After changing to the ruthless way, the brothers cried and begged for forgiveness chapter 47

Chapter 47: The Tables Have Turned

This novel is translated and hosted on BCatranslation

Yu Zhao meticulously counted the ores inside the wooden box, carefully examining each one under the dim light. There were thirteen in total, each radiating a unique glow that hinted at their potent energies.

Turning to her fellow disciples, who watched with anticipation, she got straight to the point. “Senior brothers and sisters, I need to craft a life-bound magical weapon, but I’m missing Starstone and Geng Metal. Can I trade something for these two ores?”

Although the ores had been discovered by Mu Ye, they were considered communal property within the team. Normally, Yu Zhao would use spirit stones to purchase such items, but her reserves had been nearly depleted due to recent intense cultivation sessions. With no other choice, she offered items from her own storage bag.

The disciples exchanged surprised glances. It was unusual for Yu Zhao to still be gathering materials for her magical weapon. Wasn’t Master Qing Yan known for ensuring his disciples were well-prepared?

A moment of silence followed, then a senior sister named Ma stepped forward. Her voice was gentle yet carried authority. “Everyone, I have a suggestion. Yu Zhao has been crucial on this trip to Dragon Roar Valley, especially with her theory about the secret realm. She deserves the lion’s share of the credit. I propose we give her the Starstone and Geng Metal, and divide the rest among ourselves.”

Sister Ma’s proposal highlighted Yu Zhao’s significant contributions, including saving Zhou Jin Yue, which had earned her substantial goodwill. Her suggestion resonated immediately with the group.

“I agree!” Zhang Jun was the first to raise his hand.

“Me too!”

“She deserves it!”

The chorus of agreement filled the room. Zhou Jin Yue, standing slightly apart, watched the scene with a gentle smile. This display of camaraderie was exactly why she always risked her life for her peers—they truly felt like family.

As consensus built, Mu Ye watched with a mix of envy and admiration. She admired the camaraderie among the Five Elements Sect disciples and regretted not choosing this sect herself.

Suddenly, the atmosphere shifted as Ye Cong Xin started to sob, tears streaming down her cheeks. “S-Sixth Senior Sister, I’m sorry, but I really need the Starstone too,” she whimpered. Her usual tactic of appearing tearful and pitiful, which often won her favors, seemed poised to sway the crowd again.

However, this time, the response was different. The usually indulgent second senior brother, Lan Zi Yu, and others remained silent, their expressions unreadable. Even Fang Cheng Lang’s eyes darkened, and the air grew tense. Ye Cong Xin felt the change and grew uneasy.

Sensing the need for clarity, Zhou Jin Yue finally spoke. “Junior Sister Cong Xin, there’s a protocol to follow. Yu Zhao asked for the Starstone first. Considering her contributions during this expedition, it’s only fair she gets the stone.”

The others, initially hesitant to speak against Ye Cong Xin, now found their voices, echoing Zhou Jin Yue’s sentiments.

“That’s right, Junior Sister Cong Xin, Yu Zhao really put in the effort. The Starstone should be hers.”

“Don’t worry, Junior Sister Cong Xin. I’ll keep an eye out for another Starstone for you when we return.”

“Remember, Yu Zhao is your senior. It’s not right to dispute her claim over the Starstone.”

As Yu Zhao listened to her fellow disciples defend her, she felt a mix of relief and vindication. There was a time when, despite her seniority and being in the right, she had to concede and make allowances. Now, Ye Cong Xin was in the position she once found herself in.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to argue with Sixth Senior Sister. I was just too eager, and it’s my fault! I’m sorry, really! Just give the Starstone to Sixth Senior Sister!” Ye Cong Xin blurted out, her apology tinged with genuine remorse. Realizing the shift in her peers’ perceptions, she quickly retracted her claim, recognizing that while the Starstone was beneficial, it wasn’t worth the strife.

Her supposed sincere apology softened everyone’s mood, and they reassured her, understanding her momentary lapse. The brief drama resolved itself as smoothly as it had begun.

Yu Zhao felt a twinge of disappointment as she thought about their adventure. They had explored a hidden realm, uncovered rare ores, and even rescued a baby Crimson Flame Lion. Now, as their journey in Dragon Roar Valley drew to a close, Yu Zhao felt a chapter ending.

Upon leaving the valley, Mu Ye bid farewell to the group. She didn’t take any treasures with her but handed Yu Zhao and Zhou Jin Yue tokens from the Green Wood Sect, inviting them to visit sometime.


As the gates of the Five Elements Sect came into view, a collective sigh of relief washed over Yu Zhao and her companions. After days of travel, the familiar sight sparked a rush of emotion—they were finally home.

“Senior Sister is back!”

This shout rippled through the sect, sparking a flurry of excitement. Disciples hurried in small clusters toward the entrance, eager to welcome the returning heroes.

The sect leader, informed of their arrival, chuckled warmly, his beard twitching with each laugh. “It’s good to have them back. It’s good to have them back,” he repeated, his voice filled with genuine joy.

Su Ming, who had been tinkering with a new magical artifact atop Lone Moon Peak, caught wind of the news. In his haste, he stashed the artifact back into his cave and hurried down the mountain to join the welcoming party.

As Yu Zhao and her group neared the entrance, they were met by a throng of disciples, their faces alight with anticipation and cheer.

Zhang Jun, feeling the weight of many eyes on them, nervously swallowed. “Why are there so many people?” he whispered.

“We’re just riding on the coattails of Senior Sister Jin Yue and Senior Brother Fang. There’s nothing to see in us,” he muttered to himself, a twinge of sadness in his voice despite the truth of his words.

This novel is translated and hosted on BCatranslation

Disciples swarmed around them, their voices bubbling with excitement.

“Senior Sister, we missed you so much!”

“Senior Sister, the food hasn’t tasted the same without you.”

“Senior Sister Jin Yue, I’ve missed your guidance in sword practice. Please teach me again.”

The warmth and joy of the sect’s disciples were palpable, surrounding Zhou Jin Yue with a crowd of adoring fans. Fang Cheng Lang and Ye Cong Xin received similar adulation, basking in the attention lavished upon them.

In contrast, Yu Zhao found herself on the fringes, receiving occasional disdainful glances. Unperturbed by the lack of attention, she was about to slip away when Zhou Jin Yue, her face etched with concern, scanned the crowd for her. Catching sight of Yu Zhao, Zhou Jin Yue’s expression brightened. Yu Zhao offered a faint smile and waved, assuring her friend of her well-being.

As the crowd eventually dispersed, Yu Zhao waited for the throng to thin before she strolled toward the library. The quiet solitude of the books called to her—a stark contrast to the bustling welcome outside but a sanctuary where she felt a different, more profound sense of belonging.


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