After changing to the ruthless way, the brothers cried and begged for forgiveness chapter 1

Chapter 1: Rebirth

This novel is translated and hosted on BCatranslation

“What terrible luck. Of all days, it had to be today when we’re on guard duty. Now we can’t even witness Master Qing Yan’s grand ceremony for accepting a new disciple.”

“Exactly. Master Qing Yan announced that Ye Cong Xin will be his last disciple. Missing this ceremony means we’ll never get another chance.”

“It’s all Yu Zhao’s fault! If she hadn’t let jealousy get the best of her and injured Ye Cong Xin during sparring, we wouldn’t be stuck here, punished and missing out.”

Curled up in a corner of the dark, confined space, a girl about thirteen or fourteen years old lay with her eyes shut. Her pale face, disheveled hair, and lips stained with dried blood gave her a ghostly appearance. Even in her sleep, her face was marred by a frown, and her eyelashes fluttered restlessly, hinting at her troubled dreams.

Abruptly, she awoke with a start, her eyes wide with fear, which soon morphed into confusion.

“Haven’t I died?”

Her hand shot to her chest, where she vividly remembered the cold, sharp pain of a sword piercing her heart, accompanied by the disdainful glares from those around her. Gradually, she assessed her surroundings: complete darkness, eerie silence—a tomblike atmosphere. Fear surged within her, her body shaking uncontrollably.

This was the Black Prison, the nightmare she had once endured. Since her last imprisonment here, darkness had haunted her, morphing her once vibrant personality into something timid and submissive. The fear of returning had kept her compliant.

“So… have I been reborn?”

The realization tightened her chest, making her breath short and her heartbeat thunderously loud in her ears.

Before she could be overwhelmed by dizziness, Yu Zhao bit down on her tongue. The sharp pain and the metallic taste of blood snapped her back to reality. A mocking smile curled her lips. She had already faced death once; what more was there to fear?

In her previous life, Yu Zhao had been an orphan, wandering until Master Qing Yan discovered her at six and brought her to the Five Elements Sect. There, she had been named and celebrated for her singular water spirit root during the initiation ceremony, quickly becoming Master Qing Yan’s favored disciple. He had even declared that she would be his final disciple, a promise only she had taken to heart. Despite her efforts to please everyone, it had ended with betrayal—a sword through her heart.

As memories flooded her mind, the anger in her eyes extinguished, replaced by an eerie calm. Master Qing Yan had saved her once, and she had repaid him with loyalty and sacrifice. In this new life, she owed nothing to anyone.

Footsteps echoed towards her, breaking the silence and causing Yu Zhao to look up to find a tall, slender figure looming over her.

“Sixth Junior Sister, do you realize your mistake?” The male voice, smooth as jade, carried a hint of disappointment. It was her eldest senior brother, Fang Cheng Lang, dressed in pristine white, embodying the grace and decorum of a gentleman.

Yu Zhao studied his face, a face that hadn’t yet betrayed her because of Ye Cong Xin. She could still see concern in his eyes—something she had craved but never truly received in her past life. Now, however, she was indifferent to it.

Fang Cheng Lang continued, his frown deepening, “You were reckless, Sixth Junior Sister. Ye Cong Xin was bedridden for three days because of your actions, and she nearly sustained a permanent injury. Master has agreed to accept her as a disciple to atone for your actions. Fortunately, she is kind-hearted and holds no grudge against you. If you admit your mistake sincerely, I will plead with Master for your early release.”

Yu Zhao inwardly sneered.

It’s true that in her previous life Yu Zhao had been shadowed by a twinge of jealousy towards Ye Cong Xin. Their Master, Qing Yan, had welcomed six disciples under his tutelage. As the youngest and only girl in the group, Yu Zhao had always been treated with a touch of favoritism. Even the fourth senior brother, usually aloof and buried in his alchemical studies, found himself talking more to her than to the others.

But the dynamics shifted drastically with Ye Cong Xin’s arrival. She was the sole child of Elder Ye from the Five Elements Sect and was brought up with fragile health, which endeared her even more to those around her. Despite her frailty, Ye Cong Xin radiated a lively and innocent charm that quickly won over both the senior and junior disciples. By the time Yu Zhao sensed a change in the air, it was too late; her senior brothers had grown fond of mentioning Ye Cong Xin, turning their shared residence at Lone Moon Peak into a regular hangout for her.

Back then, Yu Zhao was just thirteen. The shift in attention from her senior brothers towards someone else naturally stirred feelings of abandonment in her. In her desperation to reclaim their attention, Yu Zhao tried various tactics, yet she remained adamant that she had never physically harmed Ye Cong Xin. The incident leading to Ye Cong Xin’s injury was, according to Yu Zhao, a complete setup.

“I know my mistake,” Yu Zhao confessed, her eyes cast downward as she articulated each word with precision. In her previous life, her stubborn denial of any wrongdoing resulted in a harrowing month-long confinement in the Black Prison—a place devoid of light and sound, where the oppressive darkness nearly drove her to madness. It was only the intervention of a on duty disciple who discovered her delirious condition that facilitated her release from that nightmarish confinement. Despite her release, her reputation remained tarnished. Since the blame had been firmly placed upon her, admitting her guilt seemed futile at the time.

“It was really you?” Fang Cheng Lang’s voice carried a heavy tone of disappointment.


“Alright, since you have sincerely admitted your mistake, I’ll immediately report to Master and ask him to revoke his order.”

“Thank you, Senior Brother.” Her response was cool, detached.

This novel is translated and hosted on BCatranslation

Fang Cheng Lang gave a solemn nod, turned, and began to walk away. However, after a few paces, he paused, struck by a realization. Yu Zhao’s current demeanor was strikingly different from her past self. Previously, when she had allegedly injured Ye Cong Xin in a public spectacle, she had not shown any remorse; rather, she had defensively blamed Ye Cong Xin, which had incited their Master’s wrath and led to her severe punishment. Before her imprisonment, he had approached Yu Zhao, who had tearfully pleaded with him to uncover evidence to prove her innocence. Convinced of a possible hidden truth, he had vowed to help her and had embarked on a quest for clarity. Despite his efforts, the consensus was unyielding: it was Yu Zhao who had harmed the innocent Ye Cong Xin.

His disappointment had been palpable when he had visited her in the Black Prison to communicate the grim findings, hoping she would finally confess. The memory of her heartbroken and disbelieving expression lingered in his mind. Only three days had passed since then, yet Yu Zhao’s reaction now was entirely transformed. Was this genuine repentance, or was there something else at play? Fang Cheng Lang couldn’t resist a backward glance, finding Yu Zhao standing there, her head slightly bowed, her frail figure merging with the shadows, her expression unreadable.

This unsettling sight clenched Fang Cheng Lang’s heart. He parted his lips as if to say something more, but in the end, he chose silence. Turning away, he hastened his steps, his figure shrouded in a mist of confusion as he disappeared into the distance.


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