After changing to the ruthless way, the brothers cried and begged for forgiveness chapter 28

Chapter 28: The Dispute Among Senior and Junior Brothers

This novel is translated and hosted on BCatranslation

Fang Cheng Lang hesitated at the door, his hand poised to knock but not quite making contact. His usually composed and elegant demeanor was marred by a hint of worry. He thought about Lan Zi Yu and Ye Cong Xin waiting downstairs and took a deep breath to steady himself. Just as he was about to knock, the door swung open.

“Senior Brother.”

Yu Zhao stood just a step away from Fang Cheng Lang, separated only by the low threshold of the doorway. The cold expression on her face seemed to magnify the emotional distance between them, turning the simple doorstep into an impassable chasm.

Fang Cheng Lang found himself at a loss for words, stunned by the harshness in her gaze.

Yu Zhao’s brow furrowed slightly. “Senior Brother, did you need something? If not, I’m going back to my room to cultivate.”

Shaken from his reverie, Fang Cheng Lang forced a smile. “Little Six, Junior Sister suggested we all go see the lanterns. Zi Yu and I thought it was a good idea. We’re just waiting for you.”

“Oh, you all go ahead. I’m not interested in lanterns,” Yu Zhao replied, her hand already on the door to close it.

“Little Six,” Fang Cheng Lang said quickly, pressing his hand against the door to keep it open. “It’s a rare chance to go out. The lanterns in Lantern City are quite special. It’d be a shame to miss them. Plus, cultivation isn’t just about relentless training. Sometimes, taking a break can actually help you progress. Don’t push yourself too hard.”

Yu Zhao paused, then raised an eyebrow. “But Senior Brother, wasn’t it you who once said the opposite?”

Fang Cheng Lang looked puzzled. “What did I say before?”

“‘Cultivation is like rowing upstream; if you don’t advance, you fall behind. Rest breeds laziness, and indulgence is merely an excuse for frivolity. Only the unambitious seek pleasure.’ I haven’t forgotten, Senior Brother.”

Fang Cheng Lang felt a jolt, as if struck by lightning. Yu Zhao’s reminder sent him reeling back to a distant past where he had scolded her harshly, treating her like a delinquent for merely seeking a brief respite from her grueling regimen.

In that moment, Fang Cheng Lang recognized the profound rift that had grown between them. Yu Zhao’s detachment was not sudden but a result of repeated disregard and disparagement, solidified by her trials at the Black Prison.

“Little Six…”

Tears welled up in Fang Cheng Lang’s eyes.

Yu Zhao closed the door firmly, ignoring his emotional display. Fang Cheng Lang lingered outside, overwhelmed by a sense of loss, before finally descending the stairs.

When he rejoined Lan Zi Yu and Ye Cong Xin, his solitude was evident.

Ye Cong Xin masked her disappointment. “Senior Brother, why are you alone? Isn’t Junior Sister coming?”

Lan Zi Yu’s expression soured. “What’s her problem? Does she expect us to beg her to come along? That’s not happening!”

Ye Cong Xin quickly intervened. “Senior Brother, perhaps Junior Sister has her reasons. Maybe she’s not feeling well, or she’s preoccupied with something important.”

“What could be so important? She’s just being difficult to draw attention to herself!”

“Senior Brother Cong Xin, let’s not rush to judgment. Let’s listen to what Senior Brother has to say,” Ye Cong Xin suggested, calming Lan Zi Yu’s brewing frustration.

Fang Cheng Lang shivered slightly at Lan Zi Yu’s overt hostility. He had never witnessed such animosity from Lan Zi Yu towards Yu Zhao before. Why did he harbor such resentment?

He addressed Lan Zi Yu firmly. “Lan Zi Yu, Little Six is your junior sister. Why do you resent her so?”

Both Lan Zi Yu and Ye Cong Xin looked taken aback.

Lan Zi Yu scoffed. “Resentment? That’s just how she behaves.”

“I raised Little Six myself. How could I not know her nature as you claim to?”

Lan Zi Yu retorted, “Yu Zhao has been jealous of Junior Sister for a long time, even resorting to underhanded tactics. I’ve seen her hurt Junior Sister deliberately during practice. How can you deny what I’ve witnessed?”

Fang Cheng Lang turned to Ye Cong Xin, who appeared uneasy. “Junior Sister, do you believe this?”

“No, no, I think there’s been some misunderstanding. Sixth Senior Sister isn’t like that,” Ye Cong Xin asserted, standing by her principles of kindness and fairness.

Fang Cheng Lang nodded solemnly, then looked back at Lan Zi Yu while Ye Cong Xin exhaled in relief at the pass.

Yet Lan Zi Yu persisted, “Junior Sister is too kind to accuse Yu Zhao!”

Despite Fang Cheng Lang’s efforts to clear the air, Lan Zi Yu’s conviction in Yu Zhao’s deceit remained firm, intensifying the tension.

The night intended for a pleasant outing ended uncomfortably. Despite Ye Cong Xin’s attempts to lighten the mood, both Fang Cheng Lang and Lan Zi Yu bought lanterns for her more out of obligation than genuine joy.

This novel is translated and hosted on BCatranslation

The next day, the Five Elements Sect continued their journey, facing no challenges with their collective strength. By evening, they reached Dragonhead Mountain.

Dragon Roar Valley, nestled between Dragonhead and Dragontail Mountains, awaited them. Zhou Jin Yue, assessing the situation, decided they would camp at Dragonhead Mountain’s base that night and head to the valley the next day.

As other cultivators gathered, hints of unrest grew, suggesting a possible battle ahead. Rest was crucial.

That night, Yu Zhao found a secluded spot to meditate. After a while, Zhou Jin Yue joined her.

“Senior Sister Jin Yue.”

“Junior Sister Yu Zhao, we might face a battle tomorrow. Are you nervous?” Zhou Jin Yue asked, her concern clear.

Yu Zhao hesitated, then gave a mixed response.

Zhou Jin Yue chuckled. “You’re sending mixed signals. So, are you nervous or not?”

Yu Zhao thought for a moment. “I guess I am a bit nervous,” she admitted, her concerns rooted in more than just the upcoming conflict.


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