After changing to the ruthless way, the brothers cried and begged for forgiveness chapter 8

Chapter 8: Third Senior Brother Su Ming

This novel is translated and hosted on BCatranslation

Fang Cheng Lang should have felt relieved when he realized that Sixth Junior Sister wasn’t possessed by an external force. Yet, his sword felt like a thousand-pound burden in his hand, and guilt churned within him. Despite his efforts, a genuine smile failed to appear on his lips.

“If First Senior Brother still has doubts, we could visit Master together,” Yu Zhao suggested confidently. “He can use his divine sense to confirm the truth. The technique of soul possession may allow someone to control another’s body, but the foreign soul cannot fully assimilate. A seasoned cultivator like Master would detect any discrepancies effortlessly.”

Her gaze was firm, leaving no room for Fang Cheng Lang to question her sincerity. With a heavy heart and no alternatives, he sheathed his sword, his eyes clouded with regret. “Sixth Junior Sister, I must apologize. You—”

Interrupting him briskly, Yu Zhao asked, “Is there anything else, First Senior Brother?”

Taken aback by her directness, Fang Cheng Lang could only shake his head.

“I need to rest,” Yu Zhao stated, evidently exhausted from the repetitive disputes and moralizing. With a determined stride, she began to walk away.

“Sixth Junior Sister!” In a swift motion, Fang Cheng Lang reached out, grabbing her wrist with concern. “You’re injured!”

“It’s merely a scratch.”


Fang Cheng Lang’s voice faltered as Yu Zhao’s tone sharpened. “First Senior Brother, I’m truly tired today. Could you please grant me some peace?”

His grip loosened as he stared at her in disbelief. The shift in her demeanor was stark. She mirrored the very words he had often used, and now he was on the receiving end, unable to bear the bluntness. How could he understand the troubles she had suffered through all these years?

Yu Zhao’s expression remained icy as she pulled away from his grasp and retreated to her cave dwelling. The door shut firmly behind her, sealing her solitude.

Left alone under the night sky, Fang Cheng Lang stood desolate, his mind replaying their interaction. He had always thought of Sixth Junior Sister as overly dependent and frail, a presence constantly seeking their attention. At times, it had irritated him.

Now, witnessing her newfound autonomy and detachment unsettled him deeply. He recalled her past, how she was always the one most terrified of pain. After training sessions, her tears would drench her clothes. Yet now, she seemed almost indifferent to her wounds, as if they belonged to someone else. What transformation had she undergone?

A pang of unease struck Fang Cheng Lang as he remembered his original intent for visiting—to ask her to apologize to Second Junior Brother. Caught up in the moment, he had failed to mention it, and now, regret tightened around his heart. He resolved to wait for a better time, perhaps when her spirits lifted, to discuss everything. After all, the apprenticeship ceremony for the younger sister had been his focus, perhaps at the expense of attending to Sixth Junior Sister’s emotions. He was confident that a heartfelt conversation would mend their strained bonds.

With a lingering glance at her closed door, Fang Cheng Lang turned and departed silently into the night.

Despite the scare with Fang Cheng Lang’s sword, Yu Zhao’s injuries were superficial. After applying a healing ointment, by morning, her wounds had nearly vanished, marked only by a faint red scar. Her thoughts, already focused on her impending meeting with Elder Gu, left little room for any lingering concerns about Fang Cheng Lang.

As dawn broke, Yu Zhao prepared to head to the Treasure Library, only to be halted by an unexpected figure at her doorway.

“Hehe, Yu Xiao Zhao, I finally caught up with you. What have you been up to lately? You’re as elusive as a ghost; I’ve been searching everywhere for you.”

The young man standing before Yu Zhao had delicate features, fair skin, and eyes that sparkled with a mischievous light. His smile, revealing charming dimples, belonged to none other than her Third Senior Brother, Su Ming.

Upon spotting him, Yu Zhao instantly knew his intentions.

Without a hint of warmth, she stated, “I’m not lending you anything.”

Su Ming, a former prince accustomed to a life of opulence, had never curbed his lavish spending habits, even after joining the Five Elements Sect. Despite the sect’s generous monthly stipend of ten mid-grade spirit stones and five Qi-replenishing pills—a rarity in the cultivation world—Su Ming always found himself short. He habitually exhausted his allowance on exotic wares from the markets outside the sect within days.

Historically, Yu Zhao had served as his unofficial bank. Su Ming would often “borrow” spirit stones from her whenever he spotted something appealing. Though he called it borrowing, he never repaid her. Yu Zhao, indifferent to material wealth, had always complied with his requests.

Thus, his shock was palpable when she denied him this time.

Laughing off his surprise, Su Ming pleaded, “Yu Xiao Zhao, you must be joking. It’s urgent. I promise I’ll pay you back next month!”

He reached for the pouch at Yu Zhao’s waist, a move she had seen too many times.

Stepping aside, Yu Zhao’s tone was icy as she challenged, “Return the 688 mid-grade spirit stones you owe me first, then we can discuss any further loans.”

This stark reminder pained Yu Zhao. Over her seven years at the sect, she had received just over 800 spirit stones, most of which had ended up in Su Ming’s hands, leaving her with scant resources. To make matters worse, Su Ming often spent her spirit stones on gifts for Junior Sister Cong Xin, and any objection from Yu Zhao was met with accusations of pettiness.

“Are you serious right now?” Su Ming’s voice hardened.

Yu Zhao affirmed with a nod. Handing him spirit stones without any gratitude felt as futile as tossing them into water just to hear them splash.

“You’re being petty, Yu Zhao. They’re just spirit stones. Must you really ask for them back? I never said I wouldn’t repay you. Besides, I need them to buy a gift for our new junior sister. That’s a legitimate reason. Your refusal is unreasonable,” Su Ming argued, his dimples vanishing as anger took over.

This novel is translated and hosted on BCatranslation

Yu Zhao stood her ground firmly. “I’m not lending you any more.”

His frustration palpable, Su Ming found himself at a loss for words.

“I won’t say it again. I’m not lending you anything. Now, please move. You’re in my way.”

Ordinarily, Yu Zhao might engage in a prolonged debate, possibly extracting some promise of repayment. But today, her priority was a visit to the Treasure Library, and she had no time for Su Ming’s antics. She needed to dismiss him swiftly.

“Fine! Yu Zhao, you’ve really changed! Now I understand why everyone says you’re selfish! I was blind to your true nature before, but I’ll never make that mistake again. Don’t worry, I won’t ask for anything from you ever again!”

Su Ming stormed off, visibly infuriated. Yu Zhao, on the other hand, offered a faint smile. She had endured far worse accusations; such words no longer affected her.

“That’s perfect. Remember your promise. Don’t ask me for anything again. We’re even,” she called after him.

Though Su Ming wanted to hurl more insults, the icy resolve in Yu Zhao’s eyes instilled a flicker of guilt. Muttering under his breath, he stormed off.


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