The whole family is insanely eavesdropping on my thoughts Chapter 245

Chapter 245: The Statue of the Goddess

This novel is translated and hosted on BCatranslation

It was still dark outside, and the sound of firecrackers echoed through the early morning streets of the capital. The city was alive with the noise, signaling a day of celebration.

Chao Chao opened her eyes, immediately catching a sweet aroma in the air. She smiled, feeling an unusual but delightful tingling sensation throughout her small body.

“Wow, Little Miss woke up on her own today!” Yuhua exclaimed, surprised and delighted.

Yuqin came in with a bowl of warm water, gently washing Chao Chao’s face. “Little Miss, did something good happen? You look so happy,” Yuhua asked curiously.

Chao Chao giggled, “Secwet,” she said with a mischievous sparkle in her eyes.

[Everyone is celebrating my birthday today, how could I not be moved?] she thought, feeling a swell of happiness.

Today was a special holiday, and Chao Chao didn’t have to go to school. She was dressed in festive clothes, her excitement palpable.

In the courtyard, a table laden with offerings, including a roasted pig, stood ready for the day’s celebrations. The sight and smell made Chao Chao’s mouth water.

“Mmm, smells so good!” she said, taking a deep breath.

“Chao Chao, come and worship the gods,” called Madam Xu. Her hands were clasped in prayer, her expression serious.

Madam Xu was always meticulous about worshiping the gods every year. Despite the betrayals she had faced from Lu Yuan Ze and the rebellion of her sons, she never missed her prayers.

Chao Chao knelt beside her mother, mimicking her serious demeanor.

“Years ago, when your eldest brother was on the verge of death, I prayed to every god and Buddha. Finally, he woke up. That night…” Madam Xu’s face softened with a faint smile. “I stayed up all night. But later, I couldn’t hold on and dozed off by Yan Shu’s bed…”

“I had a dream.”

“I dreamt of a deity. The deity said they would return Yan Shu to me, but in the near future, I would give birth to a daughter. They hoped I would raise her safely and well…”

“Chao Chao, you are a gift from the gods.”

“How fortunate I am to be your mother.” Madam Xu’s eyes glistened with tears of joy. She genuinely loved Chao Chao, and even without the deity’s blessing, she loved her deeply.

[Could it be one of my disciples who did this?] Chao Chao wondered, scratching her head, confused. [Is there really such a connection between my mother and me?]

After her sacrifice, Chao Chao’s body had been shattered, and her spirit torn apart by tremendous pressure. The pain of that moment was so intense that even now, she shuddered at the memory.

She had become a mere wisp of consciousness, everywhere and nowhere at once—a flower, a tree, a river, a cloud in the sky, a cool breeze. She was omnipresent.

When she regained her memory, she found herself in the warm, gentle environment of amniotic fluid. Her rebirth was likely connected to a few disciples.

After the prayers, Chao Chao joined her family for a meal.

“Mother, can I take my sister out today? It’s the Sunshine Festival, and it’s so lively outside…” Lu Yuan Xiao pleaded, his eyes sparkling with excitement.

The capital was filled with exotic flowers and plants, dazzling in their beauty. The king had spared no expense for the festival.

“Please, Mother…”

Madam Xu couldn’t resist her son’s enthusiasm. She smiled and nodded.

“Yay, Mother is the best! I love you the most!” Lu Yuan Xiao hugged his mother and kissed her cheek, leaving her face covered in slobbery affection.

“Big brother, cawwy me…” Chao Chao stretched out her arms, and Lu Yuan Xiao squatted down, letting her climb onto his back.

The capital was still cold, and the flowers brought in from other places were covered in a thin layer of frost.

“Why isn’t there a picture of the deity?” Chao Chao asked curiously.

Lu Yuan Xiao smiled, “I heard it from our tutor.”

“After the deity saved everyone, her merit was almost higher than the heavens. People wanted to commemorate her by painting her image. But every time they tried, the paintings would burst into flames. The paper and ink couldn’t capture the deity’s past or merit…”

“So, people started making statues instead. Her deeds have been passed down through generations.”

