The Ninth Secret Bureau chapter 2 p1

Chapter 2 “Fire part 1”

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When Idol followed Fatty Ho and rushed over to Fog Mountain, the firefighters had already begun dousing the flames. There’s also a perimeter set up around the hospital to block off the reporters trying to get a story.

“Why hasn’t the fire been squashed yet?!” Fatty Ho parked the car in a more prominent position to the side of the road, “Where’s the firefighters? Are they inside right now?”

Running out from the crowd was a large bald man dressed in a tailored black suit. He had a gold ring on his right hand finger so it made the guy look more like an upstart thug and less like a special agent.

“Sir, the firefighters arrived ten minutes ago so they’re still in the process of putting out the flames. I believe it won’t be long until they have it under control.”

The baldy was none other than Zhang Hai, the head of the investigation team sent over ahead of time by the fatty. He’s also the one on the phone earlier.

After discovering that the mental hospital was on fire, he first informed the local fire department for emergency deployment. Initially it was assumed the incident would be easily controlled, but in reality, it was a lot harder to manage after it was finally tackled. Worst of all, they were in the dead center of the Fog Mountain. It’s on the outskirt of the city where large vats of areas are virgin forests. If the fire loses control and begins to spread, it would bring disaster to the whole neighboring region.

“How long will it take?” Fatty Ho asked.

“It’s hard to say, mainly because of the unpredictability of the wind tonight and the complex structure of this hospital. It’s like a chimney. When it first went up, the flames and smoke spiraled right into the sky for miles to see.” Zhang Hai hurriedly explained while his voice sounded shaken and anxious.

“And how did the fire light up?” The fatty exhales a long sigh knowing this couldn’t be avoided.

Not answering right away, Zhang Hai with his thuggish expression first glanced at the young man who came with his superior. After making sure the fatty had no intention of dismissing this extra person, he understood the young man must be in the know.

“It sounded like something exploded from within. Because we weren’t inside and only stationed around the hospital, our forces couldn’t get a decent picture so the specifics are unknown….”

“Explosion?” The fatty frowned as his face became ugly.

Can it be, those cowards figured out they’ve been exposed and cornered, that’s why they blew up everything to wipe the evidence?

“Uncle Ho, what do you think their purpose is?” Idle asks from out of the blue.

Upon hearing the question, the fatty frowns some more and replied: “I’m not sure yet.”

Faintly nodding in response, Idle glanced over to the sea of fire and seemingly thought of something before trancing out.

Ningchuan City belonged to a relatively well-preserved region with good environmental protection. Therefore it’s unlikely to produce smog in the air during the rainy spring season. Nevertheless, he won’t dismiss the possibility of things turning for the worst tonight.


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