After changing to the ruthless way, the brothers cried and begged for forgiveness chapter 11

Chapter 11: What Does He Take Yu Zhao For?

This novel is translated and hosted on BCatranslation

Yu Zhao was taken aback, a sudden realization casting a shadow over her face.

Sensing the shift in atmosphere, Senior Brother Zhang acted swiftly. He flipped open the registry book, scanned the pages, and pointed to Yu Zhao’s name. Below it, a circle was drawn, indicating that her supplies had been claimed.

Yu Zhao’s gaze turned icy.

It had to be Su Ming’s doing. After his failed attempt to borrow money, he had resorted to taking her supplies instead!

Zhou Jin Yue, overhearing their conversation, stepped forward with a stern expression. “Senior Brother Zhang, the rules of the Five Elements Sect clearly state that disciples must personally collect their supplies. Why were Yu Zhao’s supplies collected by someone else? If we start breaking rules, what will become of our order?”

Zhou Jin Yue rarely displayed her temper, but when she did, it commanded attention.

The disciples around them fell into a hushed silence, not daring to make a sound.

Senior Brother Zhang stood, flustered, and stammered in response, “Senior Sister Jin Yue, I assure you, I normally adhere to the rules, but…” He glanced at Yu Zhao, who remained silent, and continued reluctantly, “It was Junior Brother Su Ming from Lone Moon Peak. He claimed Junior Sister Yu Zhao had given her consent. Given their usual closeness, I didn’t see a reason to question it.”

He bowed his head, filled with regret. He hadn’t expected Su Ming to deceive him and take Yu Zhao’s supplies without her knowledge, especially not in front of Senior Sister Jin Yue. To him, it seemed trivial since Su Ming often bragged about tricking Yu Zhao out of her spirit stones, treating them as if they were already his own.

Zhou Jin Yue frowned, her worry for Yu Zhao evident. She was unaware of the difficult position Yu Zhao faced at Lone Moon Peak, and Su Ming’s disrespectful actions were becoming too apparent.

Yu Zhao, however, had regained her composure. Her primary concern now was to recover her spirit stones. If she acted quickly, she might still intercept Su Ming before he squandered them.

“Senior Sister Jin Yue, I must leave now. I’ll find you later,” Yu Zhao said, rushing off.

Zhou Jin Yue’s eyes narrowed as she watched Senior Brother Zhang cower. “Junior Sister Yu Zhao, wait. I’m coming with you.”

Recognizing the gravity of the situation, Zhou Jin Yue didn’t want Yu Zhao to face this alone.

Yu Zhao appreciated the gesture. Although she didn’t want to impose, she accepted the support gratefully, and they descended the mountain together.

As they vanished from sight, the previously silent Hall of Merit burst into whispers.

“Su Ming’s getting too bold, taking Yu Zhao’s supplies. Doesn’t he fear the sect’s discipline?”

“It’s mutual consent, I bet. Yu Zhao probably let him. No one else to blame.”

“I disagree. She looked genuinely upset. Looks like she’s going to confront him!”

“Tsk, doubt she’d dare. She’s always giving him money willingly. Whoever tries to stop her just gets an earful!”

The murmurs continued, unaware that Yu Zhao’s actions that day would fuel gossip among the disciples for days to come.

After descending the mountain, Yu Zhao and Zhou Jin Yue made a beeline for the marketplace just outside their sect, known to everyone as the Five Elements Market. This bustling hub catered mostly to the needs of the sect’s disciples, and Su Ming, with his notorious spending habits, was its most infamous patron.

Yu Zhao, who had lived another life before this one, knew the market well, particularly Su Ming’s favorite haunts. She led Zhou Jin Yue straight to the market’s largest store, the Eight Treasures Pavilion.

Even before they reached the store, a chorus of flattering exclamations drifted out to greet them.

“Sir Su Ming is so generous!”

“Truly, as Master Qing Yan’s disciple, Sir Su Ming’s style is unmatched!”

“Congratulations to Sir Su Ming on acquiring such a treasure!”

A chill of foreboding ran through Yu Zhao. That reckless Su Ming—he couldn’t possibly have already wasted all her spirit stones, could he?

Driven by urgency, she pushed open the doors to the Eight Treasures Pavilion and stormed inside.

The clerk at the entrance, startled by her abrupt entrance, initially took a step back, mistaking her for a troublemaker. However, recognizing her refined demeanor and the robes of a sect disciple, he quickly regained his composure.

“What can I assist you with, lady?” he asked, smiling politely.

Yu Zhao scanned the first floor. Several counters lined the walls, showcasing a variety of items, but the main hall was deserted. She looked upwards, pinpointing the source of the voices to the second floor.

“They’re upstairs,” she muttered, striding towards the staircase in the corner.

“Lady, lady,” the clerk called out, trying to maintain a friendly demeanor while blocking her path. “The second floor is reserved for esteemed guests. Please, you must tell us whom you’re looking for before proceeding.”

Yu Zhao’s brow furrowed, her patience thinning. She was about to reveal Su Ming’s name when Zhou Jin Yue, who had just caught up, shouted from behind her.

“Su Ming! Get down here!”

Her voice wasn’t particularly loud, but it resonated through the pavilion, cutting through the murmured praises like a sharp blade.

The previously lively second floor went abruptly silent, followed by the sound of hurried footsteps.

Deciding against going upstairs, Yu Zhao positioned herself at the foot of the staircase to wait.

Su Ming, caught mid-descent, saw Yu Zhao and Zhou Jin Yue’s stern expressions and paused, a flicker of panic crossing his face before he attempted to mask it with a forced smile.

“Senior Sister Jin Yue, were you looking for me?” he asked, trying to sound casual.

Zhou Jin Yue scoffed. “Not me. Junior Sister Yu Zhao wants a word with you.”

While she didn’t interject further, Zhou Jin Yue’s presence alone implied her readiness to intervene should it become necessary. This was a sect matter, after all, and she preferred to let Yu Zhao handle it directly unless things escalated beyond simple mediation.

Su Ming’s patience waned. “Yu Zhao, what’s this about? Can’t we discuss this at home? Why drag Senior Sister Jin Yue into this? You two should head back. I’ll come find you later.”

His words were calculated, aiming to dispel the gathering crowd and handle the issue privately. Public confrontations were messy and humiliating.

Yu Zhao, understanding the subtext, stood her ground. Leaving now would mean never seeing her spirit stones again. It was time for Su Ming to face the consequences of his actions.

This novel is translated and hosted on BCatranslation

“I’m here for my belongings. Return them, and we’ll leave,” she stated flatly, locking eyes with him.

Her voice was calm but carried an edge of steel that left no room for negotiation.

Zhou Jin Yue silently approved, relieved to see Yu Zhao wasn’t swayed by Su Ming’s attempt at manipulation. Such firmness was necessary to ward off exploitation.

Su Ming’s face clouded over, his voice dropping to a whisper. “Yu Zhao, I’ll return them, but not right now. Let’s not cause a scene.”

Yu Zhao smirked at his choice of words. Asking for what rightfully belonged to her constituted causing a scene? Since when did standing up for oneself become so offensive?

Who did he think she was? A mere wallet to be dipped into at his convenience?


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