After changing to the ruthless way, the brothers cried and begged for forgiveness chapter 2

Chapter 2: I’m Here to Take You Home

This novel is translated and hosted on BCatranslation

Lone Moon Peak was alive with festivities. Lanterns and vibrant decorations adorned the grounds, filling the air with joy and excitement—a stark contrast to its usual serene atmosphere.

As Fang Cheng Lang ascended the steps, he was met by a stream of disciples still energized from the day’s events. They greeted him warmly, their faces shining with admiration.

In return, he acknowledged their greetings with a gentle smile, his demeanor exuding a grace that set him apart from the crowd.

Behind him, groups of disciples gathered, murmuring in admiration:

“Senior Brother Fang truly epitomizes a gentleman, just as you’d expect from Master Qing Yan’s senior disciple.”

“Master Qing Yan has such an eye for talent. Apart from that one black sheep, his choices are impeccable, truly the cream of the crop!”

“It must have been Yu Zhao’s Water Spirit Root that deceived Master Qing Yan into thinking she had potential. Seven years have passed, and she’s still just mediocre. She only recently managed to establish her foundation, even lagging behind Junior Sister Cong Xin.”

“If only Yu Zhao had focused on her cultivation rather than her petty schemes, she might have established her foundation much earlier.”


Their scornful laughter floated up to Fang Cheng Lang, causing his smile to fade slightly.

He knew Little Six wasn’t as hopeless as they made her out to be. Yet, he kept his objections to himself, for these rumors were the result of the girl herself. If Yu Zhao were to rebuild her reputation, it had to be done by her alone.

Lost in thought, he eventually arrived at Master Qing Yan’s quarters.

“Master, your disciple Fang Cheng Lang seeks an audience.”


The door creaked open, releasing a burst of laughter from a girl inside, signaling the presence of the junior sister.

Softening his face, Fang Cheng Lang stepped inside.

“Senior Brother, you’re back.”

A girl in a yellow dress hastened towards him. Her delicate features and lithe figure, accentuated by a floral belt, radiated an elegance akin to a statue under moonlight, her movements graceful like a willow in the wind.

“Junior Sister.”

Fang Cheng Lang nodded slightly, then turned to the figure at the head of the room.

“Greetings, Master.”

Master Qing Yan, dressed in a simple white robe, had a sharp, penetrating gaze. His plain attire did little to conceal the commanding authority he exuded.

He responded coolly, “What brings you?”

Fang Cheng Lang took a deep breath, then knelt, pushing his robe aside.

“Master, Sixth Junior Sister has admitted her mistakes. I implore you to reconsider her punishment.”

Ye Cong Xin, who had been standing nearby, looked startled. She nervously adjusted her dress before kneeling beside Fang Cheng Lang, her voice sincere and clear.

“Master, since Sixth Senior Sister has confessed her wrongdoing, I ask you to forgive her. My injuries have healed.”

Master Qing Yan’s voice was icy. “Yu Zhao injured you severely, yet you speak for her?”

Ye Cong Xin bit her lip, managing a shy smile. “Sixth Senior Sister was overly eager. She feared losing your and Senior Brother’s favor, so she acted rashly. I understand her emotions; I too value our bond with our mentors and siblings.”

Fang Cheng Lang regarded her, touched unexpectedly.

Ye Cong Xin paused, then continued softly, “Now that I’m under Master’s guidance, we are family. I have forgiven Sixth Senior Sister. Please, Master, let this pass.”

Her plea was quiet but reached both Fang Cheng Lang and Master Qing Yan clearly.

Master Qing Yan pondered briefly, then announced, “Since Little Seven has spoken… Cheng Lang, come take my seal tomorrow.”

Fang Cheng Lang’s face brightened. “Thank you, Master!”

“Don’t celebrate yet. Inform Yu Zhao, though Little Seven has spoken on her behalf, her error remains. Tomorrow, she will publicly apologize to Little Seven, to ensure she learns her lesson.”


Ye Cong Xin started to object, but Fang Cheng Lang quickly concurred before she could continue.

“Master, rest assured, Sixth Junior Sister will apologize to Junior Sister.”

He would have insisted on it anyway. It was a debt owed, and it had to be paid.

Master Qing Yan dismissed them with a wave.

Outside, Ye Cong Xin frowned. “Senior Brother, why did you agree so quickly? A public apology will harm Sixth Senior Sister’s pride. How will others perceive her?”

“Mistakes must be acknowledged, Junior Sister. That’s the rule.” Fang Cheng Lang gently patted her head.

Ye Cong Xin blushed, her voice softening. “Then, I will follow Senior Brother’s example.”

“Today was your initiation. You must be tired. Rest early.”

“Okay, Senior Brother. You should also rest soon.” She nodded, her smile faint as she turned away.

In the darkness, time seemed irrelevant. Yu Zhao dared not dwell on her whereabouts, allowing her mind to drift instead.

In her previous life, her path to cultivation was fraught with difficulties. While others advanced swiftly, she struggled. Now, the root issue was a false accusation.

Crushed by criticism, she had openly defied Master Qing Yan. In his anger, he had struck her. Even a fraction of his power—being one of the Four Great Nascent Soul cultivators of the Five Elements Sect—was overwhelming for her, a novice in foundation building. The strike had damaged her spiritual foundation, severely hindering her cultivation. Since then, no spiritual pills had helped.

Her injuries were still fresh, perhaps reversible. Yu Zhao considered her options. One was to plead with Master Qing Yan for a healing pill. He possessed a fourth-grade Rejuvenation Pill, exactly what she needed. It was the obvious choice, but Yu Zhao quickly dismissed it. She wanted no further ties with Master Qing Yan or his disciples. Besides, that pill had already been earmarked for Ye Cong Xin according to her memories, indicating Master Qing Yan’s plans did not include her. Even if she begged, it might not be granted.

Therefore, her only viable option was the second: to dismantle her foundation and start anew. Damaging one’s spiritual foundation meant regression in cultivation, and rebuilding would be twice as hard. Unless absolutely necessary, it was a radical step. But she had no other choice.

Her experiences had taught her that trust was a rare commodity. She could only rely on herself. Additionally, dismantling her foundation offered another advantage. The Five Elements Sect allowed disciples freedom in choosing their cultivation methods. Her senior brothers each pursued different paths; Fang Cheng Lang followed the Way of the Sword, and Lan Zi Yu, the Way of Music. She had practiced Master Qing Yan’s renowned but challenging Sea Moon Technique.

This novel is translated and hosted on BCatranslation

This choice had slowed her progress. Now, with an opportunity to start over, she could easily master the Sea Moon Technique. But that was not her desire. She intended to cut all ties with those people. She would not practice the Sea Moon Technique again.

Rebuilding her foundation was crucial. Yet, she was unsure which method to adopt for her new journey. As she pondered, a sliver of light pierced the darkness.

“Little Six, I’m here to take you home.”


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