Chao Chao nodded, half-understanding. “Oh, onwy statues can be made…”

“Now we are going to worship her statue,” Lu Yuan Xiao said, pinching his sister’s cheek affectionately.

“People call her Goddess Sunshine. Some even say that the nine-tiered pagoda in the palace is also a tribute to her, but who knows if that’s true…”

Chao Chao looked towards the direction of the palace, her little fists clenching and then slowly relaxing as she placed a hand over her heart. Something was calling her, both strange and familiar.

Lu Yuan Xiao carried Chao Chao, following the crowd.

“Lu Yuan Xiao, you sneaked your sister out again?!” Li Siqi, the heir of his house, fixed his eyes on Chao Chao, his expression softening at her adorableness.

“Quick, let me hold her!” Li Siqi said, reaching out eagerly.

“What are you doing? You have your own sister to hold, why mine?” Lu Yuan Xiao protectively hid Chao Chao behind him.

“Are you kidding? My father’s looks are so bad, his illegitimate daughters need dowries just to get married,” Li Siqi said indignantly.

“Just let me hold her for a while. We’re good brothers, your sister is like my sister!”

Lu Yuan Xiao dodged nervously, while the fourth prince pulled Li Siqi back.

“Cousin, you can’t bother Chao Chao,” the fourth prince said. He had been plagued by evil spirits, but Chao Chao’s presence had allowed him to live a normal life.

Li Siqi reluctantly looked at Chao Chao, “Princess Sunshine, are you also going to worship Goddess Sunshine?”

“People say Goddess Sunshine and Princess Sunshine look alike, it’s quite a coincidence.”

[Of course, Goddess Sunshine is me…] Chao Chao thought, amused.


Lu Yuan Xiao’s knees suddenly gave out, and he knelt on the ground, staring in shock.

Did he just hear what he thought he heard?!!

He often eavesdropped on his sister’s thoughts, knowing she had been incredibly powerful in her past life, even having several disciples in the divine realm. But, he didn’t know she was…

The Goddess Sunshine!!!!

Chao Chao’s awesomeness had just reached a new level!

“Big brother, are you okay?” Chao Chao asked, hearing the sound of his knees hitting the stone, her little face contorting as if in pain.

“I’m fine, I’m fine…” Lu Yuan Xiao stammered. [What can I do? Today is another day of being shocked by my sister! She’s Goddess Sunshine! A goddess!!!] he screamed internally.

He knew she was formidable in her past life, but this was beyond imagination!!

The group continued forward, everyone holding a fresh flower to offer to the goddess.

“I’ve never seen the statue of the goddess before,” Chao Chao mumbled.

“Of course not… The statue is always guarded by soldiers, and the area is surrounded by tall trees. The statue is eighteen meters tall and covered. Only during the annual festival is it unveiled!”

“They say the goddess’s merit was so immense that paper couldn’t hold her image or story, and even the statue was built with the citizens kneeling and bleeding from their heads.”

This novel is translated and hosted on BCatranslation

“There’s even a rumor that all the gods in heaven were her disciples. Haha, that must be an exaggeration… If it were true, no one would dare provoke her,” Li Siqi laughed.

Chao Chao glanced at him nonchalantly.

“Little one, not satisfied?”

“The goddess is just a legend. Her statue is dilapidated, on the verge of collapse. You’ll see for yourself…” Li Siqi shook his head.

The fourth prince, who had spent years in a temple and read many scriptures, paused. “Cousin, do not disrespect the goddess,” he said, his hands clasped in reverence. “The goddess is real. Her deeds are real. She deserves everyone’s worship. Her statue is gray and dusty because she sacrificed her spirit to save the people. The statue can’t contain her spirit. One day, if she returns, the statue will open its eyes and look upon the world.”

The fourth prince reverently clasped his hands together towards the distance.

“I think being a novice monk made you silly…” Li Siqi muttered. “If the statue opens its eyes, I’ll eat dung standing on my head!”

The idea of the statue opening its eyes seemed too far-fetched!


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