The Ninth Secret Bureau chapter 8 p2

Chapter 8 “Gold Backbone Part 2”

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There must be a reason for the different treatment. After all, money doesn’t come out of thin air. As to what it was, he’s yet to figure that out.

“Idle, is there a reason for their kneeling in that posture?” The more he watched this, the more freaked out the fatty became like he was staring at some evil ceremony.

Amid the breathing of the corpses, Idle examined the central with scrutinizing eyes.

There’s a four-meter-high structure as believed. With only one floor, there’s no window and only a metal sliding door at the front. This, was the target of worship for these corpses.

What’s in there?

Musing over his options, Idle finally makes up his mind: “You wait here for me, I’ll go inside that building and have a look.”

“You want to go alone?” Fatty Hi sounds worried.

Sighing, “I’m not sure if these corpses are aggressive or not, it’s too risky to bring you along.”

“Be careful then.”

Idle nods at the kind reminder. Holding his breath, the young man slowly strode forward in nimble steps.

Whether the other party was a ghost or a walking dead, the best way to avoid provoking their ire was to hold your breath. The living produces positive particles, and that angers such beings comprised of negative particles. Like ice and fire, the two compounds simply don’t mix.

But honestly speaking, Idle doesn’t want to get into a brawl with so many undead around. He has two fists and two legs, there’s no way he could overcome that man creatures at once. Furthermore, this many could create a zombie wave. Imagine a horde of this attacking the nearby city. That idea alone was enough to make the guy think twice about starting a ruckus.

“Phew… Phew…”

Under the oppressive sound of the breathing sound growing ever loud as he got closer to the center, Idle gradually discovered some strange details.

The golden vertebrae of these corpses are not undulating like real bones, but are large and smooth as mirrors, with many spell incantations inscribed on the surface.

The style and structure of the spells were very similar to the Taoist kind, but the content was too sloppy so Idle couldn’t tell what these spells were for. After all, he’s not a Taoist priest, there’s no way he would have the knowledge of these runes.

Just as he was deliberating on whether to get closer to have a better look, his thought pattern was suddenly interrupted by a terrible howl from within that isolated structure.

“She’s going to kill me!! Help me!! Someone quickly save me!!!”

This voice was not only audible to Idle, but also to Fatty Ho as well who became stunned with shock. In his mind, he seriously wondered how there could still be a living person around?

Likewise, Idle felt as surprised as his companion. He could distinguish the voice belonged to the dead, specifically, that’s the dean’s voice!

This terrible howl lasted only a few seconds before going quiet. Then the room went painfully silent….

Not going to wait any longer, the young man stepped out of the crowd and stood before the building with great vigilance.

From the outside, this structure was no different from an ordinary building in appearance. Yet, the danger alarms were ringing off the charts in his head.

Should I go inside and look?

Glancing back at the fatty, he felt uneasy leaving the older man out here alone.

Its then when they least expected, a strange mechanical sound came from the building. There were many gears turning, followed by the entrance opening up like a automated door.

At incredible speed after this occurred, a slender white arm gently threw out the “remnants” of the dean’s spiritual body like it’s a piece of garbage.

“Is she…. that patient thirteen??”


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