.

Catching the tense atmosphere, Ye Cong Xin noted the concentrated stares on Yu Zhao. A twinge of envy colored her comment, “Senior Sister Yu Zhao and Senior Sister Jin Yue share such a deep bond, almost like true sisters. It makes my relationships seem superficial by comparison.”

“Some people just play favorites, looking down on others while currying favor with the sect master’s disciples,” Lan Zi Yu snapped, his voice dripping with scorn.

Fang Cheng Lang glanced at Lan Zi Yu, then shook his head in quiet despair. The accusation seemed groundless; within the Five Elements Sect, the main peak and their Lone Moon Peak were the only two groups of comparable standing. Yu Zhao didn’t need to curry favors; her genuine rapport with Zhou Jin Yue was clear in their natural ease together.

Interpreting Fang Cheng Lang’s silence as agreement, Ye Cong Xin smiled slyly, her eyes gleaming. She had hoped that Yu Zhao’s time in the Black Prison would have tempered her, but perhaps she had overestimated her. If Yu Zhao continued playing hard to get, she risked alienating both Fang Cheng Lang and Lan Zi Yu. This situation could set the stage for her to emerge as a more insightful and accommodating figure, perhaps winning Lan Zi Yu’s favor.

After a night’s rest, the group felt rejuvenated, ready to tackle the day’s challenges. Zhou Jin Yue assembled everyone, emphasizing the need to adhere strictly to their plans as they headed towards Dragon Roar Valley.

Nestled between towering mountains, Dragon Roar Valley was aptly named for the eerie, roaring sounds made by winds sweeping through its narrow passes. The area was rich in spiritual energy and lush vegetation, making it an ideal spot for their mission.

Yu Zhao, Zhou Jin Yue, and Zhang Jun scouted a section of the valley, moving in a loose triangular formation to keep within assistance range of one another.

“Be careful of the snakes, insects, and rodents in the forest,” Zhou Jin Yue cautioned as she led the way. “They’re not highly venomous, but a bite could still cause significant discomfort.”

Yu Zhao and Zhang Jun nodded silently and pressed on through the dense undergrowth. Soon, they reached a clearing where an unusual plant caught Yu Zhao’s eye. With her extensive botanical knowledge, she recognized it as a rare, second-level spiritual herb.

Quietly excited, she caught Zhou Jin Yue’s sleeve and pointed out the plant. “Senior Sister Jin Yue, there’s a spiritual herb over there.”

Their journey through Dragon Roar Valley had been uneventful until now; this was their first exciting find.

“Let’s go take a look,” Zhou Jin Yue suggested, leading them towards the discovery.

They approached the plant, and after examining it, Zhou Jin Yue and Zhang Jun looked at each other, puzzled. Finally, they turned to Yu Zhao, their faces a blend of curiosity and mild confusion.

“Junior Sister Yu Zhao, where is the spiritual herb you mentioned?” Zhou Jin Yue asked, her voice free of suspicion but filled with genuine curiosity, as she struggled to distinguish the special herb from the ordinary greenery around them.

Yu Zhao chuckled and stooped to pick a small, unassuming plant. She presented it to Zhou Jin Yue. “Senior Sister Jin Yue, here it is.”

Zhou Jin Yue inspected the herb closely, still somewhat perplexed.

Patiently, Yu Zhao explained, “This is Tiger Fang Grass. See the sharp edges of its leaves, like tiger teeth. Normally, it’s just an ordinary herb, but when it mutates, its medicinal properties enhance dramatically. Combined with ginseng wood, golden autumn fruit, and shattered star sand, it’s crucial for crafting the third-grade spiritual pill known as the Body-Breaking Pill.”

She picked another piece of Tiger Fang Grass to illustrate her point. “The mutated version has thicker leaves, more pronounced jagged edges, and a subtle yellow tint.”

With this explanation, Zhou Jin Yue and Zhang Jun finally understood the distinctions.

“Junior Sister Yu Zhao, your knowledge of spiritual herbs is truly impressive,” Zhou Jin Yue praised warmly. The tiny differences between the ordinary and mutated Tiger Fang Grass were so subtle that even seasoned cultivators often overlooked them, unknowingly trampling valuable herbs underfoot.

Yu Zhao smiled modestly, accepting the praise but not letting it go to her head.

As Zhou Jin Yue carefully packed the valuable herb into her storage bag and prepared to move on, her expression suddenly turned alert. “Stay sharp, someone’s approaching.”

This novel is translated and hosted on BCatranslation

Almost immediately, they heard the sound of hurried footsteps from the dense forest. A group of about seven or eight young men burst into the clearing, halting abruptly upon seeing Yu Zhao’s party. Each group took a moment to assess the other’s strength silently.

The newcomers, noting their numerical advantage and the youthful appearance of Zhou Jin Yue’s group, felt confident of an easy victory. Meanwhile, Zhou Jin Yue and Zhang Jun, quickly sizing up their opponents, realized these foes posed little real threat.

The tension escalated quickly. A burly man from the opposing group stepped forward, his glare piercing as he addressed Zhang Jun. “What are you looking at, you little brat?”

Unfazed, Zhang Jun retorted sharply, “What, can’t I look at something so ugly?”

The man’s anger flared. “You’re tired of living, aren’t you? Want to die? Come, I’ll grant your wish!” He rolled up his sleeves and advanced, his movements suggesting a seasoned brawler as he aimed a forceful slap towards their faces. His broad hand cut through the air with the ferocity of a striking tiger, promising a painful impact.


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