The whole family is insanely eavesdropping on my thoughts Chapter 248

Chapter 248: The Lower Class

This novel is translated and hosted on BCatranslation

In the royal palace of the Southern Kingdom, the High Priest, with his white hair and eyebrows framing a solemn expression, stood before the throne, clutching his staff.

“This divine manifestation does not belong to any deity our Southern Kingdom worships. It appears to be… a deity unknown to us, showing no prior miracles,” he declared, his brow deeply furrowed.

The elderly king, his face lined with age, opened his eyes slightly. His children, several princes and princesses, stood beside him.

“Perhaps it’s a lesser god demonstrating their might. But who can rival our revered God Bai Zong? He presides over justice and order throughout the divine realm,” the king pondered aloud.

“God Bai Zong commands six junior disciples, each a formidable entity,” he added.

“Is such a minor deity even worthy of our attention?” interjected a woman with piercing, phoenix-like eyes and a haughty demeanor. This was Princess Nan Feng Yu, the king’s daughter.

The Southern Kingdom held the bloodlines in high regard. Nan Feng Yu’s mother hailed from the distinguished Su family, known for having once summoned a deity, enhancing their descendants’ stature significantly.

As a offspring of both the royal and Su Clan, Nan Feng Yu possessed extraordinary talent for summoning deities. She was once the king’s favored daughter, blessed with the greatest potential for summoning and a strong contender for the Southern Kingdom’s throne.

In this realm, the throne was not limited to male heirs. History showed a preference for female rulers, as gods often chose to manifest through women.

However, the narrative took a dramatic turn. The king, having survived an assassination attempt, found solace with a commoner who saved his life. During a period of amnesia, he married her, and they had a daughter raised among commoners.

Upon recovering his memories and reclaiming his throne, the king spent years searching for his lost daughter, to no avail. This uncertainty caused him to hesitate in naming a successor.

“A deity’s manifestation emits divine energy powerful enough to transform an ordinary carp into a dragon. Surely, this isn’t the act of an obscure, minor god,” the High Priest contended gently.

Nan Feng Yu looked down, troubled.

With a wave of his hand, the king dismissed the matter. “Since divine manifestations have occurred twice in North Zhao, send someone to investigate.”

His voice took on a nostalgic tone. “Also, try to locate that child… After thirty-five years, she’s likely married with her own children.”

Nan Feng Yu’s lips twitched into a brief sneer. “Father, she comes from a commoner’s lineage, a lower class. Even if found, she could disgrace our kingdom.”

The king coughed, a softness in his weathered gaze. “Regardless, we’ll provide for her.”

Nan Feng Yu clenched her teeth. “Indeed, Father. It’s fitting that we acknowledge her and bring her back, even if her lineage is inferior. We can afford this generosity.”

Departing the main hall, Nan Feng Yu’s expression darkened with fury as she returned to her quarters in Fengming Hall.

“What is Father thinking? He should have named me heir long ago. Why delay? Does he plan to favor that low-born woman?” Nan Feng Yu swept a hand across a table, sending ornaments crashing to the floor.

The palace servants knelt, trembling.

“Our Su family lineage has summoned deities time and again. We are of noble blood. How could we be compared to commoners?” she raged.

“She is worthless; he failed even to eliminate a mere woman!” She had sent agents to assassinate the woman, but they vanished after entering North Zhao.

“Mother, why fret? We are divine conduits, our lineage exalted. A mere mortal poses no threat.”

“You have me and my sister,” offered Nan Mu Bai, her son, trying to calm her.

Royal daughters in the Southern Kingdom did not marry outwards; they brought husbands into the palace, and their children were royal by birth.

“Our summoning prowess determines our status,” she reminded herself, reassured by her son. “You are right. That woman’s origins are humble; her talents, inferior to ours.”

“But Father’s hesitation suggests he has other plans,” she said, teeth gritted.

“Mother, leave it to me. Do you doubt me?” Nan Mu Bai reassured her.

She nodded, relieved. “Thank you, my son.”

Nan Mu Bai bowed. “It has been years since the Southern Kingdom summoned a deity. That low-born woman and her offspring are not to be feared. Rest easy, Mother. I will ensure she never returns.”

Mother and son exchanged a look of unspoken confidence.

Unbeknownst to them, the lower-class lineage they scorned had birthed a formidable deity, a true god, one even their revered deities would respect.

Meanwhile, in North Zhao, divine energy coursed into Lu Chao Chao’s tiny frame. The warmth eased her discomfort, lulling her into deep slumber.

Upon awakening, she rubbed her dry eyes and, with a bit of effort, sat up.

“Why am I home? Wasn’t I at the Sunrise Festival?” she asked in a soft, bewildered tone.

Yuhua, eyes red and swollen, replied, “You frightened me at the festival. The crown prince brought you back himself and watched over you all night. He’s just left.”

“They wouldn’t let us call a doctor. I was so worried.”

“Little Miss, do you feel any pain?” Yuhua inquired anxiously.

Lu Chao Chao patted herself, confused. Yesterday, everything hurt—her eyes, her chest, her whole body.

But now…

“It doesn’t hurt, not at all.”

[Yesterday, it felt like my heart and eyes were being gouged out.]

She shivered, recalling the pain. In her past life, she could endure it, but this rebirth as a human made her scream in agony.

She squeezed her arms and legs, feeling a surge of divine energy.

The energy had shielded her from the pain.

Lu Chao Chao beamed. “Yay, I’m so happy!”

“Sister Yuhua, Chao Chao is so happy…”

It doesn’t hurt anymore, not at all.

After her sacrifice, her soul had fragmented, but she couldn’t escape the severe pain. It had nearly numbed her.

Since her rebirth, the pain had ebbed, but it never fully left. It was her inner demon, the price of her past actions.

But now, it was gone.

“Little kids are always inexplicably happy…” Yuhua didn’t understand the source of her joy, but it made her smile too.

“Where are my brothers?” Lu Chao Chao looked up, curious.

Yuhua’s smile grew. “Today, they announce the provincial exam results. They’re all waiting in the outer courtyard.”

Lu Chao Chao sprang up. “Oh, I have to go see!”

She dashed to the courtyard.

This novel is translated and hosted on BCatranslation

“Big brother, big brother…”

A servant burst in, exclaiming, “Good news! The eldest young master is the top scorer of the provincial exams!”

“The eldest young master is the provincial champion!” echoed another.

Madam Xu stood, tears streaming down her face.

“The top scorer! Big brother is the top scorer!” Lu Chao Chao jumped excitedly.

“Tomorrow, he will enter the palace for the final exam!” The servant, clearly thrilled by a generous tip, beamed.

“Quick, go to the Xu family with the good news,” Madam Xu instructed, weeping with joy.

“Make sure to circle in front of Father’s gate first…” Lu Chao Chao shouted, her voice filled with glee.


